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Destiny's Curve

“Are you sure it’s safe to land here milady?”

Whether it safe or not we are being forced to land the ship is malfunctioning.”

“But we are not ally with the Alanti people.”

“Then this will be a trip of diplomacy. Really Cara get some back bone.”

“I’ve heard thing Milady, things a young lady as yourself should not hear.”

” Cara, we have been together since the age of five. Don’t make me replace you, what have you heard.”

Melain knew that the age-old threat to her best friend would loosen her tongue.

“I’d rather not.”


“The Alanti people are an open race, they don’t follow your father planetary rule.”

“Is that all really Cara.”

“No Milady.”

Melain stared at her eyes and rolled her eyes. She knew there was more to what Cara was saying she just had to get it out of her. Cara had always been over cautious. She knew that was the reason why her parents had picked the gentle Orthian as her companion. Sighing Melain hit the auto pilot and waited for the ships computer to take over. She was going to box Oro when she returned. A day of working in restriction would help him to keep her shuttle in working order.

“Milady wait, what I meant to say was they do not go by your father coupling sanction.”

“Are you telling me the Alanti people are mating all over the place. If so I how can they be a functioning society. When does king Harlan rule?”

“They are sexual creatures, they can ensnare you, they give off a scent I heard, it seizes your senses and make you do thing that you wouldn’t do.”

“How do you know this? You and I have been together every day of our lives.”

Cara lowered her raven colored head and all but whispered into her chest.

“I listen to the talk in the palace when other arrive.”

Melain laughed and so did Cara it eased the tension that was weighing down Cara’s shoulders. Melain rose from her seat and placed her arm around Cara’s shoulders.

“Enough of the gossip, I need to change.”


Melain had heard this herself and walked back to the console to punch in the coordinates for her shuttle to go around the Requiem. But the shuttle had other ideas. The ship stated it was on auto pilot until they met up with the Alanti tractor beam. Melain thought it best to change and placed a call to her parents.

“Sir a Datari shuttle is requesting assistance.”

Prince Zamir wiped his hands with the cleaning clothe before turning his attention to the emerald skin concubine before him. His golden eyes held a kiss of promise as he spoke over his shoulder.

“So, let Noah handle it, I’m busy.”

“Prince Noah left with King Harlan, that leaves you sire.”

Zamir sighed and winked at the woman in his chambers.

“Sorry Tia duty call. We will pick this up later.”

Tia took the extended hand and rose from the bed and walked towards the door given Zamir a chance to reconsider as he got full view of her naked posterior. blowing a kiss over her shoulder she entered the room where the other concubines waited until they were called. Not known for being a patient man especially when it came to his appetite. Zamir golden eyes stared at the servant.

“Okay…ok I will meet the shuttle, have the repair crew ready. I’m in no mood to escort a member of the Datari around today. Whose shuttle is it anyway?”

“The lady Melain.”

Zamir stopped in his tracks and slowly turned towards his servant.

“Say that again.”

The servant swallowed and took a small step back before speaking again.

“The lady Melain.”

“I thought that’s what you said, let’s go.”

“Sir you should change.”

Zamir brow closed together as he looked down and realized that he too was naked. A small smile crossed his features as he turned and went into another room with the servant right on his heels.

Melain changed into her yellow gown traversed with the colors of the Alanti sun. It shimmering material matched her fiery red hair and light blue translucent skin. She knew Cara was going to complain as something in Melain made her want to wear the daring colors. The dress itself was simple but on Melain it took on a different appearance. As she walked back to the front of the shuttle, she snapped on her diplomatic ensign.

“Oh, Milady you can’t wear that it reveals too much.”

“Nonsense, it just right for the warm plane, go change while we are in the tractor beam. Put on something less constricting. I want the people of Alanti to feel that we are one.”

Cara shook her head and mumbled under her breathe as she stalked off to her chamber. although she was the same age as Melain, she knew they should have pushed the shuttle passed this region and headed for an allied sector. Any region that was free with their sexual taste was a region to stay away from.

Melain watched as Cara sulked off, maybe she was right. Most likely she was, but she didn’t have the heart to tell her that they could have dropped out of the sky at any moment killing them both. So, she opted for the only option they were faced with. The Alanti region. As Cara joined Melain on deck they watched from the window the different hues of the planet as they were ushered into the docking bay. Melain laughed as Cara gasped echoed through the small area.

“Oh my.”

Melain eyes followed Cara’s pointing finger. This wasn’t Melain’s first time seeing an Alanti. It was her first time seeing one so, as she would say put together. He stood out amongst the rest. Who could it be? She was sure it wasn’t king Harlan. Since she had met him last week. This individual had to be one of the three princes. He stood at least a foot taller than the rest, his head bent in conversation.

“milady you can’t go out there like that. Please change before he sees you.”

“Cara stop your nonsense, we need repairs lets be cordial. Let’s go.”

Cara followed Melain to the shuttle door and awaited its opening. Zamir looked up as the shuttle door opened and was taken back. This tantalizing woman in the flowing gown could not possibly be the princess Melain. But something told him she was. Zamir’s mouth went dry as carnal need shot straight to his loins. he wanted her moaning and writhing underneath him. Mesmerized he and the shuttle repair crew watched her descend the shuttle steps. Her red hair made a fiery halo cascading to her waist. Zamir had to catch himself as he started to reach out and grab her hair, as it moved as if it were alive. A Datari had stepped into his father’s region. A very sensual one. He had to get her ship repaired and get her out of there. No wonder his father wanted him to accompany him on his next trip to the planet. Melain extended her blue hand to the Alanti Prince.

“Greetings I am princess Melain of the Datari. I am grateful for your assistance.”

She was bold Zamir liked that. A servant stepped forward and introduced Zamir.

“Milady Melain, this is Prince Zamir.”

Melain found herself mesmerized by a pair of golden eyes. He was watching her intently. Slowly he raised his hand and took her in his and bowed. A little electric jolt went through Melain and ended at the junction between her thighs. For the first time in her 21 years did she feel decadent. She wanted to strip him right there on the docking bay floor and have her way with him. Removing her hand Melain bowed as he extended his hand to Cara as well. Prince Zamir whiffed in her scent and knew he would have her tonight. Her maid could join them as well. Turning to the crew his command rang out.

“Repair the shuttle now.”

Cara jumped and clung to Melain’s arm. Prince Zamir scared her, he could barely conceal his desire.

“if you will follow me, I will see to your comfort as well as your maid’s.”

Zamir eyes locked onto the pretty maid and she trembled more. He wanted to laugh out loud but he was afraid that the girl would faint. Cara’s grip on Melain’s arm caused her to stumble. Zamir caught her before she went down. The sexual pull between them was getting stronger. Standing her up right, he turned away. Zamir moved swiftly through the docking bay as he made his way to the shuttle. Once they were aboard he wasted no time in getting them to the palace.

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