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Goddess Touch Part IV

She couldn't forget the searing kiss that he placed upon her lips. Her fingers traced the spot that tingled the most. It's was so familiar. Closing her eyes, she sighed as she turned to stare at the strange dawn of a new day. The unfamiliar scenery flashed in her memory and she gasped as she took as step back from the balcony she had been standing upon. The vivid greenery of the land fanned out before her ad Ayanna saw herself spinning around under a shower of falling leaves. She saw their laughing faces as he scooped her up in his arms. Was she really the daughter of a goddess? Something deep down inside her told her that she was. And if she was why in the world did she not have any memory of it? Was there something between her and Deimos? Ayanna sighed as she turned to stare at the image of herself in the elaborate mirror. The flow of her hair spewed beyond her shoulders, the glow of her skin seemed intensified. Silently she stared intently into the brown that eyes stared back at her. From the corner of her eye she caught a small flash off in the distance. Insignificant to most it had caught her attention. The flash of blue drew her away from the mirror, she stepped further onto the balcony. No warning alerted her before she knew what was happening she was grabbed from behind. Instinct took over, her body reacted before her mind could and she stepped into the arms of the stranger. Grasping hold of his arm she flipped him over her shoulder as she forced him backwards to the balcony ledge.

“Wait… cousin wait… it is I, Tiernus.”

The words had reached her brain and slowly she let go of her prey. Did he just say that he was her cousin? Cautiously she took a few steps away from the young man and noticed that it wasn’t a man at it. it was a young boy. He eyed her warily.

“Sorry who are you?”


Softly she mouthed the words and watched as he visibly shook. What was with her voice.


He was about to answer when the chamber door to the room opened and in walked the goddess of the sun.

“There you are you little cheat? Why have you not finished the chore I gave you?”

“That is for the meek Aunty, and I wanted to see Ayanna.”

“I care not what you want. You are to do as you are told.”

Ayanna watched as the goddess of the sun opened her hand and the small framed boy flew into it. the beauty of the goddess faces distorted as she spoke.

“I have had enough of your games Tiernus. Go back to where you were posted and keep a watchful eye.”

She released him and watched as he sank to the floor. Slowly he stood and walked out the room. He made a show of smoothing down his brown tunic as he walked by. Mumbling under his breathe.

“You act like I was going to tell her, her secret.”

Secret she thought as she watched the woman before her for a reaction.

“Mother… is it alright to call you mother?”

“That is what I am, of course you can all me mother.?

“Can I ask you a question?”

The goddess of the sun nodded and Ayanna proceeded with her question.

“Why was I sent to earth if I am a goddess?

The goddess of the sun raised her golden eyes to stare at the young woman before him. Suddenly her eyes filled with tears.

“I sent you there to strengthen you for the war.”


“Yes, Deimos wants you for his wife as well as the outer region that belongs to your brother. I won’t relent. He is a constant thorn in my side.”


The goddess of the sun knew what was coming next. It was what she had tried to avoid.”

“He came to see me.”

Ayanna could tell that she as tired but also sad. “As much a s I want to say to you stay away from him. I won’t. I will say this I need you to train hard in the upcoming days.”


“Yes, it is very important that you have some battle skills before the return of Gregory.”

Ayanna didn’t know who that was and wondered if she would ever remember who she really was. The goddess of the sun said no more as she waved her hand. turning into a spear of light she flew away from the balcony. Everything about the immortal realm had Ayanna on her guard. She didn’t know who she could trust or even speak to. How could sHe be the daughter of a goddess and don’t remember who she is. A heavy sigh escaped her lips as she walked back to her spot-on balcony. Staring off in the distance she wondered who would come through the door next. She didn’t have to wait long nor was she surprised to see the face of her young cousin Tiernus. He stood a few feet inside of the door just staring at her.

“Did she ask that you train for the war?”


“Good then prepare yourself he yelled before he charged at her from across the room. Ayanna’s eyes widened as she stared at the knife he had in his hand. Without thinking she raised her hand and tossed him across the room. Appalled at her actions she rushed to his side,

“Oh my god, I am so sorry”

She barely had enough time to dodge the slash of the knife as she came closer to Tiernus. Neatly the blade sliced through the front of her dress as she gasped and jumped backwards. Seeing that he had the advantage Tiernus pressed forward. He didn’t have time to prepare himself for the blow he received as he was tossed across the room like a rag doll. Swiftly she looked at her hands and then back up at the person that said she was related to. Golden eyes stared at her as she took his offered hand. Power and strength flowed through him in an electric current. There was no mistaking who this was it had to be the brother her mother spoke about Gregory. He turned his muscular body and addressed the fallen cousin.

“Sorry about the Tiernus but as you can see, Ayanna is not as she left.”

“No harm done cousin, better to press her now than to have her on the battlefield where Deimos’s men will make an example of her.”

Ayanna wasn’t too thrilled that they were speaking as if she wasn’t standing there. In fact, she was and she was offended.

“I may have gone down to earth Gregory but I assure you I will no fall on the battlefield.”

Sharp eyes within his golden head turn back to her. A slow knowing smile crossed his lips as he stared at her.

I don’t know if it was his eyes or the touch of his hand that brought the lost memories back. All I knew was that I had made the decision to go to earth to find some strength. Strength against the feelings I was feeling for Deimos. So, I was the reason for the tears in the sun goddess eyes. I raised my head and stared at the men in the room with me.

“I won’t fall.”

“It’s it not a matter of falling little sister, it is a matter of you killing the man for the sake of us all. Deimos is a war god he will know your intentions.”

More than anyone I understood Deimos. I understood his need to want more than what he had and the need to possess. It was what I felt when I kissed him. It was what I felt every time I kissed him. Sad memories flooded my mind and then uncontrollable rage. The littlest of the godling had died at Deimos’s hand.

We all heard the rumble of thunder in the distance. War was coming and I hadn’t gained the strength that I truly want. I wanted to wipe away my love for a being that could kill so easily. I wanted to strike Deimos down for the sake of our dead son.

“I will strike at the heart of the man that destroyed a piece of my soul in in his reckless attack on a small village where our son paid homage to. The loud clank of metal against metal rang within the room as Gregory banged his glove fisted hand into his chest.

“Then there no need for me to see you any longer sister. Take care of your heart and may the sun goddess protect you.”

Gregory swept out of the room leaving us to stand aimlessly around. Tiernus bowed after he tossed me the jewel encrusted blade. Again, I was alone haunted by the memories of my fallen son and the man I loved.



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