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The Ball Drops

Okay guy’s things were going so well like I said I was on top of the world. Robert returned and we spent the next two days in bed. Who said you only had to celebrate New Year’s Eve on New Year’s Eve. I celebrated the whole month of January, literally the whole month. Every night I was picked up by car and was brought home. I stopped driving my own car when this door to door car service started. A gift from Robert. Months flew by and before you now it summer, just like the bees buzzed happily into our lives or so I thought.

Senator Williams and I were at a banquet we were presenting an award from his office. Today I wore a grey pant suit. I had just taken my seat as I looked at the so many faces in attendance. The recipient of the Citizenship Award was being presented by the Senator. For a summer day, the air seemed to have a slight chill. I ignored its breezy message as if it was a forgotten post it taped to my desk. Senator Williams read the name after the lengthy speech on morals and ethics. I remember his words clearly. “Our actions are what define us within this world. To constantly give and look out for others is what set us above lower species. This award of citizenship is being awarded to Joshua Jackson. A young man who risked his life, to brave a fire t rescue six children and two elderly adults.

Thunderous claps and whoops came from the people seated at the tables. The young man humbly accepted the award. He shook Senator Williams hand and leaned in close, words whispered. I passed the clear etched plaque to the senator and watched with pride as he presented it to the young man. our press photographer snapped off shots in rapid succession.

Single pictures, group pictures, pictures, pictures, pictures. Pictures at the table making toast, by the end of it all I was bone tired. I waved good bye as the car pulled up. Not thinking twice, I got in. I sighed as I sat back and closed my eyes. I jumped at the sound of an unfamiliar voice.

“Good Evening Mrs. Austin.”

I know her heard my gasp, my hand flew to my chest as my eyes flew open.

“Who… who are you? What are you doing in my car?”

His chuckle was low and gravelly. It sounded like sand paper. I stared wide eyed at the gentleman before me.

“You are sharp minded I see. I am Manuel. I work with your husband on many things.”

The many things part shook me. It wasn’t what he said, it was how he said it. As far as I knew Robert ran a successful no profit.

“You work with Robert. I don’t understand why are you in my car.?”

The smile that crossed his face had not reached his eyes. Bad enough it did not match the tone in his voice. He loosened his tie and asked a very weird question.

“Would you care to go to dinner with me?”

What could I say as words had left my brain. I just simply nodded. besides what choice did I have. I watched as he called out to the driver.

“Enrique, can you drive me and… what is your name?”


“Tabitha to Borelli. You do eat Italian?”

Again, I nodded. I was too afraid to speak.

Manuel looked at me and slowly roamed his eyes over my suited body.

“I know you are wondering what is going on. So, I will kindly enlighten you. I must meet the woman my partner fell in love with and married. You guys have been married for two years am I, right?”


“Aw I was wondering when I would hear your voice again. It’s very soft spoken like a delicate flower. I can see why he likes that about you. Before we get to our destination. I want to have a talk with you.”

I didn’t respond, I just stared at him.

“what am I going to say may alarm you. I want you to be aware that I am not intentionally trying to hurt you in any way. But your marriage to Robert is a fraud.”


“You and Robert are not legally married.”

I blinked several times before I responded.

“Impossible we have been married for almost two years.”

“yes, yes I am aware of that. I’m sure Robert never told you that he was already married.”

I closed my eyes as my world began to spin out of control. The car stopped in front of the restaurant. I let Manuel lead me out and into the restaurant. I wanted to throw up. Polite as a gentleman he pulled out my chair and I was seated across from him. I still had my eyes closed when I heard him laughing.

“Please forgive me… I can’t keep this charade up any longer.”


Manuel laughed and I nervously laughed along with him. I noticed that his accent had left and he was continuously apologizing. What the hell was going on.

“Who are you? What is going on?”

The voice that answered and whispered warm air in my ear made me gasp. I turned in my seat and stared bewildered into Robert’s face.

“Tabitha, are you ok I wanted to surprise you.”

“Surprise me, this? Robert, are you telling me that this is all a lie. Are you telling me that we are not married?”

“Tabitha, we are really married and this was my attempt at a joke that didn’t go off well. I wanted surprise you.”

My first instinct was to punch him in the face. But I just turned back around and looked at the people in the restaurant. No one paid us any attention as I was close to angry tears. Manuel if that was his name slid from his occupied chair and handed it over to Robert. He took my hands in his and kissed them both. Robert slipped a diamond tennis bracelet on my left wrist. My brows drew together in consternation. Robert me a bracelet I thought. All of this was to give me a bracelet. Oh, god what else could happen.

Listen people never say what else? As there is always a what else and what follows behind that question is never good. At that moment, I looked up to see men and women file into the restaurant with guns drawn. Words escaped my blank mind and blatant fear shone in my eyes. The only thing that registered was the large white printed letters FBI. Robert slowly turned in his seat watching them approach. His grip on my hand tightened as they called his name.

“Robert Austin, if you would kindly come with us.”

Robert didn’t bat an eye as he rose and pulled me along with him.

“my wife has nothing to do with this.”

The gentleman with the blue eyes and close cropped blond hair spoke first.

“sorry but your wife has to come as well.”

“What?” I stammered. Why was Robert and I going anywhere. I followed meekly. My job and life all flashed before my eyes.

For the next six months, my dream life spiraled even more out of control. I was now living in a world of constant hell. Blindly I loved Robert and everything our life supposedly stood for. I went through thousands of pictures. Well not really a thousand but it seemed like it. Pictures of missing women. Dates flew around my head as much as my thoughts. By the time a trial or word of a conviction was thrown at Robert. I found out that I was pregnant. A surprise as I was faithfully using protection.

We stood in the court room listening to the judge drone on about morals. My heart sunk to the bottom of my feet as Robert received 20 years for sex trafficking of women, his charges of kidnapping, unlawful imprisonment had my stomach cramping to the point I want to pass out. But I held it all together. My eyes held Robert’s as he was led away. He mouth the words “I love you. I smiled and nodded. I couldn’t bring myself to say them back. That night I went home alone and sat in the dark with the thought. He could have trafficked my child too.


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