Jingling Through The Night
Jingling Through the Night
A twinkle of light and a jingling of bells.
Will ring out Christmas Eve’s night.
The stars a kaleidoscope that blankets your way.
A mystical back drop for your reindeer and sleigh?
A foretelling from country to country that you are on your way.
Small bodies and small eyes glisten until the day you arrive.
With merry cheer of cookies, milk and caroling from those outside,
Wait anxiously for colorful wrapped gifts.
Again, we are told that with the jingle of bells
That throughout the night all is well.
They wake and race to the Christmas tree
Happy is the grace of Christmas Day as Christmas Eve has gone on its way.
Wonderful gifts are open one by one.
Wrapping paper is discarded in a bumbling and crumbling heap.
Squeal of delight ring within the air.
It’s the joy of Christmas everywhere.
Merry Christmas Everyone