Harvest Moon

Slowly my eyes traveled up the length of its muscular body as I took several steps backwards. Its yellow eyes gleamed in the light of the moon as it watches me. A slow toothy grin appeared on its face and then it spoke. "Come here." Not given it another thought I turned and ran as fast as my legs could carry me. One wrong turn and I had ended up in the forest or was it really a forest. I swear I just veered of the rode into the trees. I wasn't waiting around to find out what I was to come to so I took flight. I ran for what I was worth. One hundred and forty-five pounds of flesh and bone. The bushes that I cut through were merciless as they tore at my clothing arms and face. Stumbling I quickly caught my footing and kept at my pace. God has graced me with speed and beauty and I was going to use them to my advantage. I ran for my life. In the back of my mind I knew it would eventually catch me. I could feel it chasing me. The hair on my arms stood electrified as it closed in. I was afraid and I wiped at the tears stinging my eyes. I had to escape and prayed that it wouldn't catch me. The crunch of the ground came amplified to me. I turn my head to look over my shoulders as I saw its silhouette in the moon light. Turning back to look at what's was in front of me: had me crashing into it's chest. My face contacted with it's fur as it's massive arm locked around me. Before I could even struggle I felt searing pain tear through my shoulder as it opened it's mouth wide and clamped down on me. Screams raced through my lungs as I struggled within the bedsheets. I fought as if I was possessed and fell to the bedroom floor covered in my floral bed sheet. Instantly my eyes popped open. Widely they searched the room. I was alone in the dark and safety of my room. Damn it was a dream. Sleep didn't come for the remainder of the night and I paced really the next morning. I had an interview at cosmetic company and I wanted to look my best. I drank a half cup of coffee, refreshed my teeth and swigged some mouth wash before I left. Being a receptionist came easy and I was good at it. So, I applied and caught an interview. I walked down the stairs of the brownstone. I was renting an apartment in and out into the sun light of the day. I raised my face to its warmth and sighed. Yeah, I got this it was going to be a great day. Great day was the understatement. The man that interview me was the best eye candy I had seen in months. His sharp grey eyes watched me and I felt hot all over. He ended the interview by asking. Is it possible for you to do the second interview at the end of the week? I immediately nodded and shook his hand as I rose to leave. He handed me his card and I felt his body heat. I couldn't place his cologne but it was intoxicating. I inhaled deeply as he walked me to the elevator. Thanking him again I rode it down to the main lobby and walked out the door. For the remainder of the day I sat at my soon to be old desk thinking about the interview. My nightmare of a dream was pushed to the back of my mind. Spooning in the last few bites of my lunch. I fended off Leif’'s unwanted advances. "You are looking as delicious as your meal. I love the way you lick those lips." "Ugh. No thanks Leif I'm dating someone.' It was a lie but what he didn't know he didn't need to know. " No problem I don't mind sharing." I stared at him before I rolled my eyes at him. "Like I said previously no thank you. I'm with someone " Leif leaned down and whispered for only I could hear. " you are missing the best ride of your life." I was appalled and held form to my stance. "I will pass." Leif rose and walked away and I finished the last of my lunch in silence. Hours began to fly by and it was the end of the day. I had taken a call with the directions to the second interview for Friday as I made my way out of the building and into my car. The drive home lasted thirty minutes. My brows drew together as a strange feeling came over me. Looking over my shoulder. Everything and everyone on the street looked normal. I shook my head as I went in for the night. The clouds that floated by gave the moon it's light covering as he stood watching. The blood that dropped from his sharp nailed finger tips made small pools onto the ground. He had disguarded the body that he had left broken. This was the punishment for disobeying his orders. He has sent them to find her and that was all. Those with him cringed at his growled words " this is the consequence for disobedience. Any takers." They huddled together as his words rumbled over them. They all seen death at his hands and they were afraid. Nathan was their alpha and no one went against what was ordered or said. "Remove this piece of trash from my sight." He delivered a swift kick in the broken body and it flew several yards away. The crack of bones sounded from the impact of his foot. A lifeless doll mingled with blood and leaves. Turning Nathan raised his nose in the air and sniffled. He had found her. The wind that blew through the tree brought her scent to him. The leaves had whispered her name. He didn't give a glance to the group that form behind him. He just walked away. The lights on the black Escalade illuminated as he approached. He opened the door and got in. The SUV pulled away from the meadow and off into the night. His blood was boiling as he tried to reign in his rage. Killing came easy to him as he slammed his fist down onto the door panel. His driver never adverted his eyes from the road. He sat staring straight ahead. It was the voice that spoke next to him that calmed him down. “ It will be alright won’t it father?" " Yes Jacob it will be." "Are you bleeding?" "No" The child next to him turned to watch the passing scenery out the window.
