Spooky Shorts.

Sweat poured down her face as she hid in the summer’s heat. Julie hoped the cover of the June’s moonless night as well as the tree his her effectively. A slight breeze brushed across her honey colored clammy skin. She had left her jacket back at the cave. Clamping her hand over her mouth. She desperately wanted to quiet her shaky breath. Wide grey eyes watched everything around her. She didn’t know how far she had run but she had run.
What she saw and encountered had scare the hell out of her. At first, she thought she was dreaming. You know the kind of dream that you have after eating late night. But the pain streaming down her arm told her she was wide awake. Julie started to rise from the spot in the grass and dirt when, she felt its presence. holding herself as still as she could, she prayed that it could not see her. Julie didn’t move or scream as it stepped closer.
The constant drip of blood hitting the leaves and grass beneath its feel assaulted her ears. Terror held her in its grasp and she released a shaky breath, it had found her, slowly she closed her eyes as it took another step closer. It was going to kill her just as it had killed Nicky. She remembered Nicky’s screams as it or what used to be Robert tare into her throat. Julie ran after following Nicky further into the cave. They had pranked Robert and left him there last night. A cruel prank as they had embarrassed him after Nicky had pretended that they were going swimming. She had barely escaped the swipe of its razor-sharp nails. The fabric of her pink blouse torn from the shoulder to her wrist.
It had the taste of her blood on its hands and it was now standing right behind her. Yellow slatted eyes adorned his half-transformed face. The once rich chocolate skin hung loosely on one side revealing black ash skin with red pulsing veins. Blood stained his mouth as it coppery scent washed over her. She knew he wanted her. It was payback for what they had done. Robert slowly reached out and placed his hand on her shoulder. Julie jumped at his touch and whimpered as he dragged her away into the night. Her eyes would last see the passing car headlights from the road. Her silent screams would not be heard this night. Her body would not be found as Robert or the evil thing he had become dragged her body deeper into the cave and absorbed her essence.