Hear It From Me
Good Morning guys, I'm about half way threw my first cup of tea, as I give you a little insight of me. From a very young age I have always had a love of reading, writing of novels, short stories and poems. My love for English literature whether it was fiction, non fiction. Not my major in college, opened me to a world of imaginative story telling.
whether I create fables to realistic fiction. Writing is one of my loves. Although I wrote my first non published novel at 32. I continuously write on a daily basis. From the moment I first got my hands on a Harold Robbins and any Stephen King novel. I was bitten by the writer's bug.
Telling a story allows me an opportunity to bring my skills into the classrooms of Head Start, Early Intervention and our Public school system. The aspect of using literature to help empowers others such as workshops, too speaking in public. Helps me advocate for services with in the community in which I live.
I am a native of New York from Brooklyn's Bedford Stuyvesant Area. I am actively involved in giving back to the community. By sharing my talent with all of you. don't get m wrong, writing isn't my only talent. My creative spark also involves event planning and decorating, education advocacy. But that is just another facet to being me . I am happy to share what I have created calling it a kaleidoscope of my stories and poems with you. A collection of my written work, includes Romance, urban stories, futuristic, thrillers, children stories and poems.
I'm going to give you 10 things you didn't know about me. I would love to read any comments you post with some of the interesting things about yourself.
My 10
1. I have an infinite love for pretzels. I love the crunch of them. This old love stems back to catholic school as my teacher would hand them out at the end of the week.
2.The smell of the baby department makes me smile. The fresh powder scent reminds me of when my children were newborns and cute.
3.I'm only 5"3, but I appear taller as I was taught to stand up straight by my gym teacher.
4. I enjoy doing decorations and parties. Its fun to watch people enjoy themselves, they make the best characters for stories.
5.My favorite place to write is in front of the mirror. When I get stuck I glance up for inspiration. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
6.Writing is my first love, Being a teacher is the second.
7. I'm often behind the camera taking those horrible blurry pictures I won't post. There are times when my finger looks good though.
8. My favorite authors are Stephan King, Christine Feehan, Janet Daily, Gena Showalter. I could go on and on so I will stop here.
9. I have the joy of laughter almost everyday. My son tells the corniest jokes, but I still laugh as a mother should. Corniest yet was: Why was the vampire afraid to go to the barbeque? (answer) Because there were steaks there.
10. I also love Tootsie rolls. Every time I get one I sing the Tootsie roll song.