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Her blood curling scream drowned out his own. Splatter of blood covered the walls as he tore into her. Ethan fought what he was and what he was seeing. His screamed turned into a roar as he stood above her. Long sharp nails dripped her red life essence to the floor as her dead eyes stared back at him. What had he done? What had he become? Backing away he ran from the abandoned house. He ran, but he could not out run what he had become. He felt his own breath on the back of his neck. Faster… he had to run faster. The pain in his chest increased and he covered the pain with his hand. On he ran at a stumbling pace. Ethan looked over his shoulder once before he felted the image of himself jump upon him. Blood dripped from his mouth as he tumbled to the ground. he was pinned by his shoulder. The blood dripped from its mouth as it opened it wide. Razor sharp teeth set within its jaws slowly moved towards his throat.

“No!.” he shouted and bolted up right in bed. Fighting against his blue sheets he struggled to get out of bed. Finally, free from the covers Ethan fell on all fours gasping.

He was all alone in the apartment. He as sure that his two roommates would have come in if they had heard his screaming, anyone would. Shakily he rose and stumbled to the door. His nightmare had him second guessing all himself. Ethan, made it to the bathroom, his sweat covered body ached as he reached for the shower. Stripping he stepped into the hot stream. He prayed the hot water would wash away what he had dreamt and felt. Ethan emerged thirty minutes later. The first ten minutes he had sat under the spray of water. letting the water massage and console him before he washed. He kept his eyes closed. He wasn’t sure if he was awake or if he was still dreaming. He felts as if he was moving in slow motion as he stepped from the shower.

He walked to the mirror and wiped away the steam cover glass.

“What the fuck!” he mouthed as he noticed the weird shape tattoo where his heart should be. Slowly his hand traced the mark on his skin. A memory flashed in his head of the woman of his dream laughing and then screaming. Stumbling back from the mirror he panted heavily as he sank to the floor. He had to keep it together, he needed to find out what the hell happened to him. A knock at the bathroom door motivated him to get off his ass.

“Hey Ethan, you done in there?”

“Yeah man I’m coming out.”

Relief flooded through him as he now knew it had been a dream and he hadn’t killed his roommates.

The bell above the establishment tingled when the door swept passed it. Ethan stepped into the shops interior and stared at the pictured covered walls. Various pieces of tattooed covered flesh garnished the faded blue painted walls. He had searched high and low for the creator of the tattoo he wore. He was puzzled by the fact that he had no memory of getting one done. He had awoken three days ago and found it on his chest. There was no soreness only the raised marking on his skin. He was still puzzled by the nightmare. Ethan knew he needed answers. He asked Paul one of his roommates but Paul was in his usual stoned state and was no help.

“Naw bro, I didn’t see nothing. When you did you get a tattoo?”

Clearing his throat, he drew the attention of the tattoo artist presently working on someone.

“Take a look around, find what you want. Take a seat. I will get to you in a minute.”

“Um no…I “

“Hey man I get it. I know you already know what you want. Give me ten more minutes. I’m just finishing up.”

Ethan prayed for patience. Every shop he visited basically said the same thing. Have a seat and wait. He was to restless to take a seat. Pacing he walked back and forth across the checkered tiled floor.

“Take a look and tell me what you think?”

“Cool man”

Ethan watched as the guy clamped the artist on the back before leaving. He spoke to the man’s back as he was cleaning up.

“I will be right with you.”

“Look, I don’t need aa tattoo. I just want to ask you if you did this? Familiarity shown on the artist face as he stared at Ethan’s chest but he conceals it quickly.

“Naw an I don’t do tribal.”


“Yeah tribal, I don’t do them and I’ve never seen you or that design before,”

Ethan next question was caught I his throat as pain exploded within his head. He crumpled in a heap onto the floor. The figure stepped from the shadows and lifted him up.

“Cyrus was right. He knew he would return.”

“well you can tell Cyrus, I said nothing to him. I didn’t give him anything.”

“I will and Billy keep it that way.”

Billy watched as Joe left as silently as he came. You never knew when he was near of in the shadows. Shaking his head Billy turn back to setting up his equipment for his next client. Billy stopped in the middle of what he was doing. He hadn’t heard the bell on the door either. Glancing upward he saw that it was still there. Shrugging his shoulders, he returned to what he was doing. He had clientele and they didn’t bother them.

Ethan slowly opened his brown eyes. Once the blurriness of his vision subsided he focused on the faces surrounding him. They all stared intently and they all moved to one side as a large man entered. His long grey hair fell to his shoulders. On his bare muscled chest was an identical tattoo to Ethan’s. He knelt in front of Ethan before he walked a few feet away.

“Who are you? Where am I?”

His deep voice rose above the chatter that was going on in the room.

“Cyrus, and you are where you should be.”

“What… what are you talking about?”

“Why? you are a part of all this. We are family. You are my grandson.”

Ethan shook his head no as he watched as Cyrus stood up.

“Bring her in!”

Ethan recognized the woman from his dreams being forcibly dragged forward.

Struggle all you want Daisy it will do you no good.”

“No please… please let me go.”

“Bind her to the floor.”

Ethan’s mins could not process al that was happening around him. He watched her struggle in their arms. Looking at the man before him he doubled over as searing pain tore into his chest.

“Let it happen, don’t fight it boy.”

Ethan struggled with consciousness as he felt as if he was on fire. She was binded to the floor and all the faces in the room created a circle around them. she was there for him to do with as he pleased.

“She is yours take her!”

“No, Ethan yelled as the fire within him burned more. The battle within himself took place. Etan felt the struggle and raised his head and roared. His nails elongated and he reached for her. Unable to control himself, he pounced on her tearing into her flesh. Ethan bathed himself in Daisy’s blood and screams. His tattoo glowed upon his chest. For years he ran from what he was. He had created a new personality to block out what he was. Ethan stood over her body and howled as memory slammed into him as he finally acknowledged what he was.

“Now tell me grandson how do you feel?”

The red glowing of his eyes depicted his inner strength.

“Fine.” He growled through blood stained teeth.

“Then welcome back to the pack Ethan. Tonight, we hunt!”

Ethan’s eyes fell upon her torn body. He knew what he had done. He finally knew what he was. The clouds outside covered the moon but still did not stop him from transforming into a werewolf.




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