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Danielle drove at a steady pace as she passed Arianna’s job on Millers Lane. Maybe the answers were in Momma’s room. The trip into town took Danielle down a road of nostalgia. Images flashed through her mind of the small-town carnival, school dances, lost children and her own personal tragedy. She’d parked her car in front of the local lawyer office. Reading the familiar name on the door, she got out. Not paying attention Danielle didn’t see the figure running across the street to greet her.

“Danielle… Danielle? I thought that was you.”

Danielle turned in time to see her high school best friend Janice rushing towards her.


“Danielle, it you.”

The hug Danielle received brought tears to her eyes. So many times, she had wondered what had become of Janice.

“when did you get here?”

“I drove up last night.”

“Tell me how have you been? And why in the hell did you disappear like that? There was so much speculation around you leaving like that.”

Janice looked around Danielle as if she was looking for someone.

“you knew how I always talked about wanting to travel.”

“Yeah but you left so sudden you know.” Once again, she looked around Danielle and then glanced back at Danielle’s car. A puzzled look crossed her face and then she brightened.

“oh, my goodness, I’m rambling on like a buffoon. I’m so sorry to hear about your grandmother passing. You know how Adrianna is, unpredictable and hush hush. What is up with her?”

“I really can’t say, I’m sorry to rush off Janice but I have a few things I need to take care of. Can we meet up some time to catch up?”

“Sure, let me give you my number.”

Danielle placed the number in her phone and headed into the open door of the Keller building. Passing an empty desk. Danielle recognized another familiar face. Harold looked up from what he was doing and stared unblinkingly at Danielle. He had heard from Adrianna, that Danielle would be I town. Harold stared openly at the girl he used to date that stood before him as a woman. Danielle found like always that she couldn’t find her voce as she considered Harold’s blue eyes. She felt as shy as she had years ago, when he first approached her on the school track. It wasn’t until the buzzing of her cell phone in her back did Danielle move herself into action. Hold up her hand ad she dug frantically for the object in her purse.

“Excuse me, hello?”

“I called you twice already, where are you?”

“Adrianna? What is it now?”

“You need to check your tone with me. I need you to pick me up and take me over to Houston.”

“Excuse me?”

“Are you hearing me, I said I need you to take me over to Houston.”

“I’m in the middle of something, doesn’t your job have access to car service.”

“I told them you would take me.”

“Well I can’t and I’m not going to. You are going to have to make other travel arrangements to get over there.”

“No I won’t what are you doing that you can’t take me?”

“I’m handling momma’s affairs and making arraignments.”

‘” So, come get me when you are done.”

“No I am not taking you.”

“You can’t be serious.”

Look Adrianna I don’t want to argue with you, I got to go.”

Danielle hung up the phone as she half smiled at Harold. Danielle watched as he rose and held out his hand. Danielle placed her hand in Harold’s, feeling the warmth of his hand transfer to hers.

“Harold…I let me explain…”

“You don’t have to say anything Danielle I know why you are here, let’s take care of what you need for your grandmother.”

For the next two hours Danielle and Mr. Percy went over momma’s arraignments. She found that everything momma owned was split down the middle between her and Adrianna. The only stipulation was that Danielle must not stay or live in Brookfield. After the funeral Danielle was given only a day to leave. Danielle was making her way back to momma’s house when less than a mile from the Keller office stood the cemetery. Danielle slowed her car to a halt as she parked outside of the gated burial site. Exiting her car, she walked over to the gates and stood staring at the headstones.

Finally, Danielle gave into the urge of going into the cemetery. It had been many years since she had visited her parent’s graves. She walked several rows passed stones, withered and new flowers Her feet carried her forward as her mind and heart told her she shouldn’t go any further. until she came upon their headstones. Why she didn’t know as there were so many unanswered questions about their deaths. Momma never gave her a reason behind having to her to leave so abruptly either.

The wind had begun to pick up as Danielle stood staring at the side by side tombstones. The only information Danielle had about her parents were that they were killed in a car accident. Danielle crossed her arms against the wind that pushed her skin, raising the small hairs on her arms. Closing her eyes, she pulled the images from her memory of her father and mother laughing. Slowly her eyes opened at the sound of a whispered voice calling her name. Danielle turned abruptly taking a miss-step. Catching her foot on a hidden tree branch. She twisted her ankle as she fell backwards onto her butt.

Rubbing at her throbbing foot, Danielle glanced up to see a pair of eyes watching her. The breath in her lungs caught as she gasped. She couldn’t take her eyes away from the large black dog as it stepped through the tombstones and grass. No growl or snarl emitted from its throat as it slowly and stealthily approached her. Danielle looked over her shoulder as she tried to find a way to escape. When the large dog stopped before her. It instantly transformed into momma. Stunned into not moving Danielle’s scream froze in her throat as she stared at her deceased grandmother or the image of her.

“you broke your promise and did not head my warning. I told you to never come back.”

the image began to falter and re-shape.

“You need to go far from her Danielle she will be looking for you. Get up now and go!”

