
The brightness of the flash light shining in her face, blocked her vision. Michelle blinked and turned her head away from the blinding light. Her voice croaked from her dry throat.
“What’s going on? Where am I?”
No answer came from the figure holding the light. Nothing.
“Who are you?
Again, she received no answer. A small tangent of fear placed its seed within her. Soon the room began to fill with more bodies. Michelle found herself tied to a chair. Then she recognized the voices.
“Just look at her. She is not so high and mighty now.”
“Desiree? What is going on why am I tied up?”
“You will know soon enough bitch.”
Michelle winced at the words s if she had been slapped. The venom behind the words assaulted her.
“Jameson told me what you did. No one makes a play for my boyfriend.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Now you got amnesia. Maybe this will jar your memory.”
Michelle felt the cold dousing of the liquid that was thrown upon her.
“Hey wait”, Abby said. “what are you doing?’
“I’m just cooling off Ms. hot pants here. Wait did you want to do it?”
“No, you said we were here to watch and right now you are boring us.”
“Yeah” the other girls chimed in.
Desiree turned back to Michelle and swung with her fist. The impact of flesh to flesh sounded within the room. Receiving a bored humph. Desiree swung again. Michelle pulled at the ropes binding her wrists and feet. Fear and anger shown in her eye as pain assaulted her.
“Is that all you got? Then we are leaving.”
“No there’s this.” Desiree pulled a knife out of her pocket and flashed it in the light.
“I told you, you were going to pay for trying to steal my boyfriend.”
Michelle moaned.
“Jameson is a liar. I never approached him. He is lying because I caught him with Dana.”
“She’s lying Desiree, I told you I saw her trying to kiss Jameson.”
“that’s not true.
Michelle felt the sting of the knife as it slashed across her cheek.
“Now that’s better, you got our attention.
Maxwell’s jump shot went astray as it left his arms. He fell to the gym floor holding his face. Quickly he snatched his hand away from his face to look at it. his cheek stung as he held it up in front of his eyes.
“Hey, Max you alright?”
Maxwell screamed as pain pierced through his body. He curled into a ball screaming until his screams died down. The last words coming from his mouth and his last breath was Michelle.
Ten years later…
“Are, you going to go or not?”
“I already told you I wasn’t going. Why do you keep pressing the issue?”
“I thought you would want your husband to meet your old friends.”
“I told you we didn’t keep in touch.”
“Okay so invite them over for dinner.”
“I would have to look them all up.”
“So, use the internet.”
“You look stunning.”
“Stop it, you will mess up my hair.”
“Hey, isn’t that what’s a husband supposed to do.”
The sound of the doorbell stopped her answer. Rubbing nervous hands down her dress. Desiree headed for the door. Glancing over her shoulder for assurance she pasted a smile on her face. Pulling the door open. She stared at the slightly older faces before her.
“Come in.”
They walked in as they had that night and had kept her confidences. Abby spoke first.
“So nice of you to invite us over. It had been what…”
“Yeah” mimicked Danielle Paula Patrice and Dana.
“Well I wasn’t going to the reunion and I wanted to see you all.”
“I was wondering what happened to you? You know since you seem to cut us off after. Well after we all left college.”
The six women took their seats and faced each other.
“So, your last name has changed, married?”
‘Oh yes, let me introduce you to my husband.”
As if on cue a well-built man rounded the corner with a tray full of glasses.
Each woman looked up and cooed at the man standing beside Desiree. Taking the offered glasses on by one they all took a sip. There was a loud pop and every light within the house went out.
“What the hell? What is going on?”
“What? Where are we?”
The light came back on and the women found themselves tied and bound to chairs.
Alexander stood within the circle of women watching them.
“Alex what is going on? What are you doing?”
His brown eyes glowed eerily as he smiled.
“Oh, you shall see.”
“Gasps escaped all of their lips as his body seemed to become cloudy. A black mist swirled around him and then separated on either side of him.
“Is that the best you can do?” sounded into the room as the mist took shape and form. Before them stood Michelle. Her ghostly figure displayed the trauma done to her family.
“No.” each woman mouthed. Desiree found her voice.
“No, you are dead.”
Alexander pulled two knives from behind his back. He had waited to exact his revenge on the women that almost killed him as they had succeeded in killing his sister and brother.
“Don’t worry love, I already took care of Jameson and we got all night. We got all night for you to become dead too.