A Christmas Tale.

The snow blew across the front yard in layers of white as they stood guard by the steps against the chill of the night. As soon as the moonlight shone upon their faces did they spring to life. shaking off the powdery flakes. He raised his shoulders and slowly turned his head.in. She blinked several times before she shook her small head. A slow smile lit across her face as she raised it into the constant sheet of white. One tentative step then another causing small prints into the snow.
Midge launched herself into Hans arms and nuzzled his neck. He spun her twice before setting her onto the quickly covering ground.
Slowly their eyes rose to survey the world around them. questions sparkled within their eyes.
“Do you think the Petersons are still here?”
“Not sure but let’s go check.”
Nodding she followed him as he placed a finger on his nose and closed his eyes. Slowly Han rose and stretched his hand down to her. Midge took his outstretched hand and up they flew. Tiny unseen figures mingled within the snow of the night. Silently they flew up the stairs and stopped at the door closed to them. Turning into a whisper of smoke they slipped through the cracks of the door. Once inside they materialized and walked silently about. Midge clapped her hands and jumped for joy. Hans brows drew together as he placed a finger to his lips.
“They must not know we are not here Midge.”
“I know Hans, but look at that tree.”
Before them stood a tree of green spectacle with bulbs and lights beneath it was a barren sight.
“Oh Hans.”
He nodded his little gnome head and again placed his hand to his nose. This time he did not rise but instead when the Peterson awoke they would rise to see a wonderful surprise. Beneath their tree were gift splattered about. A litter of sparkled dust lay to onside. Neither one questioned their surprise and the old couple walked over to the window to peak out to see. The blanket of white covered their yard and their two-special guest were out of sight.
“Harold do you think?”
“Yes, Judy you know I do. It’s the gnomes and their magic of Christmas.”
“Should we go out there and dig them out and bring them inside?”
“I think it wouldn’t hurt and besides it the best way to thank them for what they have done.”
The old couple gathered their things and bundled up to go outside. The snow had long stopped in the middle of the night. Digging through the snow they found the couple exactly where they had left them. carefully they brought them inside. Placing them by the small fire in their hearth they sat together smiling. Soon they fell asleep and missed the sight. The gnomes came to life they celebrated with the Petersons for the remainder of the night.
*Merry Christmas*