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Madix moaned at the pounding in his head as he slowly opened his eyes. Why was his head hurting and what had just happened to him? As his vision came into focus his eyes landed on three people standing a few feet away in a heated conversation.

“Adrina, why didn’t you heed my warning. I told you not to touch the stones.”

“Please don’t be angry Magnus I had to try.”

“Are you in such a rush to receive my fate.”

“Magnus my dear stop it. Adrina was only trying to help. We need to figure out who she brought here and send him back.”

Madix could not take his eyes off the petite woman in black. She leaned back to look at him and was caught in his gaze. Her beautiful brown skin and green eyes captured his.

“Adrina what is it?”

“He is awake.”

Magnus and Delia turned around looking at the man lying on the make shift bed they had made. Adrina made move to step towards him and was stopped.

“Don’t. My name is Magnus how may I address you?”

“I am Prince Madix.”

Magnus bowed before speaking.

“This is Delia my wife and our pupil Adrina.”

Madix whispered her name and like the way it felt on his tongue.

“Adrina, Milady Delia I’m Prince Madix of the planet . How have I come to be here?”

“All answers will come in time. Are you hurt? Can you tell us how you got here?”

All I know is that I was standing in my garden and then bright lights.”

“Oh boy “mumbled Adrina.

Delia turned to Adrina, “did you mumble any words dear?”


“Then how in the world did you get him here?”

“I swear all I did was reach out with my feelings/”


“Yes, I was feeling that there was someone out there for me. something in the stones made me feel it. I felt the tingling within me like a piece of me was missing and then he fell from the light.”

Both Magnus and Delia looked at each other when Madix said the same sentence, the same time as Adrina.

“Do you think?”

“I don’t know?” within the room as it crept over Magnus’s skin

“Then what?”

Delia clapped her hands and hugged Adrina as she slowly led her to Madix.

“don’t be shy Adrina, take his hand.”


Madix rose exposing his bare chest as he rested on his elbows. Reaching out he took her smaller hand in his and his eyes widened. She was beautiful, the current between them flowed and grew in a wave as it stretched outward. Its edges moved some article within the room as it crept over Magnus’s skin. Magnus arms flew out from his side as the energy flowed over him. Dropping him to his knees. Neither Madix nor Adrina realized that they were leaning towards each other as their lips met. The room illuminated a brighter yellow before the light died. In the floor moaning now stood a young Magnus.

His punishment from the stones broken. The clearing of his throat caused the two-young people before him to draw apart.

“Oh, thank you, thank you Adrina.”

Adrina looked over her shoulder at Magnus. Releasing Madix, she ran the short distance to her teacher.


“Yes Adrina.”

“Is it really you?”


“Why? what happened?”

“I will explain everything later. Now we must see to our guest.”

All three turned to Madix. Adrina’s mouth fell open as her eyes landed on Madix’s unclothed muscular chest.


Adrina spun around closing her eyes.

“Don’t embarrass them my love. Come Adrina we will find some clothed to fit Prince Madix.”

Madix’s eyes followed the women as they left him and the man the age of his older brother alone. Madix watched Magnus.

“How are you feeling?”

Madix’s brows drew together as he searched for a word that didn’t sound non- masculine.

“I feel… I feel electrified, if that makes sense.”

Magnus laughed as he stared at the young prince. He had the same reaction to Delia when they had first met.

“There is much for us to discuss. Rise and let’s get you fitted in some clothes.”

“If it’s not too much trouble could I possibly wash first. I also feel sticky.”

“My apologies, of course. Come this way.”

I followed Delia out of the room in a confused state. Somehow my feelings had conjured up a man. No somehow, I conjured up a prince or rather the stones had. If Delia hadn’t made me come with her. I was sure I would have walked back into his arms and kissed him again. Delia was right we needed to find him some clothes. We walked into an adjacent room and Delia pulled me into her arms. Her gratitude flowed into me.

“thank you Adrina. You don’t know how much your love means to us. Still it was very dangerous, the stones could have found you unworthy and punished you.”

“I only meant to help Magnus. I wasn’t afraid. I can’t explain why I felt I needed to reach out for what was missing in me. Do you think Prince Madix is my other half?”

“Yes, but first we must cloth him and learn more about him.”

Delia released me and went to a trunk. Flicking her finger, it opened and a blue tunic rose.

“This should do. Wait I better dress it up”

I watched as the tunic glimmered as gold enlaced on its collar, sleeves and cuffs.

“Now that is more like it. Let’s go. wait her is going to need trousers as well. Let’s go before Magnus questions him to death.”

I took a deep breath and followed Delia back out the door.



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