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Writing Tips

Hi everyone, I found these tips to be helpful when we as writers, are writing our creative pieces. Some of these tips are my own and some I have used as advice. I hope that when you guys read these, they will keep you as motivated as I am.

Tip#1 Write it Down.

Write, write, write. It helps you to stay focus. Use pen and paper or tap it out on your computer keys. the words will flow creatively.

Tip#2 Read and Research your writing style.

Google as many sites as possible to gain tidbits on what your audience may like.

Tip#3 Sign up for Workshops.

Any improvement to your creative writing style is always helpful.

Tip#4 Don't shy away from Criticism.

Any feed back on your written work is a plus. Constructively critique work helps to build a stronger character.

Tip#5 Use Social Media.

Use social media, Facebook, Wattpad , Twitter and Instagram. if you are like me and a social media novice. Enlist help from someone that is active enough to help you in the process.

Tip #6 Never fear Writer's Block.

It's a time when our brains need their down time. Take a day or two to reboot those creative cells. We are writers it is what we love. So take the time and relax.

Tip#7 Facing the Unknown.

As writers, or bloggers we open ourselves to the unknown. our writing is our universe of words. There is always something out there to be discovered.

Feel free to email me any tips that you would like for me to post.

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