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New Day

I sat up and stared at the approaching woman. I took in her inter galactic attire and noticed the insignia bars running across her chest. The guard had approached the bed and grabbed my arm. I rubbed it subconsciously when he let it go. My fur had a protective measure and his touch had not hurt like before. My eyes followed her every move about the room. She stopped and stared at me.

“How are you feeling?”

“Not good when your eggs are being taken against your will.”

“Yes, let’s talk about that.”

To be honest I didn’t want to but, like I said her voice compelled me to answer

“Is it okay that I call you by your name?”

I nodded and she continued.

“The intergalactic council would like to do an inquiry on you and what happened to you. Is that okay Mira?”

“An inquiry?”

The nod of her head caused me to blink several times. In an instant, her image flashed in my head and I gasped. She raised an eyebrow and kept silent. I knew why she was familiar. She was the woman that came through the space doorway and rescued me.

“You” I muttered. “you saved me.”

“yes, I did now can you help me.” Can you think of anything that would help me, especially anything that will help us to find them?”

I hoped and prayed that I could.

“ask me anything?”

“Can you tell me what they were doing with you?”

“they wanted to create another race.” She nodded her head before continuing.

“Can you remember which race held you captive?”

“the man that took my eggs was a Dorma. But I was kidnapped by a post-dorian.”

‘Get her something to drink, she called over her shoulder. The men that filed into the room behind her were a sea of blue. And a sea of blue went into action. When one moved from their spot another one took his place. A new line in the formation was made. Those looking on would never tell that a person had stepped out of place.

I took the glass offered and sipped at the lime green fluid. It slid smoothly down my parched throat. the warmth radiated throughout my body. The fur on my arms began to tingle.

“you are doing great. What species are they splicing?”


I watched her soft blue features harden before she spoke again.

“Did you happen to get a name, or hear anything more helpful.

I thought long and hard for about seven minutes. Just when I was about to give up my long silence a lone word came to me. Ramtha 5.

“Ramtha 5.”

“Ramtha 5?”

“Yeah they were going to start the species on Ramtha. That’s all I can remember. They stuck me with something and I awoke back at my apartment. Until I was brought here.

She rose from the bed and gave a jerk of her head. The men that were in the room with us, filed out and I was left alone with her.

“we will need to run a few tests on you.”


“Yes, for precaution. “

All I could do was nod, I didn’t have a say in the matter really, I didn’t. when the inter galactic guard came to your door scoop you out of your apartment and comfort zone. You knew things were serious. So here I was the butt of a cosmic joke, getting ready to have my life changed forever. The tests took a total of three months and in that time, I wondered if I would still have an apartment. The day they dropped me off at my doorstep I was surprised. I hadn’t worked in months and I had not paid rent either. I opened the front door to a surprise. There were no dusk partials covering every surface as I believe it would. My place stood alone with no interaction. My place was squeaky clean. Just as I closed the door a familiar voce spoke to me from behind.

“Explain where you have been for the last three months Mira.”

I turned to see the same Dorna that broke my chains and harvested my eggs, standing less than a foot away from me with his hands on his hips glaring at me.


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