The Pet

The slamming of the shutter of the window shutter drew her from her unconscious state. Brown lids that covered brown eyes slowly opened. She found that she could not make anything out in the darkened room. Alexandria knew it was useless to look about. She could not see her hand before her face. The last thing she remembered was opening her apartment door.
The chill of the night made her shiver. She found that she could not move her hands to cover herself she was being restrained by chains. The coldness of the metal added to her discomfort. Fear rose up in her as her usual strong voice escaped her. Several times she tried to call out and found that no sound followed. Alexandria’s eyes widened in the darkness at the unknown. The darkness of the room fades as the lights within the room flickered to life.
Her imaginings had her thinking that she was somehow being detained in an old house. She was surprised to see an elaborate decorated room. Alexandria found herself chained to a bed. Slowly the door to the room opened. He was shirtless when he entered and her eyes traced the muscled contours of his back. Long black hair fell beyond his shoulders as he walked passed her as if she wasn’t there. Again, she tried to call out…nothing. He walked passed her as if she wasn’t in the room with him. She waited in terrified silence as something was nagging at the back of her brain. A thought that scratched the surface of her awareness.
Sebastien leisurely dressed and exited the bedroom. He compelled her to fall asleep. Picking her up he carried her from the room. The minion at the door spoke as it bowed its head.
“Everything is as you have said master. May I take her?”
“No, Reece I will carry her. Just bring the chains.”
The figure nodded and entered the room its master just left. Reece moved in silence as he pulled the chains from the bed. The clinking echoed within the room. The scent of the woman lingered in the room that his master carried. His eyes glowed yellow as she closed the door behind himself.
Sebastien walked through his mansion with the woman in his arms. Her scent called to his need to feed. He would wait until they were better acquainted. She had been a gift from the piece of shit father of hers. Sebastien recalled their conversation. She was a replacement for the man’s life. still he should have kill him.
“Your existence means nothing to me Charles you were warned.”
“Hear me Sebastien, please.”
“Why should I humor anything that you have to say? You lie every time you open your mouth.”
“I…I ran into some trouble. The woman that you wanted was unattainable. Lady Kendrick died in a plane crash.”
Sebastien knew of the events that transpired, he also knew that Charles had been behind it. especially with the botched attempt to end his life. whispers through the underground had reached his ears about the supposed assassination attempt. Charles had placed a bomb on the jet. Sebastien patience was wearing thin with the human male before him.
“You’re lying I don’t like liars.”
He watched as the man before him began to sweat. He could smell the fear seeping through his pores.
“I …I have another woman. It’s my daughter.”
“You have a daughter?”
“Yes…yes I do.”
“Well um… you can have her. Drink from her and let me continue to serve you.”
Sebastien stared intently at the man before him. His century old red eyes watched the blood as it flowed through the man before him body.
“I am owed a woman and you are now telling me you have a daughter and are willing to give her to me.”
“Yes, yes her name is Alexandria…Alexandria.”
Sebastien knew everything about the man before him. He wasn’t surprised that Charles gave the young woman up. It was clear to see that life meant nothing to him.
“She… she can replace what was lost,”
“Bring her to me.”
A simple nod was his answer. Before Charles could move Sebastian moved with lightning speed. He stood behind Charles and bared his fangs before he bit into him. The man before him froze as if he had been a statue. He knew in Charles’s heart he had wanted to be turned. It was something the Sebastien would never grant to him.
“Your blood does not lie like you tongue.”
Death would have been too easy for the man as Sebastien shoved the man away from him and onto the floor. He tasted the offspring essence in its useless father. He saw through the evil layers that made the man what he was.
Sebastien watched as the man scrambled away from him.
Stopping before the large doors the servant there bowed and pushed the two doors open. Stepping into the room he waited for Reece to anchor the chains to the bedframe. Once it was done the doors closed behind Reece.
Sebastien deposited Alexandria onto the bed. Her brown hair haloed her head as it had come undone. Her head fell to the side. Walking to the foot of the bed Sebastien fingered the gown that he had placed there before he walked back over to the woman and began to undress her. Her soft brown flesh called to him. Still she would not be taken as she had another purpose. She was his to be display at his will. Rising he went to headpost and lifted the cold chain in his hands before he clamped them onto her wrist.
Hours later Sebastien had her brought to him. The large dining room was decorated in splashed of white and black. A classic look of elegance to cover the evil inside. Alexandria slowly clawed her way through the fog that clawed her mind. She tried to recall what had happened to her and where she was. Drawing a blank her eyes slowly traveled the room full of people taking in the various faces there. Embarrassed and shocked as she looked down at her attire. Among the faces she saw her father and tried to call out to him. Again, her voice was gone
Her attention was drawn away from her father as the opening door caught her attention. It was the figure walking through the door that scared her more. It was the shirtless man from before. His black silk shirt was open at the neck barely hiding his muscled physique. It was his eyes that made her gasp. Where normal colored eyes should be being yellow irises. His gaze fell upon her and he smiled cruelty at her. His handsome features never betrayed the cruelty beneath the surface or what he was as he walked in her direction.
Alexandria had not been aware that she had been shackled until she raised her hand. Again, she found herself in chains. She had to steady the racing of her heart. So many questions raced through her mind as she wanted answers. Sebastien’s eyes beheld his prize. Her father had been right she was what he wanted. She was now awake and would be introduced before her father.
Those in attendance would be curious to who she was as her scent was obvious within the room. He reached her side as the room became quiet.
“Welcome brethren. This night is ours. You will feed and feast upon what I have brought here.”
“Does that include her?”
Sebastian knew the voice and narrowed his eyes through the sea of faces to Dominic’s. politely he smiled and spoke.
“This treasure belongs to me alone. Feel free to indulge in what I offer you. She is off limits.”
“Then why have you brought her here to tease us.”
Those gathered there knew the consequence for impudent actions against their lord. Swiftly his judgement had been administered. Dominic’s body stood without a head. In a matter of second he dissolved into brittle bones and ashes. Sebastien waved his hand and the window opened to carry the ashes onto the night’s breezes. The scream that wanted to tear itself from Alexandria’s throat stalled on its way out. panic eyes darted to her fathers before his eyes darted away. She watched in slow motion as the man before her turned to her. He pulled a studded jeweled collar from his waist band. Shrinking away from his touch was beyond her ability. as her body on its own accord leaned forward to allow him to place it around her neck.
Sebastien turned back to those as another door opened to the left. A dozen or more people entered the room. They all moved disjointedly. There attire was all white.
“Sit.” He hissed
Alexandria felt her legs give beneath her as she immediately sat down. To her horror those before her features changed. The beauty of their features distorted. Razor sharp teeth extended from their mouths. She was in the presence of vampires.
“You are only allowed to partake from those in white. Except him. He is not to be touched.”
Feral growls sounded within the room as their barely contained intent had been at it limit. Alexandria gasped as she too was dressed in white. The vampire at her side slit his palm with his nail and wiped it across the front of her dress. She no longer wore the color of purity.
“Enjoy” was his only words as he took hold of the chain around her neck.