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Fantasy Man

Hi Guys, sorry for the late posting. I've been very busy with a new edition to my family. I welcome another grandchild in the world this December. This is a short story with a bit of sensuality to it I hope you enjoy the reading.

We as women tend to sit around and jab and joke on our men, or what kind of man that we want our man to be. Just killing time. I had just come from a sitting and that was what we were doing. Just killing time. Six women talking trash passing judgement on each other and our related stories. How similar we were. Either our men were no good or just no damn good. Do you understand what I am saying? Well… here I am walking up the stoop of my condo on the upper east side. Not really caring about the time or even paying attention to what was going on around me. I’d just pulled out my keys when a hand slipped around my mouth. I couldn’t scream if I wanted to. The sound would be muffled.

“Just open the door and be quiet about it.”

I did as he said, just my luck living in a building where there was no door man. Shit for all the money I paid for it there should have been one. When we were inside he did not release me, but whispered in my ear.

“Walk slowly to your apartment.”

I complied and led the way. We reached my door in less than a minute since I lived on the first floor. His grip on me did not lessen as he waited for me to open the door. I knew that if he got me inside I would be done for. I made a show of trying to find the right key and only succeeded I pissing him off. I felt a sharp jab in my side and found the right key. I figured that he had a knife and would use it. So, I opened the door. We stepped into the dark foyer and he closed the door behind us.

“turn on the light.”

Light flooded my ultra-modern apartment and I heard him whistle. He shoved me towards the Livingroom. I tripped down the three steps that led into the area. My back was still to him when he turned me around. Slowly I turned and got the shock of my life. The person who just accosted me in the doorway was my best friend Jerry.

“” Damn! Jerry why would you do that?”

‘I told you that this area isn’t safe, I want you to move.”

“We have gone over this before, I won’t move. I like it here. I like the area and I like the view, Besides the condo was a steal.”

“You only like it because a guy was killed here.”

It’s more than that I thought but kept that to myself.

“You care for some coffee?”

“yeah put a little rum in it.”

“Christ Jerry, its only seven.”

“Is there a law that I don’t know about that says that I can’t have a drink at seven at night?”


“well get my drink then.”

I put on the peculator and measured out the scoops. The coffee would be ready in less than five minutes. I let the aroma fill the air. It mingled with the scents of my flowers on the table. I threw my coat over the chair and kicked off my shoes. Jerry wanted to relieve himself of something. Most likely girl trouble or better yet boy trouble. Jerry went both ways when the urge got him. I could tell as I poured the coffee and added a little extra that he wanted to talk. I just wanted to be alone. I motioned for the sofa and he took it. After taking a few gulps he launched into his tirade. It was about his latest girlfriend Brianna. You know the type. upper class rich girl who spent daddy’s money. From what I gathered she was pressing for a commitment and had no idea that she wasn’t going to get one.

“She even had the nerve to show me a china pattern as if I cared.”

Well Jerry did you tell her that you date men also?”

“Hell no! I like the girl but that is all there is to it.”

I joked “not marriage material huh?”

The look Jerry gave me silenced me as I listened to his voice. When he was done, he had told me the story of Jerry, Brianna and Jason a young marketing intern. Who he was more passionate about than his present girlfriend. I kind of felt sorry for Brianna, she was trying to obtain an unreachable dream. Jerry would never marry her, he would likely never marry at all. I nodded my head as a good friend should. When I felt a slight tingle at my neck. My signal that I had to get Jerry out of my apartment. My lover was on his way.

Jerry finished his coffee with a grimace and stood up. His lopsided smile broke my heart as he leaned his face towards mine. When his lips were inches away he breath softly. “I wouldn’t stray if we were to hook up.”

Forget it Jerry, I already told you I don’t share and the one time we did try you fell asleep. That was more than a hint for me.”

“Cheryl, if you remember that I was dead drunk at the time.”

“more the reason not to pursue anything. I like our friendship. I don’t want anything more.”

Just then Jerry glanced at his watch and gathered his coat.

“I would stay longer but Jason will be picking e up in ten minutes.”

I rose as he placed a kiss on my cheek and sauntered to the door.

“one last chance he called over his shoulder before he opened the door and left. I laughed and shook my head as the door closed behind him. It was when I was all alone that I felt the tingle again. Johnathan was coming and I couldn’t wait. How could I tell my girlfriends that my guy was just a fantasy? Something that I conjured up. Something out of the mist. But to me he was real. His kissed were real and so was his love making. I waited in anticipation in front of my full-length mirror. He always came through the mirror a portal of some sort for my thoughts.

As always, my mouth went dry. It always was just before he arrived. My fantasy man was always punctual. Just as the clock struck eight, he came through the mirror. First an arm came through, then his leg and upper body. Clothed in a dark business suit I waited for him. Jonathan was what I thought a fantasy man should be. He was around six feet, medium build with bulging muscles not too many though. I loved the color of his hazel eyes as they devoured me as he stood before me. He let them run their slow course over my body. Letting me feel that he was touching me. Instantly my blood heated up and I swayed towards him. The sexual pull was so magnetic and intoxicating that I almost fell to my knees.

If this was a dream, then I did not want to wake up. Hell, I hoped that I never woke up. As usual I reached out to his outstretched hand and was drawn into his embrace. God, it was like liquid silk melting all over my body. I sighed as he lowered his head to mine. His lips brushed lightly against mine stealing my breath. My arms snaked up around his now solid neck and held on as he lifted me and carried me over to the bed. My mind scream that this shouldn’t be happening but I wanted it to happen too much. I wanted what I could not have in a real man. I would settle for my fantasy man. A man that I made up that would fulfill all my needs emotionally and physically. Did it matter that he looked like my favorite movie star? I thought not as I let him undress me. Running his hands slowly over my body, I sighed and closed my eyes and got into my fantasy.

The sound of the ocean in the distant echoed throughout the room. As usual time passed slowly for me when I finally let Johnathan vanish it was two hours past. I sighs as I rose from the bed and wrapped myself in my robe. I walked over to the mirror a stared at my reflection. Trying to see further than I could see. All I saw were my own eyes staring back at me Brown eyes that were stated. Again, I sighed as I turned from the mirror and walked out of the bedroom. I really had to put a stop to this. But Johnathan was just what he was a fantasy. Something I could turn into emotional need. Physically I satisfied myself. I figured what did it hurt… nothing. I wasn’t emotionally attached and did not have to worry about him cheating on me. I stood in front of the window in the dark and closed my eyes wishing and willing his arms around me. A slow smile creased my face as I felt the familiar pull engulf me. I may not have a man but I had my fantasy.


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