Danielle didn’t need any more prompting as she jumped up and half ran/ half stumbled from the cemetery. Having made her way to her car Danielle jumped in ad sped away. She knew she couldn’t go back to momma’s house, not tonight anyway. Danielle opted to drive around until she either fell asleep or ran out of gas. What had just happened to her back at the cemetery. Was she seeing things or was that dog thing really momma and who would find her. Danielle closed her eyes and rested her head on the steering wheel as she pulled over to the side of the road.

Fear and pain assaulted her chest as tears welled up in her eyes. Who could she go to for answers. She knew Adrianna would not or care to know. At a loss, Danielle just sat in her car and cried.

“where the hell is she at?”

Adrianna turned in the direction of the whispering voice and began to face the floor of momma’s living room. Her anger being fueled on the malevolent presence standing next to her.

“I did what you told me, I got rid of momma, the only barrier that stood in your way. You said the house and everything momma had, would be mine.!”

The whispering increased in volume.

“Danielle was promised to you, she caused their death. She should be here to get what she deserves.”

The lights in the room flickered several times before they dully illuminated the room.

“You will let Danielle be.” Adrianna spun around coming face to face with the deceased momma.

“Shut you are dead!”

“You can’t silence me girl. Your deeds will come to light. I told your mother not to bring you home. But she insisted. That small bundle she cherished so much carried a dark stain on its soul. I knew you were evil from the day I set yes on you.”

“So, what momma your precious Danielle has come home and she will get what she deserves. You can’t whisk her away this time. She’s stupid and sentimental. She will stay for the funeral.”

Momma’s ghostly figure moved closer to Adrianna. Coming within a few inches of her face Momma raised her hand but her hand went through Adrianna. Adrianna lifted her face in defiance. She knew momma couldn’t hurt her as she was protected by Adelle.

“It was you who made the promise. It was all you. You broke it and paid the price. She will get Danielle.”

The lights began to glow intently causing Adrianna to cover her eyes with her hand. She felt the heat from the lights intensity touch her skin and laugh. Momma’s attempt to scare her wasn’t working. She wanted what she was owed and so did Adelle. Adrianna’s laughter increased along with the whispers. They both rose in unison until the bright light and momma’s presence faded and the light held their normal glow.

“Give it up Adrianna. The trap you set for Danielle will be your own.”

Adrianna just kept on laughing until momma’s presence was gone.


“Adrianna … what is going on?”

Adrianna crossed the room to where Danielle lay bound on the floor and knelt. Her face a few inches from Danielle’s.

“I bet you are wondering what’s going on. Should I tell her Adele?”

The whispering in the room increased

“tell her… tell her… tell her…”

Adriana smiled wickedly as she produced a sharp looking knife.

“I think it’s time you knew the truth Danielle.”

“The truth?”

“You can really be obtuse at times. Yes, the truth Danielle. No pretense just the plain old truth. Let’s see where should I start. What Adele? Yes… yes you are right at the beginning. Let me see. Oh yes, I’m not your damn cousin. I’m tired of living that lie.”

“You’re not my cousin? What are you talking about?”

“we had the same parents stupid they didn’t want people to know there was three of us. Especially after they killed Adele. Our mother and father told everyone. I was your cousin. Momma knew from the start that I was their child. both of us were until you came along and we moved here.”

“Who is Adele a why would they do that? Why would they hurt their own child?”

Adriana mimicked over and over in a high-pitched voice “who is Adele, who is Adele, who is Adele? Your sister! Our sister only they killed her for you. I hate you. You caused them to kill my twin sister. There is a just god in this world, as now you are going to die.”

“Adriana please, I don’t understand”

Adriana’s hand snaked out and slapped Danielle across the face. The hand connected with Danielle’s cheek brought tears to Danielle’s eyes. The second strike across Danielle cheek made her cry out.

“Adriana please don’t”

“You always want something Danielle. You wanted momma and you got her. You wanted to leave and you left. Now you want to live. Well you won’t. once Adele gets your body you will leave forever.”

“why? why are you doing this?”

“why little sister am I doing this? Because they promised me that Adele would return. Only she didn’t, later they returned with you. This is Danielle they said cooing over you. They are liars! And I fixed all three of them for lying. We both did. Yes, Adela and I showed them. First Elaine and Daryl. they were so caught up in each other. They didn’t even notice the crushed up sleeping pills in their food and drinks. Fools.

Danielle gasped at Adriana’s admission of killing her parents she slowly wiggled her wrist to work at he bound hands. Adriana laughed out loud as she tilted her head to one side.

“she can try all she like Adele she can’t get away. Not this time. So, you see Danielle. They promised Adele that she could live. Momma even went to the shaman lady to sacrifice your body. She was the one that made the deal with Adele. Now it’s time for you to pay up. Your body will be Adele’s.

Dannielle knew that she had to stop Adriana at least try to reason with her. If what she was saying was true, then her had been a lie. Closing her eyes, she prayed to momma. A sharp pain at Danielle right wrist snapped her eyes open.

“I thought that would get your attention. You see Danielle you are going to die tonight. Adele will take your place.”

