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Two Faced

Rob and my wedding was a fairy tale blur. I felt like Cinderella, without having everything turn into a pumpkin at the end of the evening. Senator Williams gave us a week honeymoon in Aruba. I saw Rob whispering to him and later that evening I was told to take an additional week. I was on cloud nine. I even went so far as to kiss Cheryl on her cheek. It shut her negative mouth.

Rob and I danced ad laughed until my cheeks hurt. I wish I could relive my wedding every day. Aruba’s lure held me fast in it spectacular clear water and dazzling sunsets. I never wanted to leave. I was like a crack head chasing the next hit. For two week’s I basked in water of being treated like a royal princess. Rob and people catered to me until I felt my head spin. I was drunk on love and being in love with Rob.

Two weeks came and went and I returned to work. Senator Williams and Cheryl and the others on the Senator’s team all fell back into our daily routine. Weeks flew by and even Cheryl’s demeanor couldn’t shake the euphoria I was on. It was then end of the year and 2015 was rolling around. I had gotten a phone call from Rob explaining that he wouldn’t be home this new year and if I minded. My heart dropped a little but I knew he would be back by the end of the first week in January.

“No Rob, you got to go. I have never interfered I your work. I will attend the Senator’s Williams new year eve party. So, I won’t be alone. Just hurry up and come home so I can curl under the covers and think of nothing but you.

I heard the timber in Rob’s voice change as I mentioned waiting in bed for him.

“Tabby what are you doing to me?”

“I knew my hold over Rob was strong and every now and then I played it for all it was worth. I will take a bath after the party and wait all weekend under that sky blue plush bath sheet you like so much. When you return, I’ll run a bath and when you get out. I will wipe you down and cover you in the bath sheet. My scent will be all over you.

“Dammit woman stop!”

I giggled, I knew it was mushy pillow talk, but I found Rob enjoyed the playful banter as much as I did.

“when are, you flying out?”

“It’s short notice, but in an hour. I’m on my way to the airport now. I left something behind for you.”

My heart dropped another notch, he was already on his way to the airport. The office party was in two days, that meant two extra days alone. I hid my disappointment as I heard through the phone, the calling of flights. Rob sent me kissed through the phone before disconnecting. His last words were “I will call you when I touch down.”

I placed my cell phone back on my hip after we hung up and found Cheryl staring at me.

“I told you so, left your ass. That’s how it always starts. First trip of many away.”

“Why don’t you go bother someone else Cheryl.”

“I’m just stating what I observe.”

Rob stood online at the airport while making his call. He nodded his head at the man not standing too far away from him. He had finished his call to Tabitha and stepped from the line. He smiled at the two-young woman who vocally voiced their disapproval over their wait time to board their plane.

“Hey Wil.”

“Hello Mr. Austin.”

“Is my car ready.”

“Yes, sir right this way.”

Rob walked passed Will but turned to size up the two-complaining woman. He had thought about passing them up until he brunette opened her mouth.

“what the hell you looking at. You act like you never seen two women before.”

Rob motioned to will and whispered in his ear.

“we are taking them two as well.”

“Robin shut up.”

“I’m sorry ladies. I thought I recognized you from a t.v. pilot I saw. I was on my way to my company’s private jet. I was thinking about asking for an autograph. But I see you guys are busy, so…

The one called Robin changed her tune immediately when she heard that he had use of his company jet.

“Please excuse my outburst before. I am stressed to my limit. We have been here since seven am. I’m tired and hungry. This is Susan.”

Rob turned on his killer charm as he extended his hand to both woman.

“This is Will, he works security for me. If you guys are going to Miami, I could use the company.”

“How did you guess.”

“you are so dense Robin, we are standing inline waiting to board. I think we should wait.

“sometime you are so lame Susan.”

“But the others are waiting for us.”


“Yes, our best friend is getting married and we are part of the bridal party.”

“Look I can just drop you guys to Miami and have Wil arrange a car to take you to your hotel.”

“Villa we are staying at the Villa De La Concha.”

“the you two must fly with me. I know Manuel De La Concha. We are meeting this afternoon.

“What about the tickets?”

“What about them?”

“we can’t get our money back.”

“Can you come over here Susan.”

Robin excused them and went what she thought was out of ear shot from Rob.

“Susan, you are such a caution Sally. He owns a jet. Our flight has been canceled twice, and we have a chance to get to the villa now. I say take him up on his offer. Besides he is wearing a wedding ring. I heard him talking to his wife. If he wasn’t married I would go for him. What could happen from one’s person charity?”

“That’s what got me worried.”

“Um ladies, I got too get going.”

Rob began to walk off when he felt a slight tug on his muscled arm. He smiled knowingly to Will and turned back around.

“We would love the ride and the help if your offer still stands.”

“It does and I’ll be glad for the company. As you can see Will doesn’t talk much.”

Rob laughed at the grunt and snort that came from Wil’s direction.

“let me and Wil help you ladies with your bags.”

Robin handed her bags over and Susan held tight to her small red carry on. Rob extended his hand but she declined.

“It’s ok, these are my personal things.”

“It’s fine do we need to retrieve anything else.”

“We just need to get our luggage.”

“Lead the way ladies. So how long will you guys be staying at Manuel’s villa?”

“Just a couple of days. We have to return for work.”

“I will make sure Manuel have a car sent to bring you back to the airport. Don’t worry. I will cover your plane tickets for your return. You can be categorized as employees. I will be there longer, so I can’t ride with the flight back with you. And if my wife finds out that I’m riding with two beautiful women. She may kill me.

Robin beamed. “Oh, that fine right Susan?”

Susan just swallowed, not answering. Something just didn’t settle right with her. Especially the invitation.


“Sorry, yes its fine.”

“So, it’s all settled, if you will walk this way, the jet is in the hanger.”

Both woman followed blindly as they chatted unknowingly to Rob. They were on their way to a private jet. It just didn’t belong to Rob…

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