
Only the green of the forest held her secrets as Adrina stared at the three sparkling crystals in her hand. Her small fingers traced the groves and plains of each crystal. Cold to the touch she marveled at their color. She had taken them from the master crystal cache. Each one as powerful as the other. She was told to never touch them. even an adult can act like a wayward child and not listen to any warning given to them. orphans such as herself held no significance in the cruel world that she lived in. she was sold into slavery to Magnus.
The old man had eyed her before he beckoned the seller into the confines of his home. Long white hair fell to his shoulders as he stared at her and her step-mother. A woman she hated more than the putrid air she breathed.
“how much will you give me for her?”
Magnus’s dry laugh sounded within the emptiness of his home.
“Surely you jest woman? Have you nothing else to sell?”
“No sir I don’t.”
“You are selling family why?”
“I married her father not her.”
“She has you.”
“She is of no blood to me. her father died a night ago. I cannot be bothered further.”
“So, you cast her out?”
“I cannot afford to keep her.”
Adrina’s eyes held contempt for the woman beside her. How she hated Madeline. The evil woman dragged her from her bed to sell her. He beloved father died during the night and she hadn’t even had time to grieve.
“I have no need of her.” Was his dry response.
Madeline hissed as she turned her rage on the girl standing by her side. Shoving her to the ground, she delivered a kick to her ribs.
“Give me ten for her.”
“Ten is not a large amount. I have a smaller mouth to feed. She can warm your bed if you wish.”
Magnus’s blue eyes looked down at the girl as she looked up at him and nodded in confirmation of the foul statement.
“Fine I will give you eight stones for her.”
“I suggest you take what I offer before I take her away from you for nothing.”
Madeline noticed the glare in the old man’s eyes as he stepped further. Many stories had been circulated about the small village about the old man. Some how she felt they were true. Madeline held out her hand as a small bag of coins was delivered there. She rose her foot to kick Adrina one last time.
“Unless you want to hand that bag back to me. I suggest you put your foot down. She’s no longer yours to abuse.”
Swiftly she lowered her foot and turned to walk away. Not once did she look back at the young girl. Adrina slowly rose and gathered her blue velvet cloak around her. Her hand held her aching side as she stood her full five-foot three heights. Magnus motioned with his head and she followed him into another room after he closed the outer door. A warm fire greeted her as well as a stocked book case.
“Although I have bought you. You are free. I harbor no slaves here you will be my pupil and I your teacher.”
“Why not?”
Adrina could not argue with that. She could be what her step mother tried to sell in into. She could be a whore.
“I thought.”
“What did you think exactly?”
“I thought as any other would have, given the stories about you. You have bought me for pleasure.”
Again, Magnus laughter rang out. It appeared that he was pleased is some way at what she had said.
“When I need the comfort of a woman. I will use my wife for it. You my dear are not my type and besides that you are way too young for me.”
Adrina did not know if she was insulted or relieved. She banked on the second. she was glad he did not want her. Old men could be so nasty sometimes.
“Come on.”
She followed Magnus black cloaked figure that night. True to his word from that moment she had only been his student. Adrina in little over a month’s time had learned the knowledge of the crystals. With learning came the strictest warning from Magnus.
“Remember you are not to touch the sapphire, Originate and the Red Fire crystals.”
“There is no why when I am telling you something or advising you. Head the warning.”
Adrina had worked with many crystals and this was the first time she was told which ones not to touch. Nodding her acceptance, she did as she was told.
Nights flew by as they turned into months. Almost a year had passed when she answered a knock at Magnus’s door. Pulling on the heavy wooden door, Adina was pushed aside by the strong sentry that opened the door inward. He looked her over before stepping closer to her.
“Is she the one?”
The familiar voice sparked rage as her step mother stepped through the door.
“Release her."
“Yes, she is the one he asked me for.”
The rough hand on her arm cruelly grabbed her skin. All three eyes turned at the sound of Magnus’s voice.
“There he is. I sold him to her.”
Magnus stepped into the light. The once old looking man now stood young and vibrant. On his arm stood a woman of regal elegance. Her powered blue dress moved with her.
“Magnus?” what are they doing to Adrina?”
“Wait! Who are you? Where is Magnus?”
“I am Magnus.”
“No, you are not. I sold my step daughter to an old man for pleasure.”
“I said release her.”
The sentry dropped her arm and Adrina found herself folded into the arms of the woman at Magnus’s side. She could hear her words in her head.
“Fear not Adrina, I am Delia Magnus’s wife. I know all about you, even though you do not know me. I have been here the whole time of your schooling.”
In a clear voice Adrina spoke as she rubbed her arm.
“They are my teachers. This is sir Magnus and his wife Lady Delia.”
“What are you doing here?”
A door opened to the right and a group of young people filed out.
“What kind of trick is this?” her step mother screeched.
“Trick! Sir I see that this you are misled by this woman and her evil deeds.”
“I said what are you doing here?”
“I am learning chemistry and botany as well as etiquette.
Magnus wife stepped forward.
“I also teach them embroidery. My husband councils the young men in archery and chemistry.”
“This woman to tell me she sold her child to an old man called Magnus.”
“I assure you she is mistaken as I am the only man here. Are you certain she isn’t lying to you?”
“I’m not lying!”
The sentry looked over at the woman and then back at the group of people gathering there. This woman had taken his money and promised him the wares of her step daughter.
“If you are lying to me woman. You will take her place after I have my wrath.”
Madeline stared wild eyed at the gathering people. A spectacle she did not want to be.
“My lord they are lying.’
“You can visit the rooms if you like.”
The sentry grabbed Madeline and hissed in her ear.
“I paid you for woman to bed, let’s go.”
“No wait I tell you. That’s not Magnus. That’s not Magnus.”
The door slammed behind the protesting woman. Magnus waved is hand and returned everything back to normal. Before Adrina stood and old man and his young wife. Even the students had disappeared.
“Come this way Adrina.”
Adrina followed quietly into the next room.
“Have a seat Adrina.”
Adrina did as she was asked and watched the two people before her. Magnus held out his hand and his wife took it.
“Adrina this is my wife Delia.”
Stuck for words Adrina smiled then looked at Magnus.
“Can you tell us why that woman came here?”
“I believe she tried to sell me to someone else.”
“She will return Magnus, we’ve got to get Adrina away from us.”
“No Delia Adrina will face danger if she leaves right now.”
“No buts, they will be watching for her. Once she is outside these walls she will get taken.”
“It’s decided then, we must teach her about the stones.”
“No, there is a price.”
“We have no choice.”
“I will not let her suffer my fate.
Adrina was wondering what they were talking about.
“Wait what are you talking about? What happened to Magnus?”
“Carelessness and not know the purpose and power of the stones.”
“So, let me get this right. You are not really and old man. You are young and being punished by the stones.”
“Yes, that is why I told you to stay away from certain crystals. Depending on the area and hat is happening affects the stones. They can reverse or curse those handling them.”
“Have you ever tried to reverse it?”
“No, I asked Magnus not to try. I am the mage I the marriage. I can conjure his former self. Holding the image takes more strength than I have.”
That night Adrina listened to her teacher. Her mind was made up she owed Magnus more than her life. he had taken her in and shown her more love and compassion than her own father. Although it was an ugly thought she was thankful that Madeline had sold her not once but twice. That night she vowed she would restore Magnus thus helping them all.