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Harn stood outside the door and stared at the panel before him. The whisper throughout the palace of the woman resembling Adra were not lies. He had seen for himself as he had entered her room. He was surprised at what he saw. She was a twin to his lost daughter-in law. He wondered where in the hell did they find her. Adra was from Belvance. A large province of the planet that they inhabited.

Still he had ordered the testing on her as many have fallen to the effects of the serum. The one difference in the two women were coloring. They were the same height, eye and hair color. Could she be an illegitimate child of Zeredius? He wasn’t sure but he wanted to speak to her once she awoken. Nodding his head at the man standing beside the door. Harn drew his attention away from the panel and walked away.

In the confines of the throne room he took his seat at his throne chair. Once seated, immediately and attendant rushed to his side.

“Go rest.” Waving his hand, he dismissed all that remained in his presence.

“Mira, you will tend to the girl. Notify me at once when she awakens. I want her brought to me.

“yes sir.”

Harn watched as he finally was alone. Closing his eyes, he let his senses wane. He was tired but he needed the time to reboot his energy. His enemies were a constant distraction being alert all the time was taking a toll. There was something about the girl that bothered him. Still he needed his rest. The light within the throne room dimmed as the lone figure sat upon his throne.

The scream that tore from my throat resonated against the curtains surrounding me. I bolted up right in a strange bed. This time I wasn’t in an old house. I was in an elaborate room. Rich purple and gold curtains surrounded me. I blinked several times. Where in the world was I. the voice coming from the other side of the room startled me.

“I see that you are awake. King Harn request that I bring you to him.”

Slowly I turned my head in the direction of the sound and my mouth fell open. A woman with short green hair and large oval eyes watched me. I gasped as I stared wide eyed at her. I think she blinked but I wasn’t sure. She stood still for a few seconds. Then she held out clothes to me. t was then that I realized that I was in this strange bed naked.

I took the clothes handed to me and tried as best as I could to get dressed. The room swam a little, but I fought through it.

“Where did these clothes come from?” they couldn’t have possibly known my clothing size.

She spoke to me like I knew whom they were from.

“Lady Adra.”

Okay I thought. This wasn’t earth and either I was still in that crazy nightmare I had earlier or I have just been abducted. The clothes fit snugly across my breast but I followed the woman out the door. We walked down a long hall. Stopping before a guard whom I assume was a guard with similar features. Yep I know for certain that I have been abducted.

“She has awoken sire.”

The dim light of the room covered the figure sitting in a large throne chair. I heard the cruelness of his tone before the light in the illuminated his figure.


I felt the gentle pressure on the small of his back. I don’t know what I expected, as I stepped through the open doorway. Beyond the chairs stood a sea of

Stars. They drew my eyes before they beheld a statue of a woman who held my face. Slowly I turned my eyes to look at the man in the shadow. It’s was the that the room illuminated. It was his eyes that held me in my place as if I caught in a snare. The stars that played as a back drop behind his chair, were reflected in his eyes. He didn’t get up he just asked.

“Tell me child what is your name? what is your parents name?”

I stood mute until the woman whispered.

“Please speak.”

“My name is Destiny.”

“Your parents?”

I didn’t see why that was important so I asked.

“Where am I?



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