
The dreariness of the cold winter’s day matched Danielle’ mood. She had taken a stack of papers home to review and just wasn’t into it. The problem wasn’t the weather it was the fact that around 2 o’clock this afternoon, she had gotten a call that her grandmother had passed away. The news stopped all means of focus for her as she dismissed her afternoon English class to return her cousin’s Adrianna's call.
“Hello Adrianna it Danielle.”
“I was wondering when you were going to call me back or if you were going to call at all.”
“I was in the middle teaching a class on ethics.”
“Oh, yeah I forgot you are a bigtime college professor. You forgot us little people down here in Brookfield.
“I didn’t call to get into with you Adrianna, I was returning your call to find out about momma.”
“What’s there tell she passed away last night and I need you to come out here. We need to settle her things and plan the funeral.”
“Okay I can be there the day after tomorrow.”
“Girl! I know you just didn’t say you will be here in two days. Really Dani can’t you get here any sooner?”
“Let me make a few calls and I will call you right back.”
Danielle severed the call before she heard Adrianna’s response. She hadn’t been in Brookfield Connecticut in ten years. She had left right after high school graduation. She never liked living there and vowed to never go back there if she could help it. Over the years, she spoke with momma over the phone, and sent monies to help with the upkeep of momma’s house. Her hard work had paid off. She wasn’t rich but she did live comfortably. Dialing the head of the English department, Danielle looked around her co-op apartment and sighed. She didn’t want to speak with Andrew over the phone she wanted to speak to him face to face. After leaving a voice message she hung up and called Marianne.
“Hey Danielle what’s up.”
“I was trying to get in contact with your husband, is he around.”
“Of course, hold on. Andrew its Danielle.”
“Hey Danielle what’s up.”
“Andrew my grandmother passed away last night and I need to take a few days to settle things and make her arraignments. I left you a voice message.”
“Oh, Danielle I’m sorry we are sorry to hear that. Take a week. I will have Karen put in the leave time. When do you want it to start?”
Danielle gave it some thought before answering.
“It’s best that I get there right away, so can we put it in for tomorrow. “
“My god how old was she? Was she sick?”
“Momma was ninety-five and I was not aware of her being ill. I just spoke with her last week.”
“If there is anything that you need don’t hesitate to ask.”
“I won’t Andrew, I’m sorry that I am notifying you over the phone. It’s just that I got to get out there ASAP.”
“I understand and won’t keep you any longer, let me know when you arrive there safely.”
“I will and thanks.”
“No problem”
Danielle hung up from Andrew and called Adrianna back. She waited patiently as the phone rang several times before Adrianna picked it up.
“It’s me Adrianna, I will be there tomorrow afternoon.”
“Why can’t you get here tonight?”
“Adrianna where are you exactly? Are you at momma’s house?”
“Where else do you think, I would be? Someone had to be here when they removed the body. I’m ready to go home.”
“Just lock the place up, I will get there like I said tomorrow afternoon.”
“You do remember that I have a job, so I will be at work.”
“If you just leave the keys under the flower pot by the door I will get it when I get there”
“You are coming, right?”
“Yes, I will be there tomorrow. I got to go pack my things bye Adrianna.
Danielle looked around her small co-op apartment at the blue striped drapes that covered the Livingroom windows and sighed. She hadn’t a clue as to where she should get started. Momma’s death had unnerved her and now she had to get her bearings and fight through the pain and confusion. She stood in the middle of the living room staring at the only picture of momma and cried. She cried for all the times she wanted to return and didn’t at momma’s insistence. So, she did as she was told, she had left and did not look back.
Andrew had given her a week leave of absence and she wasn’t sure what to pack or expect from the trip as she wiped at the remnants of tears that continued to run down her face. She knew her tolerance of her cousin would be tested as she and Adrianna always seemed to butt heads. Running her hands down her brown sweater dress she rubbed at the beginning of a head ache that was forming and turned towards her kitchen. First things first she would make something to eat. Then schedule for class coverage while plugging in the necessary chapter assignments for her students.
