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Perceived Perception

Melain was more than surprised as they entered the palace from the space port bay. She followed behind a nervous Cara as they entered a well-lit hall. The sparkling gems of Otra illuminated various places on the wall. She was more than aware of the prince. Here mouth watered at the thought of being kissed by him. Cara was right they needed to get the hell out of this province fast. Kalen led them to a set of beautifully decorated rooms at the end of the corridor. Stepping inside Melain watched as he bowed before leaving her and Cara alone. Cara waited all but a minute before she whispered across the room. "Milady, we got to get you out of here. Did you see the way he was watching you? No intended brother in law should look at you that way." "Calm down Cara we are here for repairs only." " that’s what we are here for but that is not what we are here for. I know you are going to marry his brother. But my instinct tells me otherwise. " " your instinct is wrong. I will marry well and stay true to my husband." Cara sigh worriedly as she was sure Melain’s marriage to prince Rothid was not going to happen. Prince Zamir exuded a magnetic quality that she only encountered one other time. She knew her friend was in denial. That man that escorted them to this room had other designs. She read it in hos mannerisms. Zamir closed the door on the two women and sighed. He pushed himself away from the door and stormed down the hall. Was this celestial joke? He wanted answers and he wanted them now. He yelled for his servant. "You called sir." "Get me a lock on my father's location now." "Yes sir right away sir." "Also get me an update on that ship. I want them out of here." Zamir watched as his servant scurried out of his room. He ran his hand up and down his face. The pull between them was too strong to ignore. He turned to stare broodingly out the window. Okay so Cara may have a point. I felt the attraction that prince Zamir possessed. Maybe my idea was not well thought out. Prince Neroah brother was very viral and I do mean very. I had to reign in any feelings. Just standing in his proximity had my temperature rising. I had and had to make sure that the mission I was on was one of diplomacy. I watched Cara pace back and forth across the pinkish marbled floor. She seemed to become more agitated by the minute. I knew she was keeping something from me. " okay Cara spit it out. You are keeping something bottle up." I watched. Cara swallow hard as her eyes darted nervously away from me. "Cara!" Cara winced before she said." I'm not a virgin like you Melain. I don’t want you to be here. The Alanti people are very sexual. I’m speaking from experience. I have lain with one." My mouth fell open and snapped shut as quickly as I could manage it. I drew Cara into my embrace and gave her a reassuring hug. "Was it really bad?" " no it was quite wonderful. He was very gentle with me. It was a fast love affair. Barid lived just outside the north boarder. We met up by chance and I couldn’t resist his charms or sexual pull. I believe he loved me as much as I loved him." "I’m glad you shared the experience with me. I can assure you that I will keep my wits and virtue intact." I stared into her brown eyes hoping that what. I just said was true. I said the words out loud hoping I convinced her as well as myself. Prince Zamir heard the click of the com as his father’s voice came through the holo-link before his image. "Zamir what is the issue?." " Oh there is an issue father. Prince. Rothid betroth is here." "Why? She is supposed to meet him in Oycaster." " ship repairs." " so repair the ship and send her on her." "Father what the hell is going on? Rothid can't marry this woman." " why? Your cousin is more than happy to give her his name." " father, what is. Being done is wrong. You are aware who her father is?" "Of course I know. Whose daughter she is." "Then you know that this will create war. Rothid cannot marry her. We both know he has an aversion to the female species. He can have a life with her." " It’s for the good of our people." "Dammit father don't do this." " You will stay silent about this boy." Zamir cut the link and cursed aloud. His father had always been a selfish bastard. He placed duty above morals. The door to his room slid open and Anell step inside. Her sultry smile gleamed in her eyes as she sauntered over to him. "You have returned my lord." Zamir did not remove the arms that slowly slid around his neck. Nor did he stop the kisses she places along his jaw bone. Giving in to his baser needs. Zamir succumb to Anell's charms. Zamir reached for his shirt as he fully redressed and kissed the pouty lips of his concubine. He knew what he had to do as he has lain in Anell's arm. He cursed his father for forcing his hand. He had to break the marriage pact between prince Rothid and the young princess. He had to make sure she did not leave the palace. "Ort ready the dining hall for our guest and get the courtesan priest ready. I want that ship repaired by morning." " you want a courtesan priest?" " yes I want a courtesan priest that can perform a marriage ceremony tonight." Ort, did not question anything the young master did anymore. If he asked for something, then he had a good reason and purpose behind asking. Ort nodded curtly, turned and left the room.

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