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Mesopotamia …5000 BC.

On the banks of the Euphrates, a figure emerges from the depths of the water. Following the trail of the moon as it cast its majestic image upon the water and its light on the land. His hunger for peace and a mate guided this creature’s steps. Footprints trailed in the sand to stand outside the small hut near the shore. The sound of her voice draws him as well as the smell of her flesh. He was tired of the cold sea. Seeking more, his red eyes scanned the night as it spread its black blanket across the land. He was the last of the ancients. Starvation had all but destroyed his species. Pride was their enemy. They vowed to never to have contact with the people of the land.

Never to taste their blood. Savages they spat as he swam to the surface above the sea. But he was different. The fish of the sea, whispered for him to return. To stay safe in the water. Stay they cried son of Amalia water goddess. Standing on the sandy shore. He defied his own existence. He defied his hunger, he defied Amalia. Before he could take another step, she came to him.

“is this what you choose my son?”

“Yes, I am weary of the water.”

“Know this once you leave the safety of the water. I can no longer protect you.

He walks forward and lifted the hand of the one he called mother to his lips. Placing a chaste kiss, he closes his eyes as she offers him her wrist.

“Drink for the last time, as I will see you no more. Go with the name of Mutaba.”

Mutaba bowed over her wrist again drew it to his lips and bit down. The life warming sustaining liquid seeped passed his blue lip, turning his red eyes yellow in the night. And just as she came she left. Leaving him alone on the shore.

He made his way to the hut following the sound of her voice. A voice that cried out in the night as he sunk his teeth into the softness of her neck. He had watched her grow up from the depths of the waves. Tonight, they be married in blood. Her village would revel over her as their queen. Nansara gasped as pain pierced her throat, she knew he would come, she had the sight and foresaw her fate. She had waited all these nights for him. She paid homage to the god that lived in the sea.

“Tell me your name” she whispered as her life faded away.

“I am called Mutaba.”

“Mutaba she whispered as her human eyes closed one last time only to awaken the following evening fresh and anew. Nansara stared at the floating orbs of light within her chamber. She glanced at the three orbs that used to have human form. She had to dispose them of it. She was the keeper of her children. Mutaba had shown her many sites, taught her many things. Bestowed her with many gifts. They had traveled all of Mesopotamia and made the land theirs. Staying out of the way of the warring provinces and kings.

Nansara remembered her birth into the new life of the night. Her senses sharpened, she grew abilities beyond site as she drained life from villagers or people of the province that worshipped her. When the time come, she was alarmed that she was with child. she a thing of the dead. A bringer of death, had the ability to create life. A life that would feed just as she had done. The first of her children borne to her and Mutaba was Zamir. Strong and fierce, cruel to those around him. His blood lust was never controlled as he decimated lands. He was nicknamed the Plague. He swept through people like the tide that brushed against the shore. He was the first to be destroyed as he had turned on his parents. Mortally wounding Mutaba and trying to kill Nansara.

Nansara had no choice, but to snatch back the life force that she had gifted him. Mutaba’s death left her stronger as her body absorbed his energy. He turned to a glittery spark of yellow light before he turning grey. His orb floated in the air and Nansara swallowed him. Without hesitation, she crushed her son, with Mutaba’s combined energy, she destroyed Zamir’s body and trapped his soul. Wanting answers, Nansara traveled back to the ocean near Mesopotamia. The land she knew was gone. The people of her time gone. Very few remnants of her time were long gone.

“Goddess please hear my plea spare this form as I return Mutaba to you.”

For the longest time Nansara stood upon the shore watching the waves. She heard as Mutaba had taught her. She listened intently to the sounds of the waves. The creatures of the sea cried in despair at the loss of their prince. Amongst the sorrow harsh whispers reached Nansara ears.

“curse you woman, curse you.”

“You took our prince from us his life should have been longer than yours.”

“we despise you human.”

“Step closer to the water we await thee.”

