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Ghost Story

The lights to the café were dimmed for Madame Adele’s appearance. She requested no artificial light and said that she would only appear by candle light. Ronnie rolled her eyes when Monique told her all that Madame Adele wanted.

“You are kidding, right?”


“What did you tell her?”

“I said we would do it all.”

“Why in the hell did you tell her that?”

“Because we are hosting a Halloween pod cast. The spookier the better.”

“I still think she is asking for too much.”

Ronnie it’s only some damn candles and a black table cloth.”

“Monique she’s a phony.”

“I don’t care, we need her for the pod cast. Besides you didn’t come up with anybody. If it matters so much to you. I will buy the items myself.”

“Hello everyone and welcome to all who have logged into watch or listen to our pod cast tonight. Tonight, we’ve decided to shake things up a bit with a special guest. We here on the note would like to present Madame Adele for our Halloween segment.”

The woman that walked into the recording area defied the stereo typical palm reader. Although her hair was white she looked to be in her twenties, early twenties. Again, Ronnie rolled her eyes skeptically. Madame Adele took the offered seat. Her honey skin glowed eerily within the candle light.

“I am here as you have asked. What will you have of me?”

“First we off we want to thank you for coming. Our viewers, will want to know about you and what it is that you do.”

She smiled as she addressed the young woman before.

“I tell stories and give advice.”


“Yes, ghost stories.”

“okay Ronnie said as she took of her head phones and rose from her place of seating.

“Excuse us please.”

“Can I talk to you for a minute Monique.”

“Ronnie, you are being impolite.”

“Please do not worry, your friend does not offend me. she is a skeptic. But I will still tell the story.”

“Ronnie sit down.”

Madame Adele watched as the women took their seats.

“I would like to tell you a story. If it’s’ alright with your friend.

“Be my guest. Just lean towards the mike so everyone can hear you.”

Madame Adele followed the prompt and closed her eyes as she spoke.

“It was more than several nights but not too long ago that she had encountered him at a bar. He was handsome with deep wavy hair and deep chocolate eyes. Eyes that spoke volumes to all that he had seen and done. He had searched nights for her. Many weary nights he searched for her. He searched for her so she could feed.”

“Are you saying he is a vampire. They don’t exist.”

“Don’t interrupt, when I am talking.”

Madame Adele did not open her eyes and continued.

“He backless blue dress beckoned to him from across the room. Like I said he had searched nights for her and she had run across him at a bar. He didn’t approach her at first, he just stood there watching. She laughed at some corny joke from some nameless and faceless guy she would not remember on the next day, when she felt eyes upon her. Searching the room, she found no one to connect to. Finishing her drink, she smoothed down the front of her dress as she rose. She left the bar only to feel the eyes on her once again. Looking over her shoulder she saw no one. When she turned back around she came face to face with the deep chocolate eyes. Words escaped her as he pulled her into his embrace. His full lips covered hers and he drank deeply of her breath. He didn’t kill her. He only exchanged essence and just like that he was gone. he disappeared into the night.

“So, he was a vampire.”

“I never said that.”

But you said…”

Madame Adele’s eyes snapped open revealing black balls. She raised her hand and pointed her finger.

“When are you going to tell her?”

“I…I have no idea what she is talking about she is crazy.”

“Am I, when are you going to tell her that you are a part of me. Dante is waiting for us. I have been waiting for you to return to me.”

Ronnie stood as Monique gasped as Madame Adele opened her eyes wide and sucked Ronnie into her body. Stunned into silence she stood watching.

“I’m so glad that you contacted me. I have searched for that part of me for years. Dante is waiting, oh thank you guys for hearing my story.”

Monique sat down dumbfounded and blinked as Madame Adele dissolve before her eyes.



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