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“Like me.” I mimicked as I stepped back into Alexander’s embrace. The night passed and just as dawn was breaking across the sky. Its orange hues glared against the dark shades and curtains of my loft. Alexander had long left me to my own thoughts. Thought I didn’t want to face. How had I come to be alone? was his question. I figured he knew since most vampires knew about the vampires within the same territory.

“Think about us being together” Alexander mouthed as he bent over my hand. Placing a kiss on its back. Instantly, I tried to fight the pulling sensation. I opened my mouth and closed it again.

What was that emitting from him. I hoped it wasn’t compulsion, because when he let go of my hand I felt beret. I yawned and padded across the room to the black door leading to my chamber. A few hours of rest from the sun would do me good. My shift at the cosmetics counter in the mall didn’t start until six. Benefits of working late.

Six PM

Blasted cell phone pulled me from my slumber as well as the thirst. If you must know vampires have human qualities too. We get thirsty, really… really, thirsty. At 300 I, could control my thirst. A gift I found I had after a hundred years. Unraveling from the black satin covers. I hit the dismiss button and rose. My chamber had all the necessities I need in it. A bed and a glass of blood. Of course, I sniffed the air to see if I had any intruders venture into my home. You would be surprised how many times I have woken to the smell of food moving about my loft. The guy I rented the loft from is an ass. He likes to think he can come in anytime he wants.

One day I’m going to take a bite out of him. The air was clear so I opened the chamber door and cautiously peered out. Something was in the loft with me. I figured it was Alexander. I sighed as I stepped into the room. The frost in the air told me Alexander wasn’t the one paying me a visit, it was Miguel. How do they keep getting in? I thought.

“You sleep like the dead.” Miguel voiced as he smoothed down his grey pinstriped suit vest. I approached warily as I didn’t know what to expect from him. Last night he was choking the life from me. I heard the pun in his statement and didn’t respond. The dead slept like the dead because we were dead. I put on a casual air and eyed him. He was as beautiful as Alexander. The difference was that Miguel was cold. Everything he encountered became cold. Like I stated last night vampires don’t feel cold, we just know it’s there. So, I fired the question alexander asked the night prior.

“what brings you out on a night like this?”


The blunt word rattled me. I didn’t want a repeat of what happened centuries ago between Pierre and myself ad Raji to happen again.

“Really” I pulled my blood red robe closed and leaned against the island in the middle of the room. I watched Miguel’s black eyes move to my throat and then slowly travel up toy face. He stared intently. I heard Miguel’s words and blinked, then I laughed. He had a lot of nerve trying to use compulsion on me. The tingle from the night before started in my fingers and traveled up my arm. It wasn’t compulsion, it was a subtle barrier. Miguel’s black brow drew together as he eyed me. I cleared my throat and stared back. I was afraid and annoyed.

“Why? why do you or Alexander want me for a mate?”

“You intrigue us.”

“I won’t play that game again. You should leave!” “Really” Miguel stepped closer and I held my grounds. If he reached out and pulled out my heart. I wouldn’t be showing up for work tonight. Luck was in full force for me tonight as Miguel stopped as if he had bumped into a wall. The low growl ended with the word Alexander. To my surprise the tingle in my hand increased and I glanced down at my right wrist. Opaque lights danced along my skin. And increased as I slid down my arm to my fingertips, only to pool on the living room floor at my feet. The shimmering mass rose in the air as the door to the loft opened.

Alexander shook my keys in his hand. Tossed them to me with a wink and stepped inside. The shimmering pool of light float across the room and into Alexander’s right eye.



I was speechless as the door closed behind him. Deep down I knew this thing going on between us would lead to a battle.

“Find your own woman.”

“Funny you should say that brother, I have.”

I raised my hands hoping to get their attention. I had had enough of these two from last night. Tonight, we were running a Dark Glam special. They were going to make me late. The two-brother stepped up to each other face and snarled. I closed my eyes. I didn’t want to see two vampires fight. I had seen it before.


“what do you think?”


“About us staying here. Come on Pierre its perfect. The food is ripe and I do mean ripe (eye wiggle). They accept our kind. What more could we ask for?”

