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Noelle clutched the weathered leathered journal tightly to her chest as the car she rode in slowly drove down the long drive way. The once blossoming trees that bloomed with life stood bare and forbidding. The brown branches stretched menacing in the evening, casting eerie images of out outstretched fingers and claws. The shadows upon the ground made the curious turn away from the gate.

The wrought iron monstrosity of a gate was made not to keep those on the outside out. It was made to keep something in. She had closed her eyes during the flight to Toronto. Then slowly opened them from the slumber that claimed her. The walk through the terminal and her exit was met by a stony face driver. No words were spoken between her and the driver. The duty of this servant meant no verbal communication. Questions floated around in her head. Questions she may not get answers to. She knew she had to come, she had been compelled to by the book in her arms. Images washed over her, she saw herself in the red silk robe that fell to her feet as she walked into the candle lit bathroom towards the steaming bath tub. Rose petals swam upon the surface of the water like droplets of blood. Its fragrance beckoning as Noelle stepped into the tub and slowly sank down in the welcoming water.

A pleasurable sigh escaped her lips at the waters caress. The warmth of the water washed over her and her breathing increased. It timed itself with the beat of her heart. Through half closed eyes she saw him materialize. First his legs and then his torso. Muscles rippled and toned. He stood naked at the edge of the tub just watching her. Noelle had consented to accept him, she wished it. She had consented for him to have her. Noelle’s breathing increased again as the water’s vibration touched her sensitive parts.

“Come.” He voiced and she rose. Water ran down her flesh as she stood and then stepped from the tub. Taking his hand in hers she walked with him into another room. The motion of the car coming to a halt drew her from her daydream. No words were spoken between them as the driver stood beside the open car door. Her gold suitcase stood waiting on the ground. No extension of curtesy was shown as she stepped from the car. Picking up her belongings she walked to the door that was slowly opening.

Noelle could see beyond the open door the interior was just as she had envisioned. Dark brown wood paneling was everywhere and polished to a shine. Lit candles covered the surfaces. Their illumination casting an added dark glow as smoke moved smoothly across the floor. Stepping further into the houses exterior the door closed the same way it opened behind her. She didn’t expect to see anyone as she knew she would be alone. Clutching the leather journal tighter she slowly climbed the stairs for the night. Two days had passed with Noelle being in the beautiful home before he came to her. Rain and the booming sound of thunder rocked the house as Noelle flipped the pages of the journal.

She sat upon the weathered sofa reading in the semi-dark of the living room. Captivated she read until her eyes closed. The silence that followed her voice from reading aloud held a chilling air. She had read the words within the text. Words that she hadn’t understood. The storm outside increased in its intensity as it rattled the windows. Whispering voices drew her from her slumber.

“Noelle… Noelle.”

Her hands trembles as she closed the journal. Rising she stood on shaky legs. The distinct temperature drops and chill in the room increased her shaking. Noelle clutched the journal tighter as a low whimper escaped her lips. Her life had been different before she received the journal. A book that was bequeathed to her by a great aunt. Noelle wasn’t even sure how her great aunt had known of her existence. She herself could vaguely remember the woman. The journal had come wrapped in brown paper with a scroll. Both items were held together with a wax seal. She sifted through the box of her aunt’s items before she picked up the journal and slowly turned it in her hands before putting it aside. She found the rolled-up parchment paper and cracked open the seal.

The will read by the executor had told her that she was the new owner of a home in Yorkville. And that the need for residence was a must. So, she booked a flight and grabbed a few things. The journal and scroll were among them. Nothing to exciting she thought and had not given much thought to how her name was the last name written on the scroll. That night she had fallen asleep in her apartment with the seal on the journal intact. Her unconscious form not taking notice that she was not alone. In her dreams she dreamt of him. His strong powerful lean body pressed against her as she surrendered herself to him.

“Say it.” he whispered in her ear. “Say it.” rumbled from his mouth as he captured her exposed breast.

Feeling wanton she submitted and gave him her body.

“I’m yours please…”

Strong fingers molded her body to his needs. Sexually he devoured her. When she awoke she felt disorientated then remembered that she had to catch a flight. Deep in the back of her mind she was curious about the aunt that left her everything. She boarded the flight and held onto the journal as if her life depended upon it. the plane touched down was smooth. Without a word she followed the man that motioned to her and then drove in complete silence to the small house. The walk up the path had Noelle questioning her sanity. Why was she here? Why hadn’t she decline the offer for the house? Still she gave in to the compulsion that pulled her towards the house. Noelle stepped through the opened door and into the candle lit hall.

She didn’t give much thought as to why she had entered the house any ordinary person would have hesitated. She only knew that she had to. She found a place within the candle lit room to sit and read the journal. The beautiful cursive penmanship foretold a story. Through time he had traveled tracing the surname of the promised family. They were his to do with as he pleased. He was the keeper of souls. The brightness of the day turned to a dark and stormy night. He had a taste of her body. Now he wanted her flesh, at a whisper of her name caused all the candles surrounding her to go out. His laughter rose as the sound of thunder increased

One by one the candles relit themselves as the souls of her family reappeared. She was the last in their line and her soul was his. Noelle gasped as the candles sparked to life, nameless faces stared intently at her. The red eyes of each woman held her frozen to the spot. Fear began to rise in Noelle and she swallowed. Blinking she only had a moment of clarity as she recognized the face of her great aunt. Noelle shook her head in denial at the words coming from the apparition’s mouth.

“You re the last of our line. He will come for you.”


“You gave the submission of your body. We gave him submission of your soul. Surrender to the power that is in your body.”

“What… what are you talking about?”

A loud crack of thunder sounded as a flash of lightening lit up the outside. The rattling of the windows increased in violence until one of them was thrown open.

Noelle’s screams were lodged in her throat as she beheld the face and hands there. She screams at the hands that reached into the room as her souls was ripped from her body. Moments of her life flashed through her eyes. Noelle saw her life as if it were in the pages of a book and the pages were being turned. Her screams were drowned out by the storm. The shell that she was fell to the floor. Her life essence gone as she had made a promise to the devil and a promise was a promise. Like those before her she could not curse them. the submission had been promised centuries ago and she was the last of the line. Her eyes last saw herself breaking the warning seal on the scroll before she broken the seal on the journal. The book beside her fallen body slowly disappeared.




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