Thanks to modern day technology she could assign work via email and do contact follow up. Before leaving she would scan the essays with her comments to each of her students. She would send them when she arrives in Brookfield. Dinner preparation took no more than an hour and the small casserole sat lightly on her stomach. When a light breeze floating through her apartment made her shiver. Looking around her Livingroom for her red and black throw blanket. She spotted it on the back of her exercise bike. Getting up she reached for it, only for it to slide to the floor. Bending down she picked it up shook it out and draped it across her shoulders. At that moment, the door to her bedroom slowly opened. Daniele slowly rose and pulled the throw tighter around her, she got the feeling that she was not alone.
She glanced in the direction of her bedroom and stood frozen to the spot. She thought she saw a shadow walk across the doorway. Closing her eyes and trying to steady her shaky breath Danielle forced her feet to move one after the other towards her bedroom. Danielle stood outside the door and peered into the semi dark room. Raising her hand, she slowly reached for the switch by the door. Her fingers shaking in the process as they skimmed the wall and found the switch. Before she could click the switch something grasped hold of her wrist and yanked her into the room slamming the door behind her.
Danielle screamed as she fought her way out of her bed covers and swung at the empty air of her room. She kept screaming and swinging until she realized that the pounding coming from her front door had to be her neighbor. Wide eyed she looked around her room and turned on the light. Nothing and no-one was in there with her she was alone. Running her hand through her tossed medium length brown hair she jumped from the next pounding sound coming from the door. Shakily she made her way to the door.
“Hold on I’m coming”
“Danielle? Are you, all right? Danielle?”
Danielle reached the front door, took a deep breath and unlatched the door. She found Diane standing there with an umbrella in her hand. Her eyes appeared as wide as Danielle’s were and she was trying her best to see over Danielle’s five foot seven frame. On her tippy toes, she peered cautiously into Danielle’s apartment.
“I heard you scream, is everything alright?”
“Yes, yes Diane it was a bad dream.”
“Bad dream? You screamed as if someone was killing you, I told Oscar to check it out but he said you could take care of yourself. I think he is just afraid, he had his head buried in his laptop. The very description of a protective man. Do you need me to come in, you know to see if there is anyone in there with you?”
“There is really no need Diane it really was a bad dream.” Diane looked uncertain before she nodded and turned away from the door. Walking back down the hall she called over her shoulder. Just holler again if you need me.”
Danielle smiled and waved as she slowly closed her door. Leaning against her apartment door she slowly slid to the floor. It was a dream just a dream that scared the daylights out of her. Danielle glanced at the clock on the wall and saw that it was 2:30 in the morning. She knew she was wide awake and not going back to sleep. She rose from her spot at the door and walked into her dark Livingroom to sit down. Reaching for the T.V. remote she turned to a random station. Letting the light illuminate the room she stared at the TV.
The buzzing of her bell drew her from her slumber. Danielle stretched and padded to the door. Opening the door, she found that it was Oscar staring strangely at her.
“Diane wanted me to come over and check on you”
“Thanks Oscar but I am fine I told Diane that it was a bad dream. She shouldn’t have sent you over.”
“Well I was on my way out to the office, so I checked are you sure.”
“Yes, just a bad dream. Look I’m going to be gone for a week, due to death in the family. If you could let Diane know I know she works nights and is asleep right now.”
“Yeah, sure sorry about your loss. I should let you go now.”
Danielle nodded as she closed the door on Oscar. She hated those words the most; sorry for your loss. Who ever thought of saying it never gave much thought behind the saying.
It was morning and she told Adrianna that she would be there today. Walking towards her bedroom, Danielle went to make up her bed before she showered and left. Last night she had packed her bags for the trip. She surveyed the damage to her eyes from her crying and chose a pair of sun glass to go with what she was wearing today. An hour later, she stepped out into the early morning sun and headed for her car. She did not want to drive down but what choice did she have. She was going to need a car to get around Brookfield. Danielle was sure that Adrianna wasn’t driving so she would have to chauffer her about while they were making momma’s preparations.