“Please Adriana don’t do this.”

“shut up so I can tell you how they killed her. We were five and Elaine wanted to send us away. Saying something was wrong with us so we ran and Adele got sick. It was later when I found out that they poisoned her. Yes, they poisoned both of us. They poisoned their own children. Danielle shook her head back and forth in disbelief. She would believe that of her parents.

Something in her told her that it was not true Adriana’s mind had distorted things.

“It could have been a mistake Adriana.”

“they did it on purpose! They poisoned the both of us. Only I survived and Adele didn’t. but guess what I prayed and prayed until her spirit came back to me. I didn’t need the shaman woman anymore so I dumped her at the ravine.”

Adriana stood up and walked over to the full- length mirror in the room. Danielle watched in horror as she chanted a few words and the image of Adriana stepped through the glass pane. The temperature in the room drooped several degrees. Danielle could smell the coldness of death. The yellow eye image smiled and nodded at Adriana. Slowly they approached, the thing called Adele raised her hands, flexing bony fingers.

“take her dele Take her. Our plan is perfect. I cut her wrist. They will think she tried to kill herself over momma passing. Soon we will be together. “

Danielle felt the cold fingers slowly make their way around her neck and close. The pressure squeezing the air from her lungs. Her mind and soul scream for momma’s help. Suddenly everything in Danielle’s world went black. When Danielle opened her eyes again she found herself laying in a hospital bed. Mrs. Mc watching her intently. Her throat was raw as she tried to speak.

“easy dear you are safe now.”

“But …” Danielle whispered.

“it’s alright, it’s all over”

Slowly Danielle reclosed her eyes as she surrendered to the darkness behind her eyelids, as well as the sleep sedative they had administered to her. Her ears heard the familiar whispering going on in the room.

“will you tell her?”

“yes, in a day or two.”

“So, tragic to lose her grandmother and cousin in the same week.”

“Yes, it is.”

When Danielle opened her eyes again it was hours later t a darkened room. Since she was alone, she lay there adjusting her mind to all that had happened to her. Finding that she didn’t have the strength to sit up, she slowly looked around the room. The figure standing in the corner of the room with yellow eyes was watching her. The whispering increase as Adele stepped from the shadows. Danielle bolted up right in the bed. pulling at the covers she tried to get out of the bed, as she frantically looked around the room.

“Are you alright?”

“I … I saw…”

“You saw what?”

“I thought I saw Adele.” Danielle sighed as she glanced around the room after allowing Mrs. Mc a chance to re-fix the covers that she had tangled herself in. the pain in her wrapped wrist showed her that she was alive and that her ordeal was over. She raised her hands to her face covering it and rubbing vigorously.


“just rest, we will discuss her in a bit.”

“Please I can’t, let’s talk about it now. I want to know where she is and how did I get here?”

“I had them bring you in.”

“I was in momma’s house in my room. Adriana and Adelle, were they. They were trying to kill me.”

“yes, yes they were.”

“What happened, I thought Adriana killed you back at your house.”

“it did appear that way. I followed her when I had the opportunity to, I had to rescue you. I heard you calling me.”

“I don’t understand?”

“Alright, you did have two sisters. They were born before you. Your other Elaine bore two evil souls. Adrianna and Adele. The girl was inseparable. They were always together doing cruel things. Delving in dark practices at a young age. Karma came back to get them after they poisoned little Amy Stuart. A sweet child of the light. both of your sister had an allergic reaction to the potion that they were making for their next victim. Only Adriana survived. We figured Adele system was not strong enough to fight through the toxins in the plants.

“you are saying that my parents didn’t let Adele die.”

“No child they didn’t. she was dead when they finally found them. Adriana had drawn into a shell refusing not to talk. Sullen and quiet. I guess she expected them to bring Adele back home. But they brought you home instead. Adriana came back to life that day, but twice as cruel. It didn’t take your parents long. They tried to get her some help but nothing worked. Even momma tried. But Adrian refused to see reason who could reason with a seven-year-old child. Adriana called you her cousin, and I guess we all stuck with it. It was easier to deal with instead of the violent outbursts. Even after your parents died, Momma and I watched over you keeping from Adele and Adriana’s harm. That’s why Momma sent you away. She wouldn’t allow that evil spirit to take you.”

“Adriana hit you over the head. I saw you on the floor.”

“My old head is thicker than I thought. I had to lay there and let her play out her plan for you.”

“How did I get here, Adele was choking me. Adriana had my wrist”

“I know but she forgot the necklace in her haste. I pulled it from her neck when I went down. It was the anchor keeping Adele away from you. I arrived in time to place it in the vial of holy water destroying the spirit and sending it on its way.


“Brain Aneurysm, the doctor said. But I know better. Adriana went with Adele.

Danielle was skeptical that Adrianna and Adele were not on this earthly plane. No matter what she was leaving Brookfield as fast as she could. She didn’t want to tell Mrs. Mc that she had seen Adele’s eyes in her dream. Closing her eyes again, Danielle never wanted to silently prayed that Adriana and Adele were at peace.


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