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Ort watched the young prince storm out the door Zamir was bound by duty he knew his cousin Rothid was only following his father's orders. Damn...damn he thought as he rounded the corner head towards the chambers. Nodding to the servants standing guard. no matter what" he said staring at them sternly. "do not let them leave this room until I return." the repairs on their ship should be finished by morning." Now he had to get to oycaster. Tapping his right wrist. His com link sent a video hollo image to his cousin. Zamir rolled his eyes as his cousins nervously answered the call. “Zamir? Why are you calling me?” “Why do you think? We need to talk.” “Couldn’t you have just teleported over.” “If I had I would have my hands around your scrawny neck.” Zamir watched as his cousin took a few steps back before replying. “I don’t know why you would want to physically harm me. I have done nothing wrong.” “Not yet you haven’t.” “I don’t know what you are talking about.” “The lady Melain. Rothid. The woman you are betrothed to.” Zamir watched his cousin take cloud for a fraction of a second before brightening. “Oh yes, we should be meeting up shortly. How do you know of her?” “She is here at the palace with me.” “What is she doing there?” “Ship repairs.” “That is so kind of you when its repaired send her here.” “Do I look to be as stupid as you and my father. War is not something we need. Especially with the ruler of this planet.” “Zamir I’m offering her my name it should be enough.” “Rothid have you ever seen this woman you plan to marry?” “Well no. I heard she was pretty.” “It’s wrong to condemn her to your way of life. Have you given thought to an heir?” “Oh heavens no. I could never sleep with her. Our marriage is in name only.” Zamir was starting to lose his patience with his cousin. “Is my father with you?” “No he and your brother left for home.” Zamir ended the call after Rothid announcement. he was mad as hell. Why did he always have to be the one to make the sacrifice and once again save his people on this mixed-up planet. Cara wringing her fingers not only had me worried it was making me angry. There were guards stationed outside our door as we weren’t allowed to leave “Something is not right milady. Why can’t we leave?” I rose from where I was seated and approached the door I yanked it open to find the guards gone and Zamir standing there. The rich purple of his robe had me staring intently into his golden eyes. I think I swayed towards them as my eyes landed on his lips and remained there. “Ladies, I have provided you a change of clothing as I’m sorry your ship repairs are taking longer than expected.” Two woman sauntered in and bowed before laying out what they called clothing. Cara gasped as she looked at the gowns and back to Zamir. He seems to be watching us both intently.

“I will leave you to our attendees to help you change. I would like to invite you both to have dinner with me in the reception hall. Once you are dressed of course.” I thought Zamir was going to stand there and over see us getting ready. but he turned on his heels and left the room. Cara shook her head and backed away from the attendee that approached her. The young woman smiled and gently drew her towards her as she held up the gown for Cara with the other hand. “Please it is my job to dress you.” “I’m not wearing that.” “Please it will cause displeasure with the prince if you don’t.” “No milady please we need to leave. “ “I know Cara but we don’t have a ship.” “Let’s use the prince’s ship. Please we need to get out of here.” “What are you not telling me?” Cara closed her eyes and fainted onto the floor. I looked at the attendees for help. The three of us. Carried Cara to the bed. I then stood back and let them do as they were told. Cara and were wiped down in a scented oil that made me feel giddy. I knew I was smiling but I didn’t know why. The gown I now wore was an intricate rose gold. In color. It clung to my every curve and felt wonderful ad it pressed against my skin. The sensuality of these people was starting to rub off on me. Cara pale blue gown made her look beyond being. my companion. She looked like the circle I was born into royalty. Cara was starting to wake as we heard three loud gongs of a bell. Cara bolted upright and stood up. Our door swooshed open and prince Zamir stood in the doorway. If I wasn’t a betroth woman I would have devoured him. I blinked rapidly and watched his chest rise and fall deeply. “Ladies his husky voice caressed us from across the room. I’m here as your escort to the hall.”

He bowed regally as he reached for our hands. Cara whimpered and tried to draw away. I took the extended other hand and knew in that instant I wanted this man. Stay true to your betrothed I mumbled in my head. We will be on our way to oycaster. This stop was necessary. The ship saw to it. We all walked in silence down a hall lined with people. Everyone bowed respectfully and I return their curtesy. The hall was beautifully adorned. I felt as if I was on a cloud. God, I prayed that I hadn’t been drugged. We walked up to a large table with two goblets on them. Zamir handed Cara off to a young man and I saw from the corner of my eye that she stood the transfixed as if she had been etched in stone. Prince Zamir handed me a goblet I took a sip and handed it back. He sipped from the same cup nodded his head a someone and then the room broke out it roars. The next words that I heard took all my giddy feelings away. “Hail all hail prince Zamir and his wife princess Melain.” “What the hell?” My head snapped around so fast to stare into golden eyes. My first reaction was not governed by my common sense. My right hand lashed out with a swiftness I didn’t know I had in me and connected with Zamir’s cheek. Another roar sounded from the room and I found myself being pulled roughly against a rock-hard chest. Zamir lips captured mine as the protest escaped me lips. They were velvet smooth and I surrendered to the simplicity of the kiss. Zamir then swooped me up carried me in swift strides through another door and deposited me unsteadily on my feet. “What have you done? I can’t be married to you.” Now I took up Cara’s role and paced the floor. Zamir said nothing he just watched me with those golden eyes. “This can’t be happening. it didn’t happen. Where is my ship? I need to get word to my father. What you have done is an act of war? I was supposed to wed Rothid in Oycaster. Why did you do this?” I felt the heat radiating from Zamir’s body as he stepped up behind me, turning me to face him. “I did it to prevent war.” “Liar!” “I don’t lie. I never have your marriage to my cousin would have resulted in war. I could not let the people of this area go through that. Your ship repairs should be finished by morning. I will let you go then. Right now, I need to taste your lips again.” Although I shook my head no, I lifted my head for the kiss. Zamir and I were kissing hot and heavy when the door flung open and we heard his name in a roar. “Zamir!” “It’s too late father I married her first. Rothid can live his life as he chooses. You should have not forced my hand.” “The marriage can be undone.” “I made sure of it. Did you rush in here and not look at the goblets? Those were courtesan goblets. I married her in the traditional way. As you saw from her response. No matter what we are linked together unless you kill me.” Zamir’s father hand went to his laser at his side. The two men standing behind him looked on in shock. “I’m sorry uncle he forced me to tell him everything.” “Shut up Rothid”. Zamir’s younger brother raised an eyebrow as he looked me up and down. “Whenever you tire of her. I will gladly take her off your hands.” The insults went past Zamir’s head but not my own. He would pay for saying that. Zamir held me in his arms as they all turned and walked out the door. Zamir voice held no emotion.

“I will post guards outside our door tonight. You and your friend are leaving first thing on the morning.” ***

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