Some three hours later Danielle pulled up in front of momma’s house and sat in the driver’s seat staring at the house she grew up in. She remembered momma standing on the steps watching her and Adrianna as they went off to school. Her silent stance lead strength to her plump frame. Danielle smiled, but then grimaced as her eyes clouded up with tears. She could hear momma telling her that her parents weren’t coming back and for her to dry those tears. Time for crying was gone. Time for living was all that mattered. Danielle couldn’t even remember her parents. They died when she was young. Wiping at her eyes she shut the car off and got out. Opening the back-passenger door, she reached in and grabbed her bags. You never knew with Adrianna, Danielle hoped that she had left the key under the pot as Danielle had asked or she would have to wait for Adrianna to show up. Danielle climbed the steps and dropped her bags on the small chair by the door before she bent down to retrieve the key from the flower pot. Just as she straightened and went to insert the key, the door clicked open.
Danielle stood staring at the door before she sighed noisily. Adrianna in her haste forgot to lock the door. Pushing the door open she called out just in case she entered and a stranger may have been inside.
“Adrianna, are you here, it Danielle? Adrianna?”
Receiving no answer, she stepped inside and closed the door with her foot. Everything in the house looked the same. Dropping the key in the bowl that sat on the small hall table. Danielle walked into momma’s house. Walking into the small parlor area Danielle dropped her bags and turned towards the stairs. She ran her hand across the banister and closed her eyes. Countless times she had slid down the banister only to get caught by Momma.
“Young ladies don’t slide down banisters, go to your room Danielle “
That go to your room meant that you were getting punished and momma did give her share of punishments to both Danielle and Adrianna. Danielle walked past the banister towards the back of the house that held the kitchen. She stepped across the threshold and stopped by the table. It was in this kitchen that had momma told her that she was leaving after graduation.
“Momma, can I talk with you?”
“What do you want to say Danielle?”
“I… I can leave in a month. I can live on campus.”
Momma didn’t mix her words as she stared intently at Danielle, before she spoke.” Yes, you will leave, no need to stay any longer than I will permit. Just make sure your bags are packed the night before. Don’t worry about Adrianna I will speak to her” Danielle wanted to run to momma and throw her arms around her and beg her to let her stay but momma told her repeatedly that she was to leave. She remembered her words the night before graduation.
“Leave here girl and don’t you ever return. Not even for my death you hear me. Don’t come back to this house. I raised and protected you enough. Go on and get some sleep you leave tomorrow.”
Danielle wanted to tell momma that her words had cut deep, but she kept it to herself as she walked down the hall and up the stairs to her room. She vowed from that moment that she wouldn’t return no matter what. But return she had. Momma’s death had made her break her vow of not returning. Danielle turned from the kitchen and headed back the way she came. Grabbing her bags off the parlor floor she walked steadily up the stairs. Not noticing that a shadow followed closely behind. At the top of the stairs was momma’s room and she walked passed not glancing in. The shadow floated into momma’s room as Danielle walked down the hall to her old room.
She wondered if the room was as she had left it. When she opened the door, she found that little had changed in the room except for the mannequin body that stood to one side as momma used it to create her clothes on. Danielle also notice that the curtains were drawn tight and dropped her bags on the bed a she went to pull them back and let some light into the room. Out the corner of her eye she thought she saw someone in the front yard. Heading out of the room and down the hall to the stairs she headed to the front door and opened it, from the person trying to peer through the stained glass on the door.
“Can I help you?”
The startled figure stumbled backwards and stuttered. “Good I... Oh, my I was just wondering who car it was that was in Nadine’s yard.”
“It’s mine, I take it that you knew my grandmother. I’m Danielle.”
Once she said her name she noticed that the woman stared for a fraction of a second before she took a step down one of the stairs. She plastered a fake smile on her face and reluctantly
Held out her hand. Danielle gave it a firm shake.
“Nice to finally meet you, I’m Carol.”
“Hello Mrs. or Ms. Carol, I just arrived can I get you anything?”
“Mrs. Carol, and no nothing.”
She noticed that Mrs. Carol had backed down another step and looked nervously over her shoulder. Danielle turned to see what she was looking at, and found only an open front door. She turned back to speak to Mrs. Carol who was quickly walking way. Danielle shook her head and then shrugged her shoulders before she turned and re-entered the house.