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Dimensions Part 1

Something I don’t know what pulled me from a sound sleep. My eyes adjusted to the dim lights of my dark room. Dawn was breaking over the trees just beyond the house. I felt a cold chill engulf me from underneath the covers. Why was I so cold? From the corner of my eye the light to the bathroom clicked on. Slowly I turned my head in it's direction. I was alone but was in an old house. Rising I threw back my covers. Leaving the semi warmth of the red comforter behind me. I made my way to the bathroom. I was visibly shaking from the cold. Still I didn’t know what had woken me up. I entered the bathroom and walked the few steps into the area. I clicked on the light and noticed that my mirror was steamed over. That was odd as the bathroom was stone cold.

I wiped at the mirror to reveal my reflection staring back at me. my brown eyes that were usually vibrant looked dull and tired from sleep. I leaned closer and stared at the image before me. I was shocked as my image smiled at me. Wait I hadn’t smiled, or had I? suddenly my image lunged at me. screaming I jumped back and bumped into something solid. My eyes were glued to the mirror. The image was slowly moving back into the mirror.

Turning away from it I found that I was standing in front of my image which was standing behind me. my eyes widened as I screamed and bolted back into the bedroom. The bathroom light switched off. I found myself standing in an empty room surrounded by four shiny walls. All I could think to do was scream.

“She is having a reaction to the stasis process.”

“I don’t care inject her again.”

“But sir…”

“But what?”

Clearing his throat, the assistant whispered.

“We’ve injected the specimen 657 six times already. The next injection may kill her. That is not what is specified. We were told to keep her alive.”

Titus stared at his assistant. His urge to smash him into nothingness over took his cravings for the woman before him. He hadn’t cared that she looked like Adra. All he cared about was breaking the damn pull she had over him.

“Inject her.” He hissed through his teeth. Hea hesitated for a few seconds as he stepped aside to the injection module.

Slowly his hand rose up the startup mechanism again.


Unnoticed the door to the testing room had swished open. Vell walked in. his strides were strong as his words bounced off the sterile wall.

“Her testing ends.”

Titus swiftly turned to the opposing figure.

“On who’s authority.”

They all knew who’s authority. He knew Titus had wanted to hear the name called.

“You know who’s authority Titus. I don’t want to play games with you.”

Vell hadn’t come alone six others Revenilli’s had entered the room. Vell nodded as one went to stand next to Hea. The others went to the adjacent door that swished open for their entry. Vell walked passed Titus and into the other room. He reached the specimen with the darkly colored hair. His hand went to her chin as he turned her head from side to side. He hadn’t cared for experimentation of any kind. Especially on lower species. But an order was an order. He moved to lift her eyelids and drowned into the golden color of her eyes.

“We are not through with testing.”

Vell knew the woman affected his brother as she had the same effect on him. She looked like Adra. Slowly he bent down and sniffed her neck. All the while his eyes watched Titus. Vell showed no emotions as her scent washed over him. Their father had been right. Testing on her was futile. They couldn’t break her mind. This species was to strong. They would have to go another route. Closing his eyes, he got the images from her mind that he sought.

“Bring her, my brother is done here.”

Vell watched as Titus stormed from the room. He was sure his brother was on his way to their father. He watched as she was lifted from the table and carried from the room.

Harn tossed the treaty document aside as the door to his throne room flew open. He was irritated by the actions of his son and he knew the reason behind it. the council members heads turned at the intrusion.

“Why did you stop the testing?”

Clear anger was displayed on Titus’s face and Han crossed his arms.

“Who gave you leave to enter here and to speak in this manner? Leave”


Harn’s arms slowly unfolded as he leaned forward in his throne chair. He knew Titus would come. The boy’s weakness was showing. He had heard from the council that this woman favored Adra. This he wanted to see for himself.

“Because I can. LEAVE!”

“I wasn’t finished!”

Harn slowly descended the two small stairs and walked over to his son. His massive hand rose and he backhanded Titus. The blow knocked him to the floor.

“Check your tone within my throne room Titus. You need to remember that you are not my only son.”

Titus looked up from the floor from his father’s blow. Harn stood over him and glared down upon him. His red eyes held contempt for his son.

“Vell” he called over his shoulder. “Get your brother out of here. He needs to collect himself.

Harn watched as Titus eyes flew to his brother’s approaching figure. Vell reached him and roughly grasped his arm. Pulling him from the floor he was silent as they walked out of the room.

Harn’s brows drew together. Usually Vell would have interject to stop his father actions. but he hadn’t he just stood by and watched. Slowly Harn turned to ascend the stairs back to his throne seat. Without a hitch he conducted business as usual. Later he would visit the woman in her chambers. He would see which species affected his sons and why.



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