A lone tear ran done Nansara cheek. Their words slashed her skin like knives. Wounds appeared on her body as they tried to retrieve Mutaba. On the third night of her return to the shore very close to dawn Mutaba’s mother the goddess Amalia stepped from the water to the shore. Her Radiance like the sun scorched Nansara skin. If it was her time to die, then she would endure what she must. She wanted to be with Mutaba.

“So, you are the one Mutaba left the depth of the ocean for. He did not heed my warning.”


“yes, his life with you. He would see me no more. The one called Zamir took his life force.”

“Yes, and I have destroyed his.”

“Why is it that you have seek me out.”

“Mutaba’s life force is within me. I wish to return it to you.

Amalia stared intently at the woman before her. Then realization dawned on her. She knew the eyes behind those eyes. The child she had saved from the elders. The child’s eyes were now the woman’s eyes. Eyes that held the essence of Mutaba. Amalia raised her hand and held it close to Nansara’s chin. The gesture lifting it as she surveyed deeply into the essence of the woman/creature before her.

“So, you carry more pieces of Mutaba within you.”

“Yes, I can feel them.”

“Know that Mutaba’s essence has many faces to it. Each piece will grow and develop differently within you. I suggest birthing within water. It will solidify the bond of the ancients.”

Nansara nodded as she felt frozen in time. Her body felt electrified as the water rushed over her feet. Amalia was gone from the shore and Nansara sought out shelter from the morning sun. she had heeded Amalia words, when night fell she waded into the water birthing another child. she knew each of her children would fall victim to the sea’s curse. Each one she birthed had murderous tendencies against her. All except the last two Alexander and Miguel. The birthing before her twins was Marcel. Whose demise came at his own hands as he never heeded the lesson of the family.

Marcel wasn’t bad as one would have thought. He sacrificed his life for love. His only curse was to be forever trapped within a small body of a man. He had made the most of his time on the world cultivating the myth of Dorian Grey. The only difference in the story was his image did not destroy him. He had tried to consume Alexander and Miguel in one of his cat and mouse games. He had seen how the others had acted towards their mother a tried to shield them from falling victim to their sibling’s rants. A sad day in her life as Amalia walked to the shore off Waikiki and stood in the water. She wanted to see Mutaba. Opening her mouth the orb floated up and out of her slender throat. Mutaba’s essence floated to her hand and she blew it into the water glimmering in the moonlight. Amalia stood beside her and waved her hand over the waves. A watery image grew in the form of Mutaba.

Vampires had tears just like humans. Nansara fell with the churning of the waves. Her tears fell for the loss of her mate and her evil spawned children. Only Alexander and Miguel remained, and they were competing against each other over a woman.


So, I was going to open the door of my chamber to what exactly. There would either be one or none of the vampires standing in my living room. Everything was quiet as far as I could tell. I reached for the door and sensed that both Alexander and Miguel were still alive and out there. Going through the opened door I found the brothers frozen in time.

“What the hell was going on now?”

I eased passed them and headed for the door Glancing over my shoulder I was tempted to go back and make their faces up. Alexander’s voice sprang in my head.

“Give some thought about us.” I would as I headed down stairs and out of the building to Suzie. To my surprise everything was frozen in time. I glanced around and nothing on the street moved.

“Okay it was safe to say that I was spooked.” Vampires don’t scare easy and I was scared. Who or what had the power to do this? My first thought was Alexander’s mother. But I sensed it was not her. It was something more. I turned in the direction that I sensed the form was walking from. I was shocked to see Alexander striding with purpose towards me. My hand closed on Suzie’s door hands and held on. Alexander’s eyes glowed as he stopped directly in front of me. I blinked several times as I returned his stare.

“I… I, aren’t you in there with Miguel?”

“No… why? should I be?”

“Yes, that where I left you last frozen.”

“No Ari I left you last night. I wanted to escort you to your place of work with the humans. A kind of amend for what transpired last night.”

“Then who is in my loft?”

“Miguel and Miguel. I must hand it to him clear imaging.”

“the kiss you placed on my hand?”

