Lady D glanced at her nails as she half listened to Dante’s proposal. It was another brother in the long line of brothers that wanted more than just a piece of her. He wanted her pride n joy Club Extreme. Somewhere in his small mind he’d got the notion that he could come into her office uninvited plop his sweaty six foot one ass down in front of her cherry wood desk and open his mouth. Either he was dumb or just dumb. Experience told her that he was just dumb. If you let a man think he can take a hold of something you built put your blood and teeth into then, nine out of the nine time he was going to go for it.
Nothing he said made any sense and D could not stand another minute. With her knee, she pressed the button under her desk and silently waited. It took six seconds before the office door quietly opened and in stepped Antonio. Aw Antonio her beloved bouncer. If she had wanted muscles, then he had enough on supply. Not that she hadn’t thought about giving him a run or two. But she never mixed business with pleasure. Without a word, Antonio grabbed Dante by the collar and hauled his behind out of the chair. D just stared at the bewildered look that Dante had on his face, as he was hauled out the doors and tossed down the hall towards the entrance. Physical violence made her blood boil, getting up she rose from behind her desk and smoothed her black tailored Dior suit to her silhouette. She knew Antonio would be returning and braced herself for his presence. That man exuded pure sex.
“Will you be needing my services for anything else this evening?”
Will I? D thought, hell yeah but she sighed and shook her head no. This club meant a lot to her as she had to prove that it just wasn’t any old ordinary spot that the local visited. D enjoyed her upscale clients and they enjoyed going to the Extreme.
“Close the door behind you when you leave. I need to run the figures before I set out”.
Antonio looked over his shoulder as he walked out the door at his boss. Damn she was fine as hell. He remembered when he came in for the interview and had thought the D stood for a man. The caramel chocolate goddess sauntered her way over towards him with a hint of promise in her eyes. The red power blouse she wore clung to her cleavage beneath her grey business suit. The first two buttons undone gave him a glimpse of unspoken promise. Her body spoke a language only he could understand. Raw she was pure rawness. Never had he been is someone’s presence that aroused him more and taking the position. Antonio swallowed hard and took the seat that she offered him. His eyes followed the line of her hand to the curve of her sensual pink lips before staring into honey colored eyes he thought he would drown in. It was then that he knew that their relationship wouldn’t be of employee and employer.
But how was he going to convince her otherwise. Closing the door behind him, Antione knew what D was going to do next. Inside her office was a second door that led to the Extreme part of the club. Lady D would check the books she was very meticulous about her finances. Then she would go to greet her next appointment. She never asked for security as she worked and he never inquired. Antonio glanced down at his watch as she stood outside the mahogany door.
“Yo man you know Lady D owes me.”
“Then take that up with her, when I get the signal to remove you, I remove you.”
“I need to see her”
“Make an appointment like everyone else.”
Antonio knew Dante to be the fool that he was and try him. Dante’s strong arm tactic did not work as he was shoved hard into the wall.
“Look man I could do this all day, just call and make an appointment.”
Dante sized up Antonio before turning and leaving. Nodding to Tyrek that stood in the background. Tyrek walked over and took Antonio place at the door.
“Appointments only”
“Got you”
Lady D glanced at her watch and closed the ledger on her computer. After backing up the files, she rose and stretched. This is what she loved best about the work that she does at her club. Going to the armoire not too far from her desk. D opened the door and surveyed the outfits inside. A new client meant new money. She remembered the preference status he requested and chose appropriately. Tonight, for one hour she would be covered in black lace. The lacey corset and matching garters and hose hugged her in a lover’s caress. Aw nothing like lace to trickle across your skin as D went to work.
D lightly tapped the crop against her thigh before turning the knob on the adjoining door and closing it quietly behind her. Several doors and sounds assailed her as she walked slowly down the dimly lit hall to her newest acquisition. She had him housed in the chaise suite. One of her favorite rooms. It was stark white filled with lace that made the occupants feel like they were floating on clouds. Not to mention the soft scented vanilla scented perfume, she had pumped into the room. It wasn’t really sound proof a trick she had gleamed from when she first started out in this business. The more the sounds the better the arousal.
He was there when she got there and took her time opening and closing the door. D a master at her craft gave him full perusal of her ass. She could feel his eyes travel over her as if his hands were caressing her and smiled. She was going to enjoy this. Mastering her client was her specialty as it was for all dominatrix in the business.
“Do you want me to come closer?”
“D saw him nod and tilted her head to one side. This one wasn’t new he knew when to speak.”
The slow smile crossed her lips as she pushed away from the door and walked a few feet away stopping before him. Nice she thought as she stared at the silhouette sitting before her. “I give you leave to speak when spoken to. You will answer me.” Slowly she let him watch as she traced her pink lips with her tongue.
“Do you want me to come closer?”
A whispered "yes" made her smile as a tingle ran across her skin.
D turned her head to the side again as she was about to take another step and faltered, had she heard his voice before? D was certain that she had heard that whispered tone. Narrowing her eyes at the figure in the grey suit. D looked closer, she usually didn’t touch her client but this one she had. Letting her fingers be her eyes she ran her hands over the muscular build up the body.
“What the hell!” Antonio! What the hell do you think you are doing?”
through the room. She