The Door

Wildly her eyes roamed around the room as he body struggled against the invisible restraint that pinned her to the table. The bright green light scanned her from head to toe. Garbled words stumbled from her lips as she knew they were
beyond the lights. She could hear the clicks of the tongue, it was their spoken language. She was terrified and angry at the same time. She was terrified at what had captured her. She was angry that she had been caught. They had seen plenty of species within the galaxy. But she was their rare find. Ebony winced in pain as a machine with several needled attached to it slowly inserted itself into her skin. She felt the increase of her heart beat, soon she felt light headed.
They were experimenting on her again. Her brown eyes slowly closed. She would never know exactly what they would do to her. They all watched as the captured creature before them go limp against the transparent bonds. The clicks that weren’t understandable spoke clearly within the room.
“Are you sure it is secured?”
“Yes sir, we also sedated it. that thing will be out for hours.”
“How are the extractions going?”
“As well as expected. This is the third time we have done ablood transfusion.”
“Are the platelets holding?”
“See for yourself.”
“Good, lets continue.”
Ebony’s body as on fire and just as the needled slowly removed from her body did she let out a glass shattering scream. Turning her head, her second pair of eyelids protected her eyes as the needles of glass shard exploded outward. The creatures behind the lass covered their faces. She had heard of this race. Her people had stayed away from its planet. She had headed her father’s warning. Earthlings were dangerous explorers. They killed, captured, tested and destroyed all other species that they encountered. Her bluish skin tingled fiercely as she struggled against her restraints. Somehow, they snapped and she hopped up onto the table that held her.
Wildly her eyes looked about again. Blood was pouring out of the wounds that the needles inflicted. Her brows creased as she looked at the color of blood. The green essence of her life was gone, in its place was red. The red flowed making her weak. The burning underneath her skin increased and she screamed again before she fell off the table and onto the floor. The strength that was normally hers escaped her as she doubled over. Before she had time to rise, she crumbled under the electric current running between her shoulder blades. Her hand suspended in the air as it reached for the door.
“I thought you said it was under!”
“It was, I can show you the readings.”
“We don’t have time to play around with this one. Lock in the containment chamber and keep the electric current on as that seems to be the only thing that can stop it.”
She was half carried and half dragged from the room. Her captures were brutal in their handlings of her. Her legs dangles before her and she closed her eyes. Where was her blood and what were they trying to do to her? Through her protective eye shields she watched the blurred lights and figures in the hall as she passed. Her ears detected the opening of several doors as they travel further into the facility. The soft thud that was Ebony hitting the rooms floor echoed of the walls. Ebony could allow herself to fall unconscious. She knew within a few hours that they would return for her again.
The burning underneath her skin increased and she curled herself into a ball. She fought against the intrusive blood in her body. Blood that wasn’t her own. Slowly her lids retracted and she saw through the blue lens of her brown eyes. The room was as empty cell. A low electric current hummed in the air. Slowly she uncurled and her body jolted as the electric current slammed into her. Instantly she curled up again and breathe deeply. She rode out the painful deliverance of the electricity. While she waited for the pain to subside her mind went over the events leading up to her capture. How had she come to be here? She last remembered walking into the complex facility to enter her dorm.
Blackness welcomed her and when she re-opened her eyes, it was to needles being inserted into her body. They had taken her strength from he by stealing her blood. But why?
Slowly the hours floated from one to six before the door to the room opened. She heard their clicks of language and lay as still as possible. They were taking her to test on her again. This time Ebony didn’t struggle as they took her from the room. Self-preservation has kicked in. To solve her dilemma, she had to go with them, again she was half dragged half through the long hall to the testing area. Several bodies stood around, she did not let on that she recognized one of them.
“Get her to the table.”
Ebony knew once they got her there they were going to drain her blood again. Her strength had returned and still she kept quiet. The familiar voice caused them all to stop.
“Who dares lay insult to the house of Ort. Release her right now.”
It was all the prompt that she needed as she sprang into action. Without hesitation she grabbed the creature closet to her and twisted with all her might until the head was ripped from its body. She had to move with speed as they had control of the electricity within the room.
One body after the other fell as she sprinted within the room. The door before her slid open and she ran down the hall. Her escape from the facility of terrors had her running out into the night. No one noticed the blue streak that race within the trees. Ebony ran with renewed strength and skidded to a stop as she came upon a ship from her home world. She ran up the open ramp way and dived to the right as laser shots struck the paneling above her head.
‘Get her.”
“Where… where is she, I don’t see her. Where is she?”
Again, she heard the clicks and then she heard words that were familiar to her.
“Fools, must I do everything myself.”
“Zon” She whispered. Why was he here on the planet working with them? Was he the reason why she was here? Ebony didn’t have an opportunity to ponder on it as more laser blasts flew in her direction. She needed them come after her. Screaming she ran out of the ship.
“Stay here I will get her.”
Speed and strength versus speed and strength collided into one another.
Ebony brown eyes narrowed as her blue vision watched the other Noridin standing before her.
“Come along quietly Ebony and I will allow you to live after the extractions.”
“Why are you doing this Zon, why?”
Sinisterly he laughed at her question. He answered her as if he was speaking to a child.
“Because I can.”
Shaking her head, she backed away. Zon was her cousin and killing him would be a capital crime. Still she had to get away from him and the creatures of this planet. The earthing’s were experimenting on her and she didn’t know how long she would last. How could her cousin give her to them? Ebony could hear them closing in on her from behind. The silhouette of the night was the back drop for the two Noridins as they raced towards each other.
Ebony anticipated Zon’s moves and dodged to the left before she jumped him from behind. Raising her hand, she plunged her nails into his neck. She could kill him, but she would give the earthlings what they wanted. They could experiment on Zon. Ebony held onto his neck until he dropped to his knees. She released him and wiped the green blood on his cloak.
“it’s against the law to kill you but I will report to father what you have done.”
His laughter startled her as he spoke.
“Who do you think set this all up? Open your eyes Ebony. You aren’t Lord Karan’s daughter. you are the daughter of Draco our sworn enemy.”
“Am I.”
Ebony stared at Zon before she turned and ran into his ship. Without a glance she fired up the ship and streaked through earth’s atmosphere. Sighing in relief she closed her eyes before setting the ships coordinates of her home planet. A startled oh escaped her lips as she felt a piercing pain streak through her neck. Her slumped figure never registered that she was not alone.
“You idiot, I said to leave her with them. did I tell you to come and check on her?”
“No uncle.”
Through the fog covering her brain she saw the man she called father watching her. To her horror she realized that everything Zon said was true. It was her father that sent her here. As she recognized the face of the alien king that she was taught to hate. There was no remorse in Draco’s eyes as he beheld her. Regally he raised his chin at her father.
“Animal.” He hissed
“We are at war Draco and I am as much of an animal as you are. You killed my daughter and replaced her with your own. I know the stench of your blood. Now you will watch as she id drained dry before you die. The clear bonds that held her tightened painfully. Again, she watched as the man that raised her press the activation button. The needles rose and sank deep into her. The last thing she heard was Draco’s laughter before he gurgled his last breath.