“I wish I could claim that responsibility, but that was Miguel casting compulsion and glamour on you. You didn’t do anything with him thinking it was me, did you?”

“Well no not exactly.”

I watched Alexander’s eyes cut to the front door of the building my loft was in. I let go of Suzie and touched his sleeve. There it was the tingle from yesterday. Only it was different from the one I felt earlier this evening. Alexander’s smile was charming as he held out his arm and I took it.

“Is this what you do freeze time.?”

“Oh, I can do a lot more. I figured you wanted to get to work on time. Miguel was making you late.

“So, that’s Miguel in there.”

“Miguel will be angry with me when I release him from his state. He will also be even more angry as I have sent word to his wife that he is waiting for her in your loft. It is best that we not be here. Aubrey can be explosive.”

Like I said before you had to watch out for your own kind. So, Miguel had a wife. That part of knowing about him was true. I was glad to be leaving before she arrived. I was sure I would have received a stake in the back. We walked off in the direction of the mall. I sensed another vampire heading towards us. As a matter of fact, I felt the presence of several vampires heading towards us. Alexander placed his hand on the small of my back and pulled me to his side. Lowering his head to my ear he whispered. “Aubrey can be intimidating” Okay I knew who Aubrey was. I met her several times over the years. Not once did she mention having a mate. I was pleasantly surprised when the red convertible stopped inches away from us. Aubrey threw her hands up and the three cars that tailed her Mercedes halted. with the grace of a diva, the car door opened and she stepped out.

Her black jumpsuit hugged her curves. Her black eyes scanning the area after she addressed me.

“hello Ari, on your way I see.”

“Yes, Aubrey what bring you my way?”

“I don’t know If I ever told you that I have a wayward mate. He gets a bad rap, you know with the ripping out people hearts thing.”

“Oh, so Miguel is your mate.”

Aubrey glanced around and whispered “yes. Please don’t misjudge him, Miguel feels he lives in Alexander’s shadow.” she cut her black cat like eyes to Alexander.

“Nonsense” Alexander voiced “Miguel knows what he has done to cultivate his persona, we all have.”

“true, so by the looks of things, I take it he was making good on his promise of finding another wife. He was making a play for you.”

I chose my words carefully Aubrey could as volatile as Miguel. Did I tell you that vampires lie too?

“No not really, I believe he was trying an idea on Alexander. It just happens to be in my loft. Especially when they both decided to come by without being asked.”

“Alexander, are you trying to court this lady?”

“Why not?”

“You know why not.”

Okay I braced myself for the floor to drop or better yet the stake in the back. I glanced around sensing nothing. We all turned in unison when they tiny figure grew as it approached. Marcel walked towards us.

“it’s time to play Alexander, where is Miguel.”

“not now Marcel, go back to mother.”

“No I want to play.”

“I said not now.”

I was stunned to see Alexander stretch out his hand. Marcel backed away shaking his head before he turned into a ball of light. His essence floated up and flew back the way it came. Alexander addressed Aubrey.

“Ari will be late, if you will excuse us.”

“oh of course, but before you two leave. Point me in the direction of Miguel.”

Alexander raise his hand and jerked his head back.

“I live three houses down.”

Aubrey winked at me as she headed to her car. Getting in she and her vampire troop drove the short distance to my loft. Alexander’s pressure on the small of my back prompted me to continue our walk.

“we will talk when you are off.” Alexander took my hand and raised it to his lips before pulling me into his embrace for a kiss. Explosive. I stood there staring at him as he motioned for me to go. I knew he would be there to escort me home. He had no choice since I left Suzie sitting in front of my building. My time in the mall ended too soon and to my relief. Twice already I made simple mistakes. The woman I was working on ended up looking like a rabid raccoon. And I pierce the wrong eyebrow, because I was giving thought to throwing caution to the wind and spend my days with a master vampire. After that the special went off well. I’m counting the freak dressed like Nosferatu. I stepped out of the mall and approached the black Lexus with the open door.

Alexander outstretched hand took hold of mine pulling me into the car seat next to him. We sat in silence for a period. I guess we were skipping the talk or so I thought.

