
I awoke this morning to find that the universe has a sense of humor. Now when I explain these chain of events to you, you may even laugh or have some other expletive leave your lips as it had done mine. Today I woke up and did my usual routine, you know getting ready to go to a job. I truly hated with a bunch of people I could barely stand. I arrived at work on time and walked into my workplace and into a world of chaos.
once I stepped through the doors, everyone I knew and worked with disintegrated before my eyes. My boss a normal postdorian had gone postal. he was presently eliminating people in the Earth Detention Department. the shot he fire just above my head made me dive for the floor. the second shot he fired froze me to that spot. I guess being frozen was better than being desintegrated.
I can tell you right now that I was dead wrong. so here I am staring at not one but three and i do mean three heads of a comla-devil. Comla-devil's are an angry race of stone like creatures. they were always throwing stones. Its laughable right?
Okay it wasn't funny, but at a time like this humor is needed. My dilemma was I was chained up to another Comla-devil. he was the exact opposite of his species, that stared at us from across the room. whom by the way was throwing rocks at us. he was crying and I do mean to the point where the tears were running a steady grey muddy stream down his face.
Ii wondered if he cried any longer, would his face melt away. My problem was when my boss went postal. my universal translator got destroyed and communication was out the window. so i couldn't figure out what they wanted and why was I here in the first place. I looked up as the door to the room opened. My boss walked in. Smoke was coming out of his collar. I threw a question at him.
"Jake what the hell is going on?"
Jake looked at me and smiled. i didn't like his smile, but i guess I had to start somewhere, especially if I wanted information. So I smiled back and waited. I raised my eyebrows in expectation. I got.
"Mars needs women."
Okay that is no big secret. so I shook my head in annoyance and said "So?"
Jake pointed his finger and said "You are going to help me get them."
Yeah...yeah this was a cosmic joke. But that didn't explain much. Mars needs women, and how was i going to get them with me chained to this crying rock.
"That's nothing new Jake. Saturn needs three new rings and the Earth need new inhabitants. What is this all about?" I spread my arms as far as I could.
What Jake said next made my mouth fall to my chest. I know my almond shaped eyes elongated even further. I just bet my purplish skin turned a shade darker.
"We need a new species and we elected you to be the mother of that race."