
The cold air blew through the thin crack within the windows pane. It was cold out but inside the small Room it was colder. Somber brown eyes stared out the window at the Christmas lights. Its sparkle increased his frown. He rolled his eyes and got up to pull the shade down. He had an aversion to song and cheer. He didn't like Christmas time it wasn't his favorite time of the year. He could count on one hand how many gifts he would receive. Several of fact, but he was never pleased. He wanted more than his eyes could see. No dancing sugar plum danced in his head in its place a row of dancing women. Twirling about and laughing merrily. Just before he went to bed. "Smile”
They sang as they kissed his cheek. He wiped away their kisses with a firm hand. If the day came and went quickly he then could understand. The gift he wanted most of all would not be there for him to see. Angry as could be he turned off the sound on the TV. His intention to drown out songs of Christmas. His scowl increased as he thought back to a time when Christmas held a different meaning. He held her hand as she laughed and danced among the trees. The crispness of the day had her cheeks rosy. She hadn't minded if she was with him. Her small hand held his tight. She gave him her trust unconditionally. "We need to go inside." " Aw can't we stay a little longer?" He knew her smile would break his resolve and when she smiled he concede. They stayed in the air two hours more before he took her shivering frame back to the room that awaited her. Helping her back to the warmth of the bed he watched as she snuggled under the covers. "Cold?" "Mm" she nodded. That was the last he heard from her as her eyes closed in her final sleep. From that moment on he decided that Christmas held no more meaning. He fought against the lone tear that ran its course down his face. Still his eyes strayed to the face, forever frozen captured by an image within the frame. Likeness of brown eyes smiled back at him. Her small face angelic. He missed her. Shut away from the world outside he grieved the loss alone. As the night passed only slowly to immerge into Christmas day. He knew the sound of her voice would bring him Christmas cheer. But it wasn't a sound that he would hear. The carolers had taken her place. They graced his door and he chased them away. Throwing garbage their way. He closed his door with a sharp sound, yelling Baw too Christmas and all around.