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Twin Wells

Vell now stood in the hall of Zeredius kingdom. He knew his actions would spark controversy among his family but he couldn't help it. As much as he hated to show weakness in front of his father he had. He wanted the woman. As much as he wanted the sensations from being around her to stop he wanted her by his side. Closing his eyes, he shook his head at his father's anger. Harn roared and then laughed at his son's announcement. The moment Zeredius and his daughter disappear all hell broke loose. His father ordered his men to seize the young prince as his brother charged at him. "She is mine!" "She is not your wife!" "Silence! You speak treason wanting to consort with the enemy." He was to be tried for treason but was let go by the council. "My lord prince Vell has committed no offense. Even Titus was married to the house of Zeredius. Vell had done nothing wrong he just stated that he wanted to marry the girl. It was the wizened general that stood on his behalf thus securing his release. Now he was in the palace of the king his father wished to displace. Vell had expected an icy greeting but instead was greeted with fanfare. Trumpets sounded at his every step Annoyingly as he wanted to enter the kingdom silently.

Zeredius stood a few feet away with his arms crossed " So your father dictates the actions of war by experimenting on my daughter." "You stated that she was not your child." " A blatant lie my boy. Of course, she is my child. She looks just like her sister." " So Adra isn't your only daughter." " No Adra isn't the only one." " How many daughters do you have Zeredius?" " Truthy only two. The others did not survive their birthing." " So why am I here?" "You expressed marriage to her. And I wanted to see your intentions. Ill or not." " My announcement was honorable I want to marry her." "Why?" " One it will get my father to stop testing on her." " We both know that that is a lie. Your father is looking for something." "Yes but it is something that she doesn't possess " Vell watched as Zeredius nodded his head before he spoke. " Why do you want to marry her. It can't be love. So, what is it.?" Vell answered honestly." I stared into her eyes and felt the vibration from her voice." Another nod followed the first one. So that was what they were after. It was a human trait and it had nothing to do with the girl. She was a species created from his cells to live peacefully within the realm of the universe. " I will have to think on whether I will let you marry my child or not. "

Vell opened his mouth to respond but slowly closed it. He was far from home and he must wait for Zeredius decision. Nodding his head, he followed those whom had orders to show him to an awaiting chamber. My head was pounding but I opened my eyes anyway. First, I tried the left one and then the right one. I knew I had been abducted but somehow, I had been thrown through another dimensional hole. This time I found myself sitting upright in a plush chair made of fur. It's welcoming pine scent made me want to snuggle into it but I popped up out of my seat. There was no large eyes beings anywhere. "Girl what the hell is wrong with you?" Wait I knew that voice my head snapped to the right and I saw Tamara looking at me with a weird expression on her face. "What?" " Are you ok. I just asked if you wanted to go get some lunch." I blinked several times as I let her words sink in. I glanced quickly around to see that I was back home. "Umm sure, wait where are we going to eat at?" "Girl are you sure you’re really alright? We are going where we always eat. Giovani’s Deli. It’s on the corner.”

“Right, sorry about that I was preoccupied.”

“Don’t tell me it’s over that new guys that works a floor sown from us. He is gorgeous as hell to gorgeous if you ask me.”

My brow drew together as I had an inkling of who she was talking about. Could it be that he had followed me back home? Could he have been the one to abduct me? I wanted answers I just didn’t want Tamara to get caught up in any of this. We headed out the door to Giovani’s deli. The short walk cleared my head and still I wondered who in the hell I could go to for help. If I said I had been abducted by alien I would end up in the crazy house. Well that was something I didn’t want to happen. we grabbed our food and sat down at our table. Three bites into my pasta salad had me coughing. What the hell was going on I thought.

“Girl eats slower.”

I nodded y head because Tamara was right. But I was strangely hungry and eating slow wasn’t filling me up. The fork fell from my hand when his voice came from behind my shoulder.

“So, there you are. I have been looking all over the galaxy for you.”

Tamara leaned forwards and whispered. “girl he is a weirdo.”

I remembered his name as Vell and I turned slowly around to look up into his eyes. I had been expecting a group of large eyed alien backing him. But that wasn’t who he had brought with him. Standing directly behind him looking all innocent to all that was going on was the man that said Hi daughter. my chair scraped the floor as I pushed back in it to stand up.

“What the hell are you doing here?”

“Destiny who are these people.”

Before I could answer the Deli went black and before I knew it I was alone with Vell in and elaborately decorated room. Tamara was nowhere to be found. Our attire had change to all blue and Vell was watching me. slowly he lifted my hand and place a purplish band upon my wrist before sliding a ring onto my finger. His words chilled me to the bone.

“Welcome to my home wife…”

Oh my god I thought… we got married. I watched as he raised his wrist and waited. Before me an attendant with large eyes held up a green pillow with a matching blue bracelet. Obediently I followed his actions and snapped the bracelet onto his wrist before I slid the ring onto his figure.

King Zeredius voice ran out.

May the joining of our houses bring peace and prosperity. Vell pulled me into his arm, his lips were mere inches from mine and he whispered. Hang in there my love I will have you back home in no time. Our lips touched and just like that I was transported right back to the deli. Tamara was still talking as if there never had been any interruptions.

“Like I said girl he is weird.”

“Could I possibly steal her away to ask her something?”

“No… anything you want to ask Destiny you can say it in front of me.”

“Well... I was wondering if she would like to get something to eat. I mean not right now as you two are eating, I mean later.”

Tamara answered for me.

“Hell, no she doesn’t do stranger danger.”

Tamara sat back and crossed her arms as she looked at me for consignment on her decision.

“She can answer for herself.”

‘My mind said no don’t answer and stick to what Tamara said. But when I looked up into his eyes my mouth said of course. I slapped my hands over my mouth and knew that it wasn’t me that answered his question. My eyes rose to king Zeredius and watched as he mouthed the words I just spoke.



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