“You know why we can’t”

I closed my eyes. I was getting angry. I was tired of being hunted. I was tired of running.

“I don’t want to leave here.”

“Raji will find you if we don’t”

Once just once I wanted Pierre to be wrong, but I knew he was right. Raji would find me, the link between Sire and companion was strong. Raji would not let me go. He would find me and keep his promise.

“You will always be mine, he said as he sunk his teeth into my neck. That night on the bank I thought he was hurt, washed ashore from the night’s storm amongst the rocks. One of the crew whose ship shattered like a broken goblet upon the floor. My heart pounded loudly in my ears that night as Raji drained the life from me. When I woke, I fought at the bonds that held me in the arms of the moonlight that night. It was the bonds of Raji mind. The compulsion was strong and the thirst on me. Night after night I was Raji companion and play toy.

Moving in the shadows of the night, as well as the shadow in Raji mind. I was Raji prisoner for ten years when I stumbled upon Pierre. Raji enjoyed the constant torture he reigned over me. Sweet Pierre my Caribbean knight who traveled the isles. He said he was drawn to me because my soul reached out to him. He also said I looked like his little sister that died from the plague years ago, So, I escaped with Pierre. We ran from Raji. I learned to develop my traits or skills as you may call it. I learned to severe the link between me and Raji. Little did it do as he caught up with me in Rarotonga.

The night was warm and Pierre and I were on our evening feeding stroll. Neither one of us was paying attention to the festivities going on around us. A young couple had been married. We stooped dead in our tracks, we sensed him. Raji was standing across the opening of the bazaar staring intently at me. My hand shot out and grabbed Pierre’s arm. Raji thought projected into my mind and I gasped.

“You naughty plaything.”

“Arimina what is it?”

“Raji, he’s here.”

Pierre surveyed the crowd until he found Raji. I read Raji intentions in my mind and knew Raji meant to kill Pierre.

“No Let’s run.”

Pierre turned his auburn eyes to mine and gently touched my cheek.

“No more running. Didn’t you say you wanted to stay in Rarotonga.”

All I could do was nod and watch at what would eventually play out. Raji snarled as Pierre placed me behind him and faced him.

“I want to commend you on taking care of my little play thing. I would like her back now. I’m sure you had your fn.”

“Take your insult back Raji, we are companions only.”

Raji shrugged his shoulders and smiled wickedly as he stepped through the crowd. The people were oblivious to danger stalking through them. Oblivious to the fact that they were no more than just food to him. It was too late for them and for us as well. When Raji was done with Pierre he would kill them all, and continue torturing me. Just as the rain started to pour Raji’s doing did the battle of Raji and Pierre began. Changing my life forever. Raji was quick, Pierre quicker. They snarled and tore at each other. Clothes shredded from sharp nail that extended from their hands. Cuts opened and closed within their skin. Raji olive skin sliced open and closed Pierre’s coconut colored skin did the same.

The storm increased as their fight raged on. All it took was one compulsive thought to end it all. Raji compelled his minions to drive a stake through Pierre’s back bringing him to his knees. Pierre hissed and went into a blood rage, he turned on the humans and killed half of the village before they brought him down. Raji laugh echoed in my ears as he let himself be captured. His intention and payback was to have them kill us all. The natives that welcomed us, turned on us as well. And rightly so. I stood by helpless as the strong willed one captured all three of s.

Raji and Pierre was taken from me that night and chained to the cliff. I was made to watch from a dark cave as the sun rose. Its beautiful radiance wash over the isle and cleansed the chains holding them. Pierre and Raji vaporize into dust in the morning sun. Raji laughed the whole time. Since I killed no one. I was left alone in the cave. I stayed until night fall. I left the island and never looked back. Raji taught me that our kind was cruel and so were humans. I wander for years being alone. I couldn’t blame the humans as Pierre had killed innocent people. His actions of protection let me all alone.

Now here I am centuries later getting ready to relive the night in Rarotonga all over again. Wanting no part of it. I turned and walked back the way I came. Back into my chamber and locking the door. When I re-exited again. I would find out who was still alive…


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