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Making Friends

Respect my style, they always say that as I must prove myself. I figured this time Mr. Skeptical was going to get up and give us a story but he did not. The floor was open to any takers. I looked up and at the back of the room stood a gentleman. I was shocked as he had on a three-piece suit, standing out from the others. he said “what about a brother who didn't know?” I laughed as I said there is time for that, if you would like to share we would like to hear about a time A Brother Did Not Know.

He cleared his throat and straighten his tie before walking to the front of the room. Oh, he was very attractive as the Brooks Brothers suit fit his frame very, very well. He had laughing brown eyes stood at least 6”1. His smile could charm the devil as he aimed it at me. Woo I wanted to fan myself, I nodded my head and took two steps to the side. He looked at every eye in the room making sure he had their full attention before he began. he started out with my name is Jaquan Nevells. I'm going to tell you about the time a Brother Did Not Know!

My story is not going to take place in a time of my youth as Ms. Denise's had. My story is going to take place in the time of now. This incident occurred 1 yr. ago. I was the junior CEO of a law firm. Brown, Gershwin and Davies. I had a fiancé, and was on the brink of greatness. Especially in my book. I own my own apartment. Drove a Mercedes, mingled in the right circles. Remained a democrat. I was a guy from the hood paving a name for himself. Within the valley of the sharks as I would joke. When in a blink of an eye, it all came crashing down on me.

It was one of those celebratory case parties and we had just won a substantial amount from an investment corporation. I’m not going to confuse with lawyer talk. So here we are in the office drinking and I mean we were knocking back shots of whiskey Patron you name it. It was stocked in the bar. All the partners of the firm were there as well. We toasted and laughed smoked a few cigars and was having a good time. What we felt was a man’s pride for doing man shit. Besides the percentage amount was nothing to sneeze. We all turned as we heard the elevator ding. The doors opened as if in slow motion out stepped my fiancé. the woman that I was going to marry stormed in.

I'll let you all know right now Stacy a middle-class black girl, from a well-to-do family was acting like she was from the ghetto. Now I don't want any of you to take this statement or the word ghetto in the wrong way. Ghetto is a derogatory term from Germany describing the slums that they were housing people in that were not like themselves German. So, let me go on, as I said she was acting like she was from the ghetto. The room silenced as she came off the elevator yelling at the top of her lungs “where is he at where is that son of a bitch!”

Now me being the junior CEO of the firm it didn't look good on my part as everyone knew I was going to marry this woman. Let me tell you even I was surprised at the way she was behaving. Normally she was quite mild-mannered, and very loving in a Stafford Wife kind of way. Little did I know, that there was another side to Stacy. She stepped from the elevator wearing my favorite grey Armani suit. No shirt, a pair of flip-flops. Her face was made up like The Joker from the batman movie and a Kangol hat sat on top of her unruly hair. She yelled again “where is that son of a bitch!” All eyes turn to me. All I could do was stare at her before I went into action.

In a puzzled voice, I said “Stacy?” she turned and walked into the area where we were standing. The group was in kind of a line and she walked down that line. She looked every male in the face. I could clearly see that she was not all there. Before I knew it or could stop her. Stacy had walked up to Tony my boss, and said, “You son of a bitch!” Balled up her little fist and swung. The motion connected with Tony's right eye. I don't know why he didn't duck. I saw it coming and I would have made the attempt to step back out the line of fire. The drink in his hand fell silently to the carpeted floor and spilt. I quickly rushed over and grabbed Stacy.

trying to get her into the nearest office I was confused as to what was happening. I said “Stacy what are you doing?” what in the hell are you wearing? Are you on something?” she looked at me confused and said “who in the hell are you?” taken back I said” It's me Jaquan.” She said “I know you're a Jaquan, I'm talking about the guy standing next to you.” now I knew there was no one in that room but us. I was getting angry. She had come into my place of work and became disruptive and violent.

Suddenly she lunged at me. Her manicured nails seemed like claws as she went for my throat. The fight or flight mode in me caused me throw my hands up and protect myself. I sidestepped her and swung out, connecting with her jaw. I couldn't believe what I had done. Any man that hits a woman was considered a punk. I had just sunk a new low and felt it. Stacy went down like a sack of bricks. When she turned looking up from the floor she was the Stacy I knew. “Jaquan?” she said confused and I was confused who in the hell and what in the hell I just happened.

Tony and the others came into the office, the short span of our celebratory drink ruined. Just like that I was held responsible for Stacy actions. The police came. I convinced Tony not to press charges and Stacey was carted off to the hospital. Someone had to take the blame I was fired from Brown, Gershwin and Davies. I broke off the engagement. That's when I found out that Stacy had a personality disorder. She had been off her meds, and she was screwing Tony my boss. So, there you have it a moment in a Brother's life when he did not know.

there were several reactions coming from the people in the room. The murmured voices, said” I would have beat that bitch ass “a few of the girls shook their head. Some even said “Girl got guts, sleeping with two of them. She was going after the most money aye!” I kind of felt bad for Jaquan after he told his story. I didn't know how to true it was because people of today off their rocker. That afternoon there were no more speaker from the floor. The group broke up into smaller groups until the end of the lecture. Mr. Jaquan seemed to float from group to group until he worked his way over to the mixed group I was talking with. A few of the women in the group batted their eyes and flirted with him. He smiled politely listen to the conversations before moving on.

I was surprised to find that Mr. Skeptical wasn't so skeptical after all. When the session was over and the room began to empty out Mr. Skeptical came to me and said “can I speak with you a minute Miss Denise?”

I said “sure”

So, we stepped to the side of the room and began our little conversation.

“I’m sorry for the way I acted earlier you know, it's an image thing. some of the people here Knew me from way back when. I did not want them to think I had changed at all. I was kind of a badass little kid. I was always getting into something or doing something to someone that I shouldn’t have.”

My brows drew together, because the point of this group session what's to have individual people learn from their mistakes. so, I queried why would you want them to think that about you when we age as an individual it shows that we have grown past our childhood ideocracy. Where in the world could he have been that bad, he didn’t even have hands. Lord I thought. Mr. Skeptical nodded his head with understanding.

“you know you're right Miss Denise I heard about your life lessons. I was just doing that within the group so people would like me”

“well” I said “people will like you for you and not for the way that you entertain them. unless you are an actor, a comedian, or a thespian.”

Mister Skeptical thanked me and walked out the room. I was packing up the remaining material and looked about the room. All the seats were empty except one. “that was a tremendous job you did today”

I smiled and thanked the coordinator. Mrs. Barrett had arranged this Workshop through a mutual friend. She smiled and patted me on the back as we walked out of the room and headed towards her office. There she handed me a check.

“same, time next week, different group are you willing to take on the task?”

Of course, I would work it into my schedule. I am on vacation for 3 weeks, who in their right mind would not want to get paid while on vacation. My job already paid me for my vacation time and this pay will come in handy. My girls and I yes, Vanessa and Diane are planning a trip to Vegas. So, as the saying goes what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. I had walked out of her office, was heading down the hall. Made it to the elevator, pressed the button when a deep velvety voice said.

“how would you like it if I bought you a cup of coffee?” I turn to see Mr. Brooks Brothers suit standing not too far behind me. I thought this was a bonus of my vacation treat. “I don't drink coffee” I said “but you can buy me something else.”

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