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Blinded By Love

Imagine if you will the idea of the perfect life from your perspective of course. Well I didn’t imagine it. Hell, I was living it. A husband that loved me cars, money and a house. No children on the way. Just us. I was living the lifestyle I dreamed of as a little girl. My knight in shining armor riding in on a white horse. Rode in a Lexus coop. my tattered wardrobe of bargain store purchases became name brad purchases.

No more shopping at places I was ashamed to mention when asked about my fashion. The usual lie that came out of my mouth. One of my home girls is an upcoming designer and I am her walking bill board. Most people accepted my answer and then there were the ones who didn’t. one person was Cheryl Rollins. Cheryl a privileged middle class no it all was like a thorn in my side. Annoying to the point. I so desperately wanted to pluck her from my life. But fate had us working as co-workers for Senator Williams. She on the PR team and I an administrative Correspondent. Fancy title for (personal secretary.)

About a year into my employ was where I met Rob. His name was Robert Austin. Cheryl was in her usual form that day. Black power suit, crisp white blouse and a temper to slice off any un warrant comments from the media. Senator Williams had called a press conference to cover his support of the Rainbow group. A non-profit organization that provided educational and community support to members of need within the community. The back drop for the conference was to support the local youth center that recently burned down. Putting a few hundred kids out of a place that kept them off the streets of Bush wick. My wardrobe was not as sharp as Cheryl’s but I had learned long ago. A few good pieces that were versatile could be utilized in different ways.

Like most women, I purchased five inter changeable pieces and three good dresses. And of course, two pair of killer work shoes. One an all-purpose pair and a black pair of strappy. Those I chose to wear to the function that entailed me wearing a little black dress. It was late spring. We were going into summer and I opted for a dress I had saw in the window of the Christy boutique. Nothing fancy just business wise. Senator Williams had just finished his pep-talk when this bronze god walked over and patted him on the back.

When I say, I had a brain fart? I mean I had a brain fart. Every word had fled my skull except one. Yummy. I heard Senator Williams make introductions and watched as Rob stuck out his hand to every member on the team. He had just extracted his hand from Cheryl and turned to me. His expectant expression had me off balance. I slowly raised my hands and took his. His grip wasn’t firm and he smiled. Most time I got my hand crushed by a man exerting his strength in the shake. A true smile as it reached his chestnut colored eyes.

He didn’t release my hand right away like the others. He stared for a fraction of a second longer and then let go. I turned away to hide the blush creeping up my honey colored skin. The man was more than fine he was radiantly hot. I smoothed my coral pleated tank dress down and busied myself with preparing the speech and comments Senator Williams would make and address. Cheryl had noticed the exchange between us and stepped over to me.

“what you just did was un professional. You should have known better to wear that color dress. It will clash with the shot of the senator. Stop trying to be something you are not.”

If Senator Williams had heard and I hoped, he hadn’t he didn’t say a word. He took his speech and walked over to the panel, took his seat and sat down Cheryl had moved away by then. That left Robert and I standing together. From my peripheral vision, I could see that he was watching me. I tried my dam nest not to watch him in that cut to perfection Brooks brother navy blue suit. The light blue shirt hugged and kissed his skin. Robert leaned close to me and whispered.

“Is it her time of the month? Or do you always attract un wanted attention?”

I was both shocked and intrigued by his observations. I laughed as I let my eyes slowly roam through the crowd of news reporters to land on Cheryl.

“Cheryl, I answered honestly. I’m guessing it her time of the month.”

Rob’s rich throaty laugh drew y eyes to his lips as I turned to him. He had a look of a man on full sexual alert as he flirted with me.

“You know that’s not it. She is attracted to you as much as I am. Have dinner with me this evening unless you swing with the other team.”

“Other team?” as soon as I said it recognition set in. I threw my hands up in defense and shook my head.

“is that a no to dinner or the other team?”

I stumbled over my answer, but could clarify my stance.

“I didn’t mean to give you the wrong impression.”

“So, you are for the other team. Damn you are fine.”

“No I meant, I like and prefer male company.”

Rob flashed a killer smile and winked as he said “I will be in touch and walked over to the panel. From there on the day passed in a blur of activities ranging from the signing of a document to the donation check from Senator Williams. We were into early evening before everything started to wind down. My feet were beginning to ache and Cheryl was like a bee buzzing in my ear.

“I saw that exchange from you to earlier. Really Tabitha you should know better. A man like that is only after one thing. We both can tell that you are inexperienced. He is most likely looking to educate you a little more.”

Cheryl’s crudeness didn’t shock me. I shook it off and gathered my notes from today’s events.

Should I punch her in her large lipped mouth. The thought had crossed my mind. The sight of blood trickling from a busted lip would probably make me feel better for only a short period. I was sure Cheryl was after my job. She saw competition where there was none. This job with the Senator was my stepping stone, leading me to bigger and better things. Which came in the form of Rob. Our courtship if you could call it that lasted six months. Rob proposed to me as he took me on a horse driven carriage ride through Manhattan.

Here it was mid-winter in New York. We were huddled together to keep even warmer from the mid-February chill. I didn’t have the heart to tell Rob my butt would be froze to the carriage seat. It was a romantic idea, a very cold romantic one. The smell from the horse and the cold was starting to get to me, when rob took my hands in his and blew warmth of his breath onto them. My legs under the striped blanket quivered. Rob was a candy treat. I enjoyed sampling. My eyes devoured his every movement. When his eyes left, mine I sucked in my breath. The look that came into his eyes unnerved me.

“I know it’s been a short time, Tabitha. But I was hoping you would accept the gift I have for you.”



Rob reached inside his Kenneth Cole wool dress coat and pulled out a diamond ring. My eyes latched onto it like a fish out of water gasping for air.

“the simple words of "marry me” hung in the air. I blinked several times before closing my eyes. God, I prayed please don’t let me be in my apartment on front street in my bed dreaming. I nodded my head in acceptance but kept my eyes closed. You know just in case I was alone asleep in my bed or day dreaming at my desk. I’m saying this because it had happened a week before at work. Slowly I opened my eyes and Rob snatched my cold shaking left hand in his and placed the engagement ring on my ring finger. The gorse driven carriage driver gave a whooping howl as we trotted towards the beginning of central park. gave the driver a large tip and helped me down. Rob hugged me tight as my semi frozen legs were shaking. He nuzzled my neck and asked “why didn’t you say you were cold?”

“I just enjoy being with you.”

“don’t worry baby I have enough heat for the both of us.”

I knew exactly what Rob meant and anticipation help me firmly in its grasp as Rob and I took a cab to my apartment.

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