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Choices part 2

Seeing that I did not have a choice in the matter. I padded back down the hall to the Living room. Sighing as I picked up the envelope from where I had dropped it on the sofa and turned to Ashini.

“You win I accept that in two years I will die in August.”

“And what manner would you like to die in? I can give you choices.”

Choices he said as I stared at him. I had no choice so I thought I would be a smart ass and threw caution to the wind. I hoped my answer would have him reeling in his other worldly shoes.

“I want to die in bed, after having a sexual orgasm with you. “

If I had a camera right now or my cell phone for that matter I would have recorded his reaction. He stood completely still for one second and then color seemed to flood his face. The paper that I held in my hand evaporated in a flash. His yelled “No!” echoed around us.


“What just happened?”

“You accepted the letter and manner of your death.”

“Yeah, I know. So why did the paper disappear. I never said the day.”

Ashini brows drew together and then he turned his burning yellow eyes to me. Being a smart ass had it times at best. But this was not one of those moment. He closed the gap between us and shoved passed me. He raked his manicured hand through his blonde hair before he spoke.

“What have you done?”

“What have I done? What have I done? I did as you prompted. I accepted that damn letter.”

“Your request.”

Hope glared in my chest as I stared at him. Maybe with my request he will see that it was all just a mistake and then recant the letter. I closed my eyes and opened them as he cleared his throat.

“The memo vanished as the manner of your death was accepted.”

Now it was my time to look stupid. My mouth fell open and I stared at Ashini.

“But I didn’t mean it. I’m too young to die, I haven’t lived yet”

‘You have lived long enough Sarah Asher. You own more than your share of the company that you run and besides you are in your fifties.”

“What? What are you seeing? I am not in my fifties I am only twenty-five. And I own no company. I really think that you have made a big mistake.”

“As I stated before I don’t make mistakes.”

“Yes, you do because I just decided on a date two year from now in which I will die. Which I did not get a chance to say. I do not own any company. I only own the clothes on my back and the things in this apartment. Wait who do you think I am?”

“I get that you have changed your hair color and you appear to be younger looking than what a fifty-year old. But you are Sarah Archer,”

“Yes, that is my name but I’m not who you think I am.”

Ashini wasn’t going to see the error of his way and it was the start of the weekend so I guess I had to make due. Turning I walked into the kitchen and began my preparation for dinner. I didn’t know if death’s assistant ate anything, nor did I care. I made my meal and carried it to the table to eat.

“What are you doing?”

“Eating, human eat to live unless I am supposed to starve to death. Not hardly since I chose to die in bed.”

Again, his face flushed and he ran his hand through his hair. Without a word he disappeared from my eyesight. I chewed aimlessly at my dinner, each bite choked me as it went down. Normally I would have enjoyed my chicken and fettucine in the creamy chicken sauce. But I wasn’t. My dinner sat alone on the table as I rose and went back to my small bedroom. I turned the tv on and stared at the screen. The tears stung at my eyes as I saw and felt nothing. Depression had me in its grip and before I knew it I was balling my eyes out.

When Ashini saw me next, I hoped that he would be scared to death at the state he caused me to be in. That wasn’t to be until the end of the following week. I awoke that morning to find him lying next to me in my bed. He had a strand of my hair in his finger and was staring at it. Startled I back peddled over the side of the bed and hit the floor.

“What do you think you are doing?”

“I was waiting for you to open your eyes”


“I was waiting for you to wake up.”


“Why what?”

“Why are you in my bed? What the hell is wrong with you?”

“I assure you there is nothing wrong with me. I was just getting the feel of being in your bed.”

I shook my head at Ashini, anger fueled my actions. I stood up with my hands on my hips. Ashini eyes drew to my figure and stared openly. The night shirt I wore hit the top of my thighs.

“So, you think that that means you can get into my bed at any time.”

Ashini didn’t verbally respond he just shook his head and I sighed. What was a girl to do? How was I to explain to everyone that I had the assistant to death following me around. Well the good thing was that I didn’t have to.

Ashini has been in my presence for the last six months and I think I am getting used to be the only one to see him. Of course, things are strained at work with me and Elenore. I told Ashini that this was the woman he was looking for and he just denied it, even after I told him she was the owner of the agency that I worked for. I was glad it was Friday and I had taken the day off. I was going to go for a walk as I guess I better make the best of thing as I only had six months left to live. Any way I downed a half a cup of orange juice and took a few bites of toast. Ashini watched me intently as I hummed.

“Why are you doing that?”

“Doing what?”

“That, making that sound.”

“Is it bothering you?” God, I hoped it was.



I continued to hum some more and watched as Ashini got up from where he was seated. Without warning he leaned down and kissed my neck. I dropped my cup of OJ and jumped out of my chair.

“Don’t do that.”


What the hell did he mean why.

“You know why not.”

Ashini looked at me and then moved away from me. I continued my humming as I moved to clean up the juice I spilled. Today I was going to have an all about me day. I was going to get a facial and a massage, then I was going to down a pint of my favorite ice cream. After I bought me that red dress I wanted. Ashini looked around the kitchen watching me. he was quiet as I clean up and began to dance about. I figured this was normal as most people did make the best of the time that they have left. Curiosity got the better of me and I asked him a question.

“Why is it that you don’t have a picture of the woman I am supposed to be.?”

Ashini sighed as if I was irritating him.

“I have been doing this for eons, I need no picture.”

I shrugged his answer off and walked away from him and into my bedroom.

Ashini didn’t follow and I was glad as I stripped I knew better than to walk around naked after that first incident in the shower when he wanted to touch my breast. I threw on a dress, walked passed him and out of the door. I smiled over my shoulder at him as I had things I wanted to do today.

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