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Goddess Touch Part III

Thunder signaled his arrival as it matched Deimos’s attitude. The loud booming sound coupled his roaring. He had been away fighting the Zax when he was told of Ayanna’s return. Nothing deterred his stride as e jumped from his chariot and stormed into his brother’s home. Throwing open the doors he walked to the place where he heard raised voices. The encounter wasn’t now to him as his brother often argued with his wife. Ryder and Arora were in a heated argument and he and Ayanna being its subject. Deimos dodged the first lightning strike as it crackled through the air above his head. It was followed up by several others before he yelled.

“Why didn’t you send word to me that Ayanna had been found Ryder?”

The volatile couple stopped fighting to stare at the young man before them. slowly they both lowered their arms and stood watching. Deimos was in his usual temperament. Anger. He was angry, Aurora spoke first,

“You know fully well why no one told you Deimos. Ayanna is not for you.”

The grinding of his teeth could be heard in that perfect mouth of his. His blue eyes blazed at her words. They had grown up as childhood friends and had pledge themselves to each other. Deimos could hear the tiny word flutter into his brain.

“We will never part, we will be together always. Deimos and Ayanna, Ayanna and Deimos will never part.”

“She is mine.”

“Come to your senses brother.”

“We pledge ourselves to each other.”

“You were children that wasn’t real.”

“Where is she?”

Aurora knew love when she saw it and it had been the main factor behind Ayanna being sent away. The separation had been necessary to keep the peace between the gods.

“She had no memory of you Deimos.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Aurora walked slowly towards the warring god and gently laid her hand upon his shoulder. The taut muscle flexed beneath her touch. Deimos did not move away from her touch he stood watching.

“She has no memory of us. She did not recognize me or our mother.”

She knew he was digesting her words. Her astuteness to read other pulled at her heart string. A dangerous thing for a goddess to have. She knew Deimos truly loved her sister. Blue eyes traveled to hers.

“Why? How has this happened? She wasn’t reborn into the mortal world she was inserted into it. it would have not affected her memory.”

“I cannot answer these questions.”

“I need to see her.”

Ryder clamped his brother on the back before he nodded to his wife. Turning Deimos around they walked out of the room. Deimos followed his brother to the lake of Serenity that flowed beyond his house. He knew it was Ryder’s idea of getting him to calm down. Being a god of war was who he was. It would take more than this damn lake to calm him down. The blue waters ripples at their presence feeding off Deimos energy.

“Have you seen her Ryder?”

“Yes. Aurora is right she doesn’t remember us.”

“Are you saying she won’t remember me?”

“I considered her eyes Deimos, recognition was not there.”

“I know you and Aurora don’t expect me to stand by and wait until she does recollect. My patience isn’t that long.”

“Aurora would not ask you to and she also would not ask you not to, but I will.”

“No! brother.”

Ryder watched as his brother paced restlessly among the grassy area. He knew hi analytical mind was assessing the situation.

“I need to speak to the goddess.”

“She wants time for Ayanna to heal and relearn all that she has lost. She was almost taken from us in the mortal world.”

Ryder knew the impact of his statement. Deimos would eventually consider the mortal world and lay waist to all that was involved in the harm of Ayanna. He watched as his brother stormed from hi presence. The young god in black called over his shoulder.

“Where is she?”



“She is at Sunna’s palace.”

“Not for long she won’t.

Ayanna had not been prepared or properly dresses when the blue eyes muscular man boldly walked into her chamber. His eyes roamed over her naked body before they rose to meet her eyes.

“My lord…my lord… if you please.”

Deimos tilted his head to one side at the servant. He watched the rise and fall of his throat before the servant turned and ran back the way he came, Ayanna felt the eyes on her once again and blushed. Nervously she reached for something to cover herself. Grabbing a golden draping. She quickly covered her wet body. The huskiness behind his words made her gasp.

“I do not think it’s wise for you to drape yourself inn that matrimonial shroud. The material and the wetness of your body is stirring my appetite.”

“Who… I… who are you?”

Deimos brows creased as he stared at her. Could what had been told to him was true. did she not know who he was? Her soft-spoken words confused him. Taking a step closer he watched as she took a step back. Sharp blue eyes devoured her features before they once again traveled the length of her body.

Deimos reached out and pulled her into his embrace. The hardness of his body contacted with her soft one and he felt her shudder. Without hesitation his mouth descended to hers capturing her lips. He moaned at their taste. Familiarity slammed into him as he mouths honey. Deimos deepened the kiss. Reluctantly he broke from her lips as his name was called.


Raging blue eyes swept over her face again before he slowly turned around. He hadn’t released her and she didn’t step from his grasp. He had expected to see the goddess standing before him. But Deimos was used to the familiarity of surprises from this family. Before him stood Theos the god of the mountains. The two large mountain lions flanked his side.

“If you do not wish to be dismembered let my sister go.”

Ayanna’s lips tingled from the passionate kiss that had been laid upon her lips. Slowly her had touched the throbbing mass. She shook her head to clear it. not only did she have a mother as well as sister but now she had a brother.

“And if I don’t?”

“You heard me Deimos Katri and Kai will have you for lunch.”

“You are risking war with that threat.”

“By accosting my sister, you are doing the same thing. I’m sure Ryder explained the situation to you.”

Monotony he answered.

“I heard, I want a word with your mother.”

Sunna is out handling matters of the sun. I will address your need.”

With a smirk Deimos released the woman in his arms and crossed them.

“Will you now.”

“If we can give Ayanna privacy I will hear your concerns.

Deimos turned back to consider the confused and dazed face of the woman behind him. Her fingers were still pressed against her lips. Gently he lowered them and captured her lips again. His tongue drank from the sweetness of her before he let her go.


Without a word he walked away from her. Following the gestures of the man that said he was her brother. They left the room. The click of the door told Ayanna that she was all alone. Instantly she dropped the golden material to the floor and slowly sat down upon it.

“What had just happened to her? Why did that strange man kiss her like that? Why did it feel familiar and why did she not try to stop him? His name whispered off her lips as she fingered them.


Blinding pain shot through her head before she was consumed by darkness.



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