She could feel the coolness of the breeze that brushed across her skin and she shivered from its contact. Without hesitation she rubbed her hands up and down her arms trying to generate warmth. The dress she wore was flimsy and covered in dirty as if she had been buried in the ground. Her brown hair lay matted to her scalp as she stumbled along. She had fallen when she ran away from him. Having gotten tripped by exposed tree roots she went down onto the palms of her hand. Crying out in pain she rose slowly and stumbled along. He was closer, closer than she knew. The light from the moon cast several shadows in front of her. She had stop to take a steadying breathe against the pain racing through her chest when his shadow loomed over her. Turning she gasped as she came face to face with him. Long sharp teeth donned his large mouth as he growled through them.
"Tessia." Backing away she lost her footing and fell. Her screams echoed off the leaves surrounding them. She was falling into black void of space. Her descent halted as something grasped her ankle holding her up. She was lifted over the void and dropped to the ground. He stood over her ready to strike and her eyes popped open. Wildly she looked around her room and sighed. Looking at the glowing numbers on her bedside clock she groaned. "1:30 am ugh " She fell back onto the covers of her bed. These damn dreams were getting to her. Shaking her head she rose to get something to drink. Not paying attention Tessia walked out her open bedroom door.
I was incredibly thirsty as I had just awoken from another one of those scary dreams. I was being chased and caught at the same time. I walked out of my room and had taken about six steps when a chill ran down my spine. Whatever it was that caused me to feel this way was coming from my room. I dared not to look over my shoulder I walked a little faster towards the kitchen. Forgetting about the water. I quickly grabbed a knife. I was going to confront whatever it was. Slowly I walked back towards my room. All the while I felt it's presence. The sensation was getting stronger.
Cautiously I stepped through the door and looked around. I could hear my own breathing and clamped my lips tight. I turned to the darkest corner in the room and slashed downward with the knife. My contact came up against nothing as nothing has been there. I turned to the next dark corner and froze. Something in me told me to run and I did. I ran from the room and headed straight for the bathroom slamming the door. I backed away into the tub. I pressed my back against the wall and waited for God only knew what to get me. I stayed in that tub for what I thought was an hour. When I slowly emerged from the bathroom. I looked around. Streams of day light were come through my window. I had escaped whatever it was I just hoped that it would not happen again. 6:00 pm The sun had gone down and I was dead bone tired. I dragged myself into the house and fell upon the bed. I could not understand why I was so tired. I chalked it up to the lack of sleep from the previous night. My eyes filtered close only to snap open again. I was awake but I wasn't me. Pain assaulted me as I curled into a ball on my bed. My scream became a throaty growl and I stared in horror at what used to be my right hand. In its place was a fur covered claw. I bolted off the bed only to fall flat on my face. I heard the crack as it registered within my head. I was changing and screamed again. My bones shifted and cracked and then there was pain again. My screams now were growls as several lights flashes in my once brown eyes. Everything had a red hue to it. I wanted to touch my face with my finger but I no longer had any hands.
The moon light that bathed my fur covered skin was no comfort it was the sound of his voice.
“Take her.”
All I could distinguish was the shuffling of feet. I want to lash out against them and weakly raised my pawed hand. Tears welled up in my eyes as the lifted me. my body still twisted and contorted as I was carried out side. I was placed as gently as they could possibly be into the chest space of a pickup truck. I was transforming into something and I scream for hours against it.
The truck slowed to a halt and it was there that I bolted upright. I could see and hear everything more clearly. There were no restraints holding me. jumping from the truck bed I stood by the fender growling. I watched with new eyes as the door slowly opened. First one leg and then his body. I growled again as I watched the thing from my dreams unwind its self and stand before me.
“Welcome home Tessia.”
I shook my furred head to try and clear it. an uncontrollable rage slammed into me. I was angry that he had found me. I felt as if a cloud was lifted from my brain I knew instantly what had been happening to me. it was harvest moon time and I was going through the change. I raised my head and stared straight ahead. Although my words were growled they were clearly spoken
“Hello father…”