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My screams could not be heard as I passed my slowly vanishing hand across my face. The sound of my voice gone with every blink of my eyes that I did take. She stood there sinister in her presence, watching waiting. Would I be devoid of clothes? Would anyone miss me? what was happening to me? She smiled again more at ease and very pleased taking in what she could see. Turning to the left and then to the right, yes, she was pleased. The thought of my hair vanished as my once vibrant brown hair now stood a colorless blonde and plastered to my head. I shuddered at the sight.

The chemical induced change burned against my skin. Again, I screamed. But nothing was heard as nothing came from me. My pink lips were turned a dark shade of red made more prominent by an outline of black. Promised unspoken treasures within their depths. My blouse was torn from me. Its security gone as my flesh pimpled from the cold. Blue satin garnished me. the dress fell to where my knees should be. What I previously worn was taken from me. slowly by slowly I was fading away. I fought earnestly to stay whole in the presence of time.

But as usual time betrayed me. I was fading fast. I could not recognize me. My quiet eyes were illuminated sensually black tipped wings alluring, drawing. Gems hung from ears as I was dressed draped as if I were a store mannequin. Slowly my eyes rose and I could see. All of me was gone. My essence, my being was washed away from me. There was no more to me, before me stood a red lipped blue dressed confident woman. She slowly ran her hands over her breast and down her hips, her pink tongue tasted the hues on her lips. As she turned away from the mirror that once held me. Why did she want to change me? I watched her give a final glance as if she knew I was there watching. I beat my hands against the glass that held me. hoping to shatter this sense of reality. An image that once was captured with a picture gradually changed. They all change in this wave of reality. Brown hair now blonde adorned every picture. The soft spoke women that sat quietly in a corner. Gone! Now held posture and kissable lips. The old me watched invisible as the new me walked away from me.




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