Goddess Touch Part II
Ayanna’s eyes slowly opened and her brows creased with perplexity. Either she was imagining what she was seeing or she was really looking at a tree with golden leaves on it. The last thing she saw and heard was a man standing over her, the repel of gun fire and the word home was etched in her memory. Turning her head slowly she beheld the elaborately decorated room. Everything within the room was white or crystalline in color. Her grey eyes locked onto the woman that said she was her sister.
“Yes, little one. Mother will arrive shortly.”
“Mother?” wait she already had a mother. She was sure she would be waiting for her when she woke up from this crazy dream. Well she honestly hoped it was a dream. Ayanna’s eyes turned in the direction of the door as it opened. Two women clad in lavender led color to the already spectacular room. They stepped through the door followed by a third woman. They bowed their head as she passed between them.
Ayanna’s eyes widened in recognition as the two women before her took to one knee.
Was this really happening she thought as she beheld a woman so beautiful it was like looking like direct sun light. She had the same honey skin tone as Ayanna. But she looked too young to have grown daughters.
“Rise Aurora, you are confusing your little sister.”
Aurora rose at her mother request.
“Sorry mother.”
“I see that you fixed her wound.”
“Yes, mother, I wasn’t sure of it extent. Besides that, the human was determined to end her.”
“The wound was superficial, she would have healed on its own. Still I am grateful to you Aurora. Your care for others make my task easier”
“Anything for mother.”
Ayanna found the exchange between the two women strange. They spoke to each other without emotion if that was how she could describe it to herself. Her voice sounded small and scratchy to her own ears.
“I think that there is some mistake, I…”
The Goddess laughed at Ayanna’s words. The sound of her laughter gave off a warming effect something she had not felt in years. Still it reminded her of the rays of the sun.
“Are you a Sun goddess?”
Again, her laughter sounded. Ayanna watched as she gracefully walker closer. Her opalescent gown glitter with her every movement.
“Cute as always. Hello Ayanna, I am your mother. I am known as Sunna.”
Ayanna stared for a minute before blinking several times.
“I know you ...”
“Of course, you do. Why would you not know your own mother.”
The word mother rolled around her head and off her tongue before Ayanna could control it. Although the woman looked to be the same age as herself. She detected immense power radiating from her. Her golden eyes beheld strength.
The smile that rose on her face stilled and froze in its place as the room’s door opened again. Without permission a man strode into the room. All eyes turned to him as he brushed passed the two women that ushered in the goddess. Offended the goddess eyes blazed brighter.
“What are you doing here Ryder?”
He didn’t bow to her as her sister had done. Ayanna.
“Show the goddess of the sun more respect than that Ryder, or you can leave!”
The battle of wills took over as the occupants within the room watched one another. Ayanna became an afterthought. Although he smiled it never reached his eyes. Slowly his eyes traveled the length of Aurora’s body before he knelt on one knee.
“Forgive me. Goddess of the sun.”
Sunna did not ask him to rise she hissed her words.
“Why are you here Ryder?”
“Isn’t obvious, since we are family. I came to see about my wife.”
A small gasp escaped Ayanna’s lips. Dear god she had a husband? No there had to be some mistake she couldn’t have.
“Take your leave Ryder I will speak with you later.”
His eyes stared at Aurora before they fell on the small woman lying in the bed. He had heard from the others that she had been brought back. He hadn’t believed it until now. So, the halfling was in the realm of the gods. He was sure his and Ayanna’s life was finally going to get more interesting. Cold blue eyes traveled to her grey one curtly he nodded his head at her. Turning back to his wife he bows at the goddess and walked out.
“Who is that?” she stumbled.
“Ryder” they answered in unison.
“Please tell me that that that I not his wife.”
Both women laughed at her question.
“No, my dear Ryder is wedded to Aurora. You have nothing to fear from him.”
Visibly the tension in her body eased and she tried to sit up. There was no pain in her shoulder and she gently touched at it. she still did not have a full understanding of what had happened to her. Turning she addressed the woman standing before her.
“I don’t mean to disrespect you, but you can’t be my mother. I already have a mother.”
Again, the goddess laughs as she walked closer to sit on the bed.
“Of course, I’m your mother, I just look different on earth.”
“are you sure that man did not do anything to her brain?”
“I assure you mother that he did not. I dealt with him before he could.”
“Then why is she asking silly things.”
Ayanna did not think of anything as silly. She felt annoyed and that is when she felt the feathery touch caress her cheek.”
“There, There my little sun beam. I will explain everything to you in a minute. I see that your fiery nature is still intact. Aurora, I want you to watch over the realm until we return.”
“Yes goddess.”
Before Ayanna could say anything, she found herself back in her apartment sitting on the sofa. The woman now sitting across her was her mother.
“Mom is it really you?”
“Ayanna are you okay?”
Ayanna stared closely at her mother before she realized that what the goddess had said was true. She in truth was her mother. she now could see that the aged brown eyes were a façade. They covered her true golden color. All this time she was living with a goddess.
“You don’t look like what you looked like up there.”
“I have to be adaptable down here. It would be hard to explain why I don’t age and besides that I don’t like killing unless I have to.”
“So, my father isn’t that man that passed away years ago.”
“No, that was not your father.”
“Um where is he.”
“Dead. He wasn’t happy with me you see and I wanted him to share in eternity with me. he said he would rather die an old life.” Ayanna watched as the woman before her shrugged her shoulders. Her next question and its answer had her mouth open.
“So how old are you really?”
Mischief flashed in her eyes as she leaned forward and said as old as the cosmos.