
It wasn’t the coldness of the room or even the fact that I was bathe in complete darkness. It was the silence within the room that had me drawing a shaky breath. I knew that there was an entity in there with me and I knew it had come for me. I could sense the age-old evil reaching out for me. closing my eyes did me no good. Darkness was darkness and within the darkness it stood. Malevolence was it cloak. Searing evil veiled with cruelty, dark black and ugly as it blended into the black void I stood within. The lights in the room had long burned out. The bulbs blackened from the filament disbursement. Cautiously I raised my foot, taking a step to further distance myself from the being. My white shroud covered me.
In a matter of second I felt the coldness of breath brush across my neck. Sending rivers of fear down my spine. I stood frozen to the spot. If I moved again it would get me. Waiting in the dark seemed as if it was an eternity. Time was gone as fear stood in its place. I snapped open my eyes as I heard it dragging itself closer to me. My eyes shot to the only source of light cascading from beneath the rooms door. Did I want to chance it and move once again? Sure, I gave it a try. To hell with caution I bolted toward that stream of light. I heard the snarl from behind me. I could not afford to look back. I made it all the way to the light before a scream tore itself from my lips. I felt the sharp nails tear into my back.
It sensed her fear and reveled it in as it washed across it’s skin the vibrations dancing along its blackish skin. He had been searching for the girl for centuries. He had been searching for the soul of Deewan. His lost queen proclaimed that she would rise again centuries later. Together they would claim the earth for their own. He wanted to keep his promise but the impulses raging through him caused him to tear at the very flesh she was hidden in. He had pinned her to the door where a shaft of light came from. Beyond it wooden frame he heard their hums. His long tongue licked at the blood streaming from the tears in her skin. Hot searing pain resonated through her skull and she fell to her knees. Her back was on fire as her face met with the wood of the door. Another scream tore from her as the thing behind her assaulted her raking her skin again. The stickiness of her blood was soaking through the tears in her shroud. She dropped to her knees pounding at the door.
Would the pounding from her attempts to be heard…heard? She knew the answers as no one came to the rescue of her screams. It was whispering in her ear. It was a he, he was speaking in a language she did not understand. The slowing of her pounding ceased as the pain intensified blocking out her ability to stay awake. Her small hand dropped feebible to her side. She was weak. He recalled the voice when she spoke to him. He recalled the totality of hatred behind her words.
“I shall rise again Asha, and we will take this world and create our own. Our brethren will grow in vast numbers. You will rule beside me.”
“Yes, my queen yes.”
Slowly she turned ashen grey before his clawed hands and then slowly vanished away. He wailed out into the night vowing to awake her when the time was right. He had found her after this long of a time. She was hidden in a monestary. The pain would call his queen forth. The redness of her vision had her opening and closing her eyes. What she saw astounded her. Where was she? Slowly she turned her golden head and stared at the creature standing next to her. It shuffled from one foot to the next. It was filled with anxiety barely contained beneath the black skin. Repeatedly it mumbled a name.
“Deewan, here me Deewan…Deewan”
Her head lolled from one side to the other. Who was Deewan. Closing her eyes again she reopened them to the same red vision. She had to reign in her fear as she watched as it raised its hand to her throat. The clawed fingers shook vibrating just above her skin. The blood that covered it nails was her own or was it. Deewan it is me Asha have come at your bidding to free you from the skin you are trapped in. Her mouth opened on its own accord and the words that came from within caused her mind to scream in horror.
“Asha, you fool, what have you done to me?”
“How dare you mar the skin that is me. You have scarred me.”
“You, ungrateful animal!”
The force of the compulsion behind her voice dropped the creature to its knees. I told you I would be reborn and you have awoken me by marring this vessel. Stand away from me.”
It did as it was told as the room shook and the girl on the table screamed. Her eyes rolled back as she gasped for air. Her chest rose and fell rapidly as her skin begin to smoke. Whatever was in her was making its way to the surface of her skin. Blood began to pool from the red vision eyes and she scream again before she when still. Asha sat crouched beside the table its large yellow eyes unblinking as he watched as Deewan slowly pulled herself from the girl’s body. The covering of pink skin no longer a barrier to the Demon queen as she rose. Her brown skin glistened with sinew as she climbed from the girl’s body. the sickening sound that accompanied it was musical to Asha ears. He knew he would be punished for releasing her too soon. The others had spoken so but he cared not he wanted what she had promised and it was a risk the he was willingly taking. The earth was full of human as she.
Deewan looked around the small area and then back down at the girl that she had come from. She reached down and plunged her hand into her chest. She felt the beating heart in her hand before she released it. the purity of her souls repelled her. Snarling she turned on Asha. Asha backed away at the sight of his queen he could not understand why she wasn’t feeding on the flesh of the girl. He had tasted her sweetness and hoped that they would share her.
“You must feed off her.”
“Fool… I cannot! She is not for me. I cannot feed off myself.”
Confusion crossed Asha’s face as it looked from the girl to his queen. No, it could not be the girl could not be of the queen.
“No… I meant no harm my queen.”
Asha’s head lolled to the side before it fell from its shoulders. His blood covered the white walls of the room and Deewan screamed in frustration as just as she crawled from the girl’s body she was being drawn back in. both demon and woman screams mingled with each other as they returned to become one.
The nightmare for me was over as I returned from my former self. I rolled off the table and fell upon my knees to the concrete floor. I was in the basement of the house I was renting and stared at the bloodstained walls. The thick blackness stained the pristine white. Doubling over I vomited blood and stood on shaky legs. I was contained for now. The door to the room opened and the priest stood there staring at me. I took the hand he held out to me and allowed him to help me from the room. My ordeal was over for now. We all knew what lay dormant beneath the layers of my skin. She would have to wait another hundred years to try and re-emerge. It had been three hundred years already and each time it was a challenge to keep myself at bay.
The hot water cascaded over my skin washing away my blood as it traveled down the drain. I wrapped myself in a towel and walked out into the next room. I walked up to the mirror and stared intently. I saw Deewan mimic my actions. she was beating her fist against the inside of me. traveling to the open widow I stared at the ruins of what used to be. Demons ruled the earth searching for me. sighing I turn away aware that one day again they will find me.