“Why have you been alone since Pierre’s death? You are a pretty woman.”

So, he knew my story. I shrugged.

“No attachments meant no hurt. Pierre was like my brother. Raji did what he did on purpose to torture me.”

“Okay, so why are you allowing a creature and I am using that word nicely creature to continue to torture you still? He is a pile of ash long dead and gone.”

I was offended by what Alexander has said and glared at him. Because I knew he was right.

“No answer, I figured you were tougher than that. Especially, to survive on your own all this time. Know this, I will never torture you. I want you as my mate, not a plaything that is discarded with ease and picked back up again when it suits me. They have dens for that kind of thing. Tell me you want me to leave you alone, for you to be alone the remainder of your existence.”

Pissed as I was I said it and instantly regretted that I had because Alexander laughed in my face.

“I want you to leave me alone.”

“Ha, ha. So back to the vampire dating site, or human site. I’m truly not that hard to live with. “he wiggled his aristocratic eyebrows at me and flashed a smile.

“On my own, no compulsion”

“on your own no compulsion.”

“Give me a week to think on it.”


Just like that the conversation ended. Alexander drove me home and was gone. I did not see or hear from him until the following Friday. Friday’s were vampire’s favorite day. Don’t know why but it is. I stepped from my chamber and found three balls of light or orbs floating about my loft. They seemed to be going over every inch of the place. I cleared my throat and they hovered where they were. One by one they each turned into a figure. Two males and one female. Stepping through the blowing curtain was Alexander’s mother. Oh, boy I thought.

“Do you mind if we sit and visit with you for a while.”

What could I say? No, and become one of those orbs. So, I smiled and gestured to the sofa. I watched as the figures followed her. I watched them warily.

“Don’t mind them, they are with me.”

I didn’t know what to say. I sensed hostility coming from all of them.

“You want to know what happened to them?”

I shook my head no and then nodded.

“you may call me Nansara.” Nansara eyes flashed red as one of the figures flew towards me. Her hand shot out and instantly the figure transformed into a ball of light. Casually as she could she grasped the orb out of the air and daintily placed it into her mouth. the other two figures floated closer to her. When she looked at me her eyes were black.

“Forgive Zamir for his arrogance. Like I said I am Nansara.”

I stood and bowed. Nansara was an ancient. We all knew who she was. My luck would have it that she was Alexander’s mother.

“Your name child.”

“Sorry” I whispered. “My name is Ari… I mean Arimina.”

“My heart goes out to you tortured one.” But I think you and Alexander will suit each other nicely.”

“We will?”

“yes, you have yet to tell my son what he seeks will come to pass. Alexander is a patience soul. He is on his way to you now.

This was the strangest thing for a vampire like myself to have ever experience. Alexander’s mother and the figures left as Alexander appeared at my door.

“Good evening Ari may I come in?”

“If I say no, will you stay outside?”

Alexander gave me a woman please face and brushed passed me into the loft. He looked around and took a seat. Casually he raised his eyes and asked

“Did my mother and siblings pay you a visit today?”

In one word “Yes.”

“Ah I see, she told you something, didn’t she?” “In, a matter of words yes she did.”

“I rather not ask. We need to have a talk. Come sit by me.”

I walked over and sat down beside Alexander.

“Are You working tonight.”

“you should know the answer to that.”

“I should but I would prefer to hear it from you.”

“No I took the night off.”

Alexander nodded and looked about the loft.

“Nice place.”

“Yeah I like it.” Alexander was taking his time getting to the question. I had to make sure it was him.

“Kiss me.” He blinked and for a fraction of a second I saw a small smile flicker at the corners of his mouth. He had great control. He leaned over and planted one on me with the same impact from the other night.

“Have you thought about us.”

I was tempted to say no, but it would have been a lie. In fact I had. It meant no more crazy blind dates, fake human make up. No more of me being alone. I sighed as I looked at the master vampire, whose ancient vampire mother sucked out vampire souls, turning them to light and said “Yes